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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Draft for PSC PAR and 5C Date Submitted: September 2010
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title:Draft for PSC PAR and 5C Date Submitted: September 2010 Source:Soo-Young Chang, CSUS, HyungSoo Lee, ETRI, Seong-Soon Joo, ETRI, JinkyeongKim, ETRI, Hoosung Lee, ETRI, Wooyong Lee, ETRI, Liang Li, Vinno, Zhen Cao, China Mobile, and HaiyunLuo, China Mobile Address: Contact Information: 530 574 2741 [sychang@ecs.csus.edu, hsulee@etri.re.kr, ssjoo@etri.re.kr, jkkim@etri.re.kr, hslee@etri.re.kr, wylee@etri.re.kr, liangli@vinnotech.com, caozhen@chinamobile.com, haiyunluo@chinamobile.com] Re: Abstract: This contribution is prepared with a hope to provide a baseline for discussions of PSC PAR and 5C. Purpose: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Slide 1
INTRODUCTION • This contribution is prepared to provide a baseline document for PSC PAR and 5C discussions. • The following issues were reviewed before preparing this document: • Definition of PSC • Use cases identified so far and new possible use cases • Technical requirements identified for these use cases • Review of system design proposed so far and similar technologies • New possible design for better performance • The following issues are addressed: • Procedures on how to proceed for the standardization of PSC • PAR and 5C revised/modified/updated Slide 2
WHY OTHER STANDARDS CAN NOT BE USED FOR THESE APPLICATIONS • 802.11x, 802.15.y, 802.16, and …. may be considered for PSC applications. • Judge whether the problems identified can not be solved by other standard technologies. • If it is not true, why not technically? • Prepare the problem statement and find out in what technical aspects these problems can not be solved by other standard technologies. • The above two points were considered to prepare PAR and 5C draft. • Item by item will be reviewed for PAR later. Slide 3
STEPS TO PROCEED FOR THIS PROJECT • STUDY GROUP ALREADY FORMED • Study needs and justification for PSC • Define target use cases. • Review other existing standard technologies and identify reasons why PSC can not be implemented through them. 5C outputted • Discuss and decide on scope • Identify technical requirements for indentified target use cases • Decide - new PHY and MAC or amendment of other PHY and/or MAC? PAR outputted Slide 5
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO PREPARE PAR AND 5C • Define PSC. • Identify use cases. • Identify conceptual system level technical requirements, not detailed technical requirements from identified use cases. • Detailed system design is not necessary: these requirements can be achieved through various technologies which can be proposed later: At this stage, a specific technology does not need to be considered for this standard. • Judge whether these requirements can be realized applying existing standard technologies. • Review existing technologies first. • Prepare PAR and 5C based on technical requirements identified. Slide 6
CONTENTS OF PAR AND 5C • Title • Project Authorization Request (PAR) • Scope of Proposed Standard • Purpose of Proposed Standard • Need for the Project • Stakeholders for the Standard • 5C • Broad Market Potential • Compatibility • Distinct Identity • Technical Feasibility • Economic Feasibility Slide 7
TITLE OF THE PROJECT Title: Standard for Personal Space Communications – MAC and PHY specifications for medium rate wireless connectivity optimized for media broadcasting and communications in PANs or LANs [6] Revised: Standard for Personal Space Communications – MAC and PHY specifications for broad range of rates wireless connectivity optimized for simple control to high rate media broadcasting and communications in personal space areas 15.3a: Amendment to Standard for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - LAN/MAN Specific Requirements - Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher Speed Physical Layer Extension for the High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) 15.4g: IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) - Amendment: Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications for Low Data Rate Wireless Smart Metering Utility Networks) 15.5: Recommended practices for mesh topology capability in Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). 15.6: Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 15.6: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)used in or around a body. 15.7: PHY and MAC standard for short-range wireless optical communication using visible light Slide 8
PAR: SCOPE OF PROPOSED STANDARD (2) Scope: This Standard defines the PHY and MAC specifications for medium data rate wireless connectivity optimized for personal media communications typically operating in a range of 30 meters or less. The specifications are intended to support features such as selective broadcasting, extremely low latency, cell extension or relay, robust synchronization, low power consumption, etc. [6] Revised: This Standard defines the PHY and MAC specifications for broad range of data rates from 0.5 Mbps to 4 Mbps (8 and 16 Mbps optional) dynamically scalable in a frame, wireless connectivity for personal space communications typically operating in a range of 30 meters or less, using existing unlicensed bands. The specifications are intended to support features for user specific personalized space communications including dynamic group association for personalized control, precise location of users, selective broadcasting, synchronized range extension or relay among user personal spaces, data exchanges with fast synchronization among all levels of devices, low power consumption, and mitigation of interference from adjacent transmitters. Scope of Proposed Project: Projected output including technical boundaries: REVISED STANDARDS - Projected output including the scope of the original standard, amendments and additions. Please be brief (less than 5 lines). Slide 10
PAR: PURPOSE OF PROPOSED STANDARD (2) Purpose: To provide a standard for cost effective, high quality and medium data rate wireless media connectivity among personal devices and networks. The raw data rate will be high enough (maximum of 4Mbps) to support transmission and broadcasting of most of personal media such as voice, music, data, and video. [6] Revised: To provide a global standard for cost effective, high quality and broad range of data rates from simple data to two way voice/video streaming and broadcasting, wireless synchronized connectivity among devices in a personal space and among networks of adjacent personal spaces using unlicensed radio spectrum for personally tailored environment and entertainment management. The raw data rate will be dynamically scalable from 0.5 Mbps to high 4Mbps (8 and 16 Mbps optional) to support communication and broadcasting of variety of human individual related information and contents such as voice, music, control data, and video simultaneously with one platform. Various levels of heterogeneous devices associated to a person can exchange information with dynamically configurable topologies to accommodate new service requests during operation. The existing WPAN technologies do not support the combination of reliability (QoS), low power, dynamic scalability of data rates and configurability of topologies adaptable to new services, required to broadly address the variety of personal space applications. Purpose of Proposed Project: Intended users and user benefits: REVISION STANDARDS - Purpose of the original standard and reason for the standard's revision. Please be brief (less than 5 lines). Slide 12
PAR: NEEDS FOR PROJECT (2) Need for the Project: No other existing standard technologies can provide multichannel two-way medium data rate wireless connectivity and selective broadcasting to unlimited receivers while maintaining the low power requirements and without causing interference to similar devices or to other users on the same spectrum with dissimilar MAC and PHY. [6] – the presenter is not sure of the above statement. One platform or solution for various levels of applications or information exchange is the most important. Revised: This standard is to provide a communication means to a personalized space involving various devices associated a single individual to be controlled and managed in a personally tailored fashion. For this personal environment, the convergence of previously distinct media and contents into common protocols and interfaces on a single solutionis inevitable for accommodating the breadth of applications such as simple control data exchange, voice telephony, and video streaming with a single platform. A broad range of data rates should be dynamically scalable to user contents and information exchanges should be synchronized for temporally dynamic association of devices. For some cases, multiple individuals are involved in communications and broadcasting which entails low latency and synchronization among multiple personal spaces and among remote spaces which requires synchronized relay among multiple spaces and areas. No other existing standard technologies can provide these features. Slide 14
PAR: STAKEHOLDERS FOR THE STANDARD Stakeholders for the Standard: The stakeholders include but are not limited to: [6] • Telecom industry • Mobile device manufacturers • Game device manufacturers and content providers • Consumer electronics industry Slide 15
5C: 1. BROAD MARKET POTENTIAL (2) a) Broad sets of applicability. The proposed standard opens up new markets with its capabilities and new advanced features such asits concurrent multi rate information delivery, group broadcasting capability, concurrent multichannel connectivity, superior synchronization capability, low latency and other differentiating features which have not been feasible with the current technologies. Applications demanding the proposed capabilities include Group Games, Group Conferencing, Multi-lingual Simultaneous Interpretation System, Personal Broadcasting Station, Stereo Wireless Karaoke, Wireless Tour Guide, Wireless Audio, Drive-in Shop Operations Audio, Mobile VoIP, Internet Radio, Mobile IPTV, 2-way Remote Control, Wireless PBX, and convergence of such applications. • As the speed of data access on the network and the amount media contents on the web increase, and the activities by a user becomediversified in different directions, there will be increasing demand for seamless connectivity between an individual user and the network and devices surrounding the users as she or he moves around. Due to technical limitation of the currently available standard solutions, certain markets have been underserved. Therefore, it is expected that, because of its features optimized for personalized wireless communications, PSC will be a vital component in a new communication paradigm, “5G communications” where a user is the center of all the connectivity. The new communication paradigm will open up additional sets of applications which are not practically feasible with currently available solutions including personalized environment setting, remote personal device managementand future ubiquitous & 5G mobile communication. Slide 17
5C: 1. BROAD MARKET POTENTIAL (3) b) Multiple vendors and numerous users Participation of members from various industry sectors and institutions including international wireless industry, academic researchers, system integrators, consumer electronics companies, and potential end users in the IEEE 802.15 PSC study group demonstrate the broad interest in the utilization of personal space communication technologies. The standard will be optimized to meet the cost and other requirements from these sectors to ensure broadening the markets and increasing the number of target users. Availability of the technology for use at reasonable license fee and a huge potential of new markets will be a base of benefits due to the economy of scale. The target user base will be large as indicated by the growing demand for ubiquitous connection without human interaction such as remote sensor, remote bio-monitoring and personal environment service. c) Balanced costs (LAN versus attached stations) Despite of broader and superior functionalities and capabilities, the technology is of such a simplistic form without much increased complexity. That’s why solutions can be implemented and chips can be manufactured at a price comparable to other PAN solutionssuch as Bluetooth and ZigBee. The proposed project will be developed with the aim that the connectivity costs will be a reasonably small fraction of the cost of the target devices such as sensors, tags, human-interface devices, etc. Slide 18
5C: 2. COMPATIBILITY IEEE 802 defines a family of standards. All standards shall be in conformance with IEEE 802.1 Architecture, Management and Interworking. All logical-link-control (LLC) and media-access (MAC) standards shall be compatible with ISO 10039, MAC Service Definition 1, at the LLC/MAC boundary. Within the LLC Working Group there shall be one LLC standard, including one or more LLC protocols with a common LLC/MAC interface. Within a MAC Working Group there shall be one MAC standard and one or more Physical Layer standards with a common MAC/Physical layer interface. Each standard in the IEEE 802 family of standards shall include a definition of managed objects, which are compatible with OSI systems management standards. Note: This requirement is subject to final resolution of corrections and revision to current ISO 10039, currently inconsistent with ISO 8802 series standards. The MAC and PHY layers of the PSC Standard will be compatible with the IEEE 802 in terms of its architecture, management scheme and inter-networking interfaces as needed. [7] Slide 19
5C: 3. DISTINCT INDENTITY (1) Slide 20
5C: 3. DISTINCT INDENTITY (2) • Substantially different from other IEEE 802 standards • We are currently not aware of any other 802 standard that has been tasked with facilitating the features and capabilities meeting the data rates, power consumption, and the implementation complexity at the same time. • i) Dynamic scalability of data rates in a frame • Various devices associated to a user in a personal space have their unique services and features demanding variety of data rates with low latency for most cases. This fact requires data rates dynamically scalable in a data frame to be adapted to abrupt service requests for personal environment control without human interruption. • ii) Concurrent broadcasting of multiple various-rate multimedia streams Multiple streams of low to medium rate multimedia can be simultaneously broadcast within a personal space area to unlimited number of receivers. In addition to the capacity and scalability, such simultaneous broadcast streams do not cause interference to neighboring networks or connectivity between devices. iii) Multi-peer group communication The standard needs to enable m to n media streaming connectivity with up to multiple stereo-audio and multiple stereovoice channelsaccording to the anticipated specification. This is implemented by the unique structure and features that enable a device to listen to multiple channels on the network at the same time. iv) Low latency The target one-way latency from a transmitting party to a receivingpartyis less than 10ms for mono audio and 20ms for stereo audio. Such low latency is essential for highly interactive real time applications. Slide 21
5C: 3. DISTINCT INDENTITY (3) b) One unique solution per problem(not two solutions to a problem) The Personal Space Communications (PSC) Standard will consist of one Medium Access Control and Physical Layer per problem. We are unaware of any existing standard that will address this class of devices. The standard will address a unique solution for personal space communications in free space. The standard will provide short-range communication using the unlicensed band and target various applications such as secure point-to-point communication; indoor location-based services (LBS); secure point-to-multipoint communication (office, home); information broadcast, etc. c) Easy for the document reader to select the relevant specification The proposed PSC standard will be a distinct document with clearly distinguishable specifications. Slide 22
5C: 4. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY (2) a) Demonstrated system feasibility More than one Million chips and devices using the technology standardized as ISO/IEC 29157, of which most features will be proposed to be included in a baseline of extension for PSC, have been already deployed and in use in the market. Products powered with the technology includes Educational Interactive Wireless Microphones, Wireless Microphones for Conferencing, Portable Conference Master, and Wireless Stereo Microphones for both Home and Commercial Karaoke. These products have been introduced to the market for the past five years. These demonstrate feasibility of some of key features for PSC and its implementation in the form of chips as well as products built with the technology. • b) Proven technology, reasonable testing The current version of the chip which implements some of core technologies for PSC is the result of more than 10 years of R&D. Each version of the past system chips has gone through rigorous testing before being put into the market. The technology is well proven both by laboratory testing and market acceptance. Slide 24
5C: 4. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY (3) c) Confidence in reliability • The air interface protocol will be designed to meet commercial reliability standards. Previously • demonstrated and commercialized chips provide confidence in the reliability of the proposed project. The current chip having most of the key features has gone through 5 times of redesign and repackaging. Considerable improvements in terms of the cost and the final reliability of the chip have been achieved during the past few years, and they have been proved by the real users. Therefore, it is convinced that the performance of the technology is as solid and reliable as can be. Coexistence of 802 wireless standards specifying devices for unlicensed operation • The proposed PSC can coexist in the same spectrum band with other wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, and WiFi. A “listen-before-transmit” mode isset as a default and interference mitigation scheme is utilized to avoid interference cased by collision between any hopping channelsof other collocated technologies. Slide 25
5C: 5. ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY (2) a) Known cost factors, reliable data The complexity of both PHY and MAC are comparable to the other competing WPAN technologies. Key components can be produced at a cost comparable to those of other existing technologies.High-volume applications using PSC devices in components like mobile phones will enable a low-cost source of components. Development efforts for PSC will ensure a cost that is consistent with reasonable business strategy. b) Reasonable cost for performance • In spite of thesystem’snumerous unique features not to be found in other existing technologies, based on test results and prototypes, the costs of end products can be comparable with others and fairly reasonable for vendors and ultimate users, while the estimates meet expected size, and power requirements. • c) Consideration of installation costs There's no substantial installation cost involved. As soon as multiple PSC devices come in proximity to each other, automatic master selection and grouping processes will take place to setup an instantaneous connectivity. Although use of AP-like device might be useful in certain application scenarios, no fixed AP-like device is arequirement for operations in PSC use cases.One of the project objectives includes low-cost installation with minimal to no operator intervention. Slide 27
CONCLUSIONS: PAR AND 5C PROPOSED • PAR and 5C proposed in this document • By reviewing PARs and 5C’s of other groups and by revising/modifying PAR and 5C proposed in 15-10-635r0 and 15-10-636r0 • By broadening and generalizing PSC using concepts already presented for PSC (and PES) • By emphasizing technical differences between PSC and existing technologies • The presenters prepared this document with a hope for this document to be a baseline for further discussions on PSC PAR and 5C which will be performed in this Hawaii meeting. Slide 28
REFERENCES • 15-10-0169-01, Overview and Requirements of Personal Environment Service, Jongtaek Oh, et al., Mar. 2010 • 15-10-0156-03, Personal Space Communication with WPAN Broadcasting, S. M. Ryu, et al., Mar. 2010 • 15-10-0295-00, Telecom Services and Personal Space Communication, Liang Li, et al., May 2010 • 15-10-0349-00, Personal Broadcasting for Personal Space Communication, S. M. Ryu, et al., May 2010 • RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1822Framework for services supported by IMT • 15-10-0635-00-0psc-sg-psc-draft-par • 15-10-0636-00-0psc-sg-psc-draft-5c • 15-10-0350-00-0psc-regarding-psc-definition • 15-10-0594-00-0psc-psc-use-cases-and-technical-requirements • 15-10-0595-00-0psc-scope-of-communications-for-the-personalized-space • 15-10-0608-01-0psc-mobile-terminal-relay-and-psc • http://www.palowireless.com/bluearticles/packets.asp • http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/2003/Jan03/03036r0P802-15_WG-802-15-4-TG4-Tutorial.ppt Slide 29
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (1) 15.3a • Title: Amendment to Standard for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - LAN/MAN Specific Requirements - Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher Speed Physical Layer Extension for the High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) • Scope: From: This project will define an alternative PHY clause for a higher data rate amendment to standard 802.15.3. To: This project will define an alternative PHY clause, in the frequency range of up to 24GHz, for a higher data rate amendment to standard 802.15.3. • Purpose:The intent of this project is to provide a standard for a low complexity, low cost, low power consumption alternate PHY for 802.15.3 (comparable to the goals for 802.15.3). The data rate will be high enough, 110 Mb/s or more (see 18a), to satisfy an evolutionary set of consumer multi-media industry needs for WPAN communications. The project will address the requirements to support multimedia data types in multiple compliant co-located systems and also coexistence (18b). Slide 31
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (2) 15.4g • Title of Standard: : IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) - Amendment: Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications for Low Data Rate Wireless Smart Metering Utility Networks) • Scope: (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1) This Standard defines an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. It addresses principally outdoor Low Data Rate Wireless Smart Metering Utility Network requirements. It defines an alternate PHY and only those MAC modifications needed to support its implementation. Specifically, the amendment supports all of the following: • Operation in any of the regionally available license exempt frequency bands, such as 700MHz to 1GHz, and the 2.4 GHz band. • Data rate of at least 40 kbits per second but not more than 1000 kbits per second • Achieve the optimal energy efficient link margin given the environmental conditions encountered in Smart Metering deployments. • Principally outdoor communications • PHY frame sizes up to a minimum of 1500 octets • Simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks • Connectivity to at least one thousand direct neighbors characteristic of dense urban deployment Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE 802.11, 802.15 and 802.16 systems Slide 32
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (3) 15.4g • Purpose:To provide a global standard that facilitates very large scale process control applications such as the utility smart-grid network. This amendment supports large, geographically diverse networks with minimal infrastructure. Smart Metering Utility Networks can potentially contain millions of fixed endpoints. The communication range, robustness, and coexistence characteristics required for this class of application have not been met with existing 802 standards (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1). • Need for the Project: The need for a standard to promote orderly and quick evolution of smart-grid networks has been recognized in the recently passed energy legislation by the U.S. Congress (EISA 2007; Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007), which calls on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to work with standards bodies (such as IEEE) to develop protocols and standards for the smart-grid network. In the European Union, the need is no less urgent and similar standardization mandates, such as the EU’s 20/20/20 plan, are in process worldwide. The responses received by and presented to the 15.4g Study Group indicate an already large and rapidly growing market for wireless Smart Metering applications that fit the objectives of 802.15, but are not satisfied by existing IEEE 802 standards. (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1). The 802.15.4g Study Group tutorial held in Denver in July 2008 was attended by well over 100 participants. More than 40 participants responded to the call for interest in participating in the 802.15.4g standardization activity. Utility networking and very large scale industrial applications have requirements to keep infrastructure to a minimum, scale to millions of nodes across diverse geographical environments, and do so with carrier grade reliability. To reach every node in the network a Wireless Smart Metering Utility Network needs the capability to vary radio range while providing for high spectral reuse (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1). Slide 33
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (4) 15.5 • Title: Recommended practices for mesh topology capability in Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). • Scope: To provide a recommended practice to provide the architectural framework enabling WPAN devices to promote interoperable, stable, and scaleable wireless mesh topologies and, if needed, to provide the amendment text to the current WPAN standards that is required to implement this recommended practice. • Purpose:This project facilitates wireless mesh topologies optimized for IEEE 802.15 WPANs.Mesh Topologies provide: • Extension of network coverage without increasing the transmit power or the receiver sensitivity • Enhanced reliability via route redundancy • Easier network configuration • Better device battery life Slide 34
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (5) 15.6 • Title of Standard: : Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 15.6: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)used in or around a body. • Scope: This is a standard for short range, wireless communication in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but not limited to humans). It can use existing ISM bands as well as frequency bands approved by national medical and/or regulatory authorities. Support for Quality of Service (QoS), extremely low power, and data rates up to 10 Mbps is required while simultaneously complying with strict non-interference guidelines where needed. This standard considers effects on portable antennas due to the presence of a person (varying with male, female, skinny, heavy, etc.), radiation pattern shaping to minimize SAR* into the body, and changes in characteristics as a result of the user motions. *SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measured in (W/kg) = (J/kg/s). SAR is regulated, with limits for local exposure (Head) of: in US: 1.6 W/kg in 1 gram and in EU: 2 W/kg in 10 gram. This limits the transmit (TX) power in US < 1.6 mW and in EU < 20 mW. Slide 35
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (6) 15.6 • Purpose:The purpose is to provide an international standard for a short range (ie about human body range), low power and highly reliable wireless communication for use in close proximity to, or inside, a human body. Data rates, typically up to 10Mbps, can be offered to satisfy an evolutionary set of entertainment and healthcare services. Current Personal Area Networks (PAN)s do not meet the medical (proximity to human tissue) and relevant communication regulations for some application environments. They also do not support the combination of reliability (QoS), low power, data rate and noninterference required to broadly address the breadth of body area network applications. • Need for the Project: There is a need for a standard optimized for ultra low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body to serve a variety of applications including medical and personal entertainment. Examples of the applications served by the proposed standard are: Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electromyography (EMG), vital signals monitoring (temperature (wearable thermometer), respiratory, wearable heart rate monitor, wearable pulse oximeter, wearable blood pressure monitor, oxygen, pH value , wearable glucose sensor, implanted glucose sensor, cardiac arrhythmia), wireless capsule endoscope (gastrointestinal), wireless capsule for drug delivery, deep brain stimulator, cortical stimulator (visual neuro-stimulator, audio neuro stimulator, Parkinson’s disease, etc…), remote control of medical devices such as pacemaker, actuators, insulin pump, hearing aid (wearable and implanted), retina implants, disability assistance, such as muscle tension sensing and stimulation, wearable weighing scale, fall detection, aiding sport training. This will include body-centric solutions for future wearable computers. In a similar vein, the same technology can provide effective solutions for personal entertainment as well. The existence of a body area network standard will provide opportunities to expand these product features, better healthcare and well being for the users. It will therefore result in economic opportunity for technology component suppliers and equipment manufacturers. Slide 36
SAMPLE PARS FROM OTHER STANDARDS (7) 15.7 • Title of Standard: PHY and MAC standard for short-range wireless optical communication using visible light • Scope: This standard defines a PHY and MAC layer for short-range optical wireless communications using visible light. The visible light spectrum extends from 380 to 780 nm in wavelength. The standard is capable of delivering data rates sufficient to support audio and video multimedia services and also considers mobility of the visible link; compatibility with visible-light infrastructures; impairments due to noise and interference from, e.g., ambient light; health and other environmental effects; and a MAC layer that accommodates visible links. The standard will adhere to any applicable eye safety regulations • Purpose:The purpose of this standard is to provide a global standard for short-range optical wireless communication using visible light. The standard will provide (i) access to several hundred THz of unlicensed spectrum; (ii) immunity to electromagnetic interference and noninterference with RF systems; (iii) additional security by allowing the user to see the communication channel; and (iv) communication augmenting and complementing existing services (such as illumination, display, indication, decoration, etc.) from visible-light infrastructures. • Need for the Project: Visible light is drawing great interest as a new communication medium due to the following recent developments. Firstly, solid-state light sources are rapidly replacing conventional ones in signaling, illumination and display infrastructures. It thus becomes possible to carry communication data on such light sources. Secondly, the visible band is free from frequency regulation and RF interference so that it is well suited to RF crowded or RF restricted environments. Thirdly, the unique feature of visibility can enhance the physical-layer security and offer intuitive usage. Given the growing expectation of ubiquitous connectivity in all settings and environments, the need for unlicensed, high bandwidth, easy to use wireless communications technology has never been greater. Potential applications include secure point-to-point communication, indoor Location Based Service (LBS), secure point-to-Multipoint communication (office, hospital, airplane), Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), information broadcast, and etc. A visible light communication standard will provide economic opportunities to equipment manufacturers, component suppliers, service providers, and infrastructure operators. Slide 37