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Neutrons sources. Reactors : chain reaction of fission ? fast n thermal reactors: thermal neutrons (1.5 kT)Accelerators : various reactionse ? X and (X,n)(p,n), (p,xn) ,
1. Neutrons in radiation protectionneutron shieldingneutron dosimetry Prof. François Tondeur, DrSc
ISIB, Brussels, Belgium
2. Neutrons sources Reactors : chain reaction of fission ? fast n
thermal reactors: thermal neutrons (1.5 kT)
Accelerators : various reactions
e ? X and (X,n)
(p,n), (p,xn) ,
or applied (neutron therapy,
Generally fast neutrons
Neutron generators, isotopic sources Am-Be, 252Cf for various applications : fast neutrons
Most n sources also produce g rays
3. Neutron shields: basic principle Fast neutrons interact mostly by scattering
maximum energy loss with 1H(n,n)1H
Slow neutrons are easily captured by
10B(n,a)7Li 6Li(n,a)3H
(n,a) preferred (g need extra Pb shield)
Two steps
Slow-down of fast n by H-rich medium
Capture of slow n by B
4. Practice: basics Water (d1/10?20-40 cm according to e) + boric acid
Easy to prepare
Storage of source with easy handling
Risk of leakage and loss
Paraffin + borate
Easy to prepare
Risk of fire/melting
Concrete + boron compound
Increased thickness (x2), more weight
Permanent even if fire
5. Direct absorption Fast n shielding can also be based on direct absorption without moderation by (n,a) reactions, e.g. in steel
Thickness a bit smaller than paraffin, much higher weight
6. Neutron dosimetry
7. Effective dose Effective dose E = S wt.wr.Dtr [Sv]
regulated (workers <20 mSv/y, public <1 mSv/y)
sum over irradiated tissues t
sum over radiation types r (=e, g, p, n, a,
D = absorbed dose [Gy=J/kg]:
= physical quantity
can be measured directly (ion chambers,
can be calculated from fluence F: D = C(e).F
F = fluence (particles/m2) e=particle energy
8. Equivalent dose Htr = wr.Dtr [Sv]
Gammas and electrons : wr=1
Neutrons : wr(en)
<10 keV 5
10-100 keV 10
100-2000 keV 20
2-20 MeV 10
>20 MeV 5
? need of spectrometric information
9. ICRU dose H* and HP defined for measurement of the dose from penetrating radiation
Defined for the normalization of devices
Under specified test conditions, the devices must reproduce H = Q.D calculated at 1 cm depth in the body
Q(LET) depends on LET de/dx of (secondary) charged particles (e=particle energy)
? information on LET needed
10. Neutron-gamma discrimination n and g are both penetrating
They are both indirectly ionising
Evaluate LET of charged particles : individual events
g ? e low LET de/dx
n ? p or nuclei , high LET
Select specific reaction for n : appropriate medium
11. Thermal neutrons ? From dose measurements : Hn = 5 Dn .
n/g : difference of 2 detectors
Thermoluminescence 7LiF (g only) , 6LiF (n + g)
irradiated LiF emits light when heated
number of photons proportional to D
? From fluence / flux measurement
BF3 , 3He counters
n/g by pulse height (e range << counter ? low energy deposited ? small pulses)
12. Fast neutrons Fast neutrons interact in tissues mostly by elastic scattering on protons (80 % of the dose)
Tissue equivalent device : high proportion of H.
organic material, methane, hydrogen.
n/g :
2 detectors with and without H (e.g. CH4 / CO2)
By pulse height in gas : proportional counter
By pulse shape in some organic
e = short pulse , p = long pulse
13. Tissue equivalent proportional counter Developed for cosmic rays
Appropriate for high energies
No discrimination
Range > detector even
for secondary nuclei
LET ? e / d ,
d = average track length
in the detector
14. Spectral measurement If the spectral response of the detector is known, usually by Monte Carlo simulation, and n/g discrimination possible, the pulse height spectrum can be unfolded
R(En,Ed) = pulse height (Ed) spectrum for neutrons of energy En : to be calculated
M(Ed) = measured pulse height spectrum
S(En) = unfolded neutron fluence energy spectrum = dF/de
M(Ed)=S R(En,Ed).S(En) or (M)=(R).(S)
(S) = (R)-1.(M) deconvolution
15. unfolding
16. Monitors with moderator Except for H-rich detectors, excessive sensitivity to slow neutrons (high s), nearly no sensitivity for fast neutrons
? moderator shield (e.g. PE) around detector:
partial absorption of slow neutrons (efficiency ?)
slow-down of fast neutrons (efficiency ?)
thickness adjusted ? same ratio H/N (N=counts) for slow and fast
but H/N too big for
intermediate neutrons
(H overestimated)
17. Albedo dosimetry Principle: use the human body as a moderator
2 6LiF detectors (+ 2 7LiF for g)
One shielded by Cd for slow neutrons from the body
only sensitive to the slow neutrons of the field
One shielded for slow neutrons of the field
only sensitive to slow neutrons from the body
= fast neutrons from the field that are slowed down by the body
? calibration for slow and fast neutrons
Not calibrated at intermediate energies
18. Multi-sphere dosimetry Bonner spheres
K moderator spheres #i of increasing radius Ri around the detector
K measurements of Ni counts allow to determine Sk=DF/De for K energy groups by deconvolution, if the response matrix is calculated
Ni = Sk R(i,k)Sk (N)=(R).(S)
? (S)=(R)-1.(N)
K=10 or 12
19. Bubble dosimeters Replace now albedo for personal dosimetry
Superheated drops in a gel (at room T) are kept liquid by pressurisation . Pressure is released for the measurement
Drops form bubbles when enough energy is deposited in them .
This is the case for recoil protons (n), not for electrons (g)
The design allows
to approximately
obtain Nbubbles?H
Version for slow n with
sensitive element (Li,B ?)