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Immunization Update SNOW Conference October 10, 2014

Trang Kuss, RN, MN, MPH Office of Immunization and Child Profile www.doh.wa.gov/immununizations/schoolandchildcare. Immunization Update SNOW Conference October 10, 2014. Topics for Today. School immunization requirements Reporting Upcoming changes CIS and COE revision update

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Immunization Update SNOW Conference October 10, 2014

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  1. Trang Kuss, RN, MN, MPH Office of Immunization and Child Profile www.doh.wa.gov/immununizations/schoolandchildcare Immunization UpdateSNOW ConferenceOctober 10, 2014

  2. Topics for Today • School immunization requirements • Reporting • Upcoming changes • CIS and COE revision update • Varicella Implementation Plan

  3. School Requirements forSchool Year 2014-15

  4. Immunization RequirementsDTaP 5 Five doses grades K-12 Exceptions 4 doses required if 4th dose given on or after 4th birthday DTaP given after 7 years of age counts for Tdap dose

  5. Immunization RequirementsTdaP 1 One dose for grades 6-12 if student is at least 11 years old Just so you know… Tdap given between ages 7 to 10 counts towards the requirement Td only: Tdap required

  6. Immunization RequirementsDTaP/Tdap/Td Students 7 years of age or older ≤ 4 doses of DTaP Tdap for catch-up No DTaP Tdap followed by 2 Td DTaP counts for Tdap DTaP given instead of Tdap

  7. Immunization RequirementsHep B 3 Three doses grades K-12

  8. Immunization RequirementsHep B

  9. Immunization RequirementsIPV 4 Four doses grades K-12 Exception 3 doses required if 3rd dose given on or after 4th birthday

  10. Immunization RequirementsIPV K-3rd grade Dose 4, if given on or after August 7, 2009 Must be given ≥ 4 years of age Separated from dose 3 by ≥ 6 months

  11. Immunization RequirementsIPV K-12th grade Dose 4, if given before August 7, 2009 Dose 1 must be given ≥ 6 weeks of age 4 week minimum interval must separate all doses Dose 4 must be given ≥ 18 weeks of age

  12. Immunization Requirementsmmr 2 Two doses grades K-12

  13. Immunization Requirementsvaricella 2 Two doses grades K-6 Grades 7-12: recommended, but not required

  14. Immunization Requirementsvaricella Valid provider verification Option one Option two Option three Option four Blood test showing titer for immunity Documentation in iis or cis printout Letter from provider (out of state valid) Provider documents on cis hard copy

  15. reporting • twooptions: • Report in the Immunization Information System (IIS) (www.waiis.wa.gov) - OR - • Email export from Student Information System to oicpschools@doh.wa.gov (NO hard copies of Skyward report forms please) Instructions for filling out the report: How to Complete the School Immunization Status Report (PPT)

  16. Reporting Any questions?email oicpschools@doh.wa.gov • For those using the IIS: • Email with username and password sent in Sept. to current users • If new user, register here: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e9s5q0a0hzlhgg9t/_tmp/greeting

  17. Reporting More information about preschool/child care reporting: www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Schools/Immunization/ChildCareStatusReporting.aspx Preschool/child care reporting: • Do NOT use the IIS, but use online survey tool: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e6ehotx6h79ls3x5/a011mh853m8gc/questions– OR – • Email export from Student Information System to oicpschools@doh.wa.gov (NO hard copies of report forms please)

  18. Cis changes • Separated tdap and td • removed parent verification of varicella • additional rows for pcv and meningococcal vaccines • added parent consent for iis

  19. 1st page: Medical, Personal, and Religious Exemption Request 2nd page: Religious Membership Exemption Request COE changes

  20. DRAFT Varicella Implementation Plan K K K 7 K 8 1 1 10 11 11 12 12 1 1 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 11 4 4 4 12 5 5 5 6 6 6 9 2 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 9 10 11 12 8 8 8 7 7 7 Pending State Board of Health approval in November

  21. RESOURCES • School and Child Care web page: www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Schools/Immunization • Vaccines Required charts: www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Schools/Immunization/VaccineRequirements • Conditional status FAQs in Immunization Manual for School, Preschool, and Child Care: www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Schools/Immunization/SchoolManual • Individual Vaccine Requirements Summary: www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Pubs/348-284-IndividualVaccineReqs2014-15.pdf • Email for help with determining student compliance: immunenurses@doh.wa.gov • Email for reporting questions: oicpschools@doh.wa.gov

  22. Questions?? Thank you so much!We really appreciate all you do!

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