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University of Nevada Las Vegas. UNLV. UNLV. Ali Albrecht Brittany Freight. How Technology has Changed the Way College’s Deliver their Programs and Services to the Student Body. Chris Desmarais Alexander Templeton. Presentation Overview:.
University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV UNLV Ali Albrecht Brittany Freight How Technology has Changed the Way College’s Deliver their Programs and Services to the Student Body Chris DesmaraisAlexander Templeton
Presentation Overview: • Issue 1:Online Academic AdvisingRationale: Used by Student Affairs for efficiency and ease of Academic Advising. • Issue 2: PodcastingRationale: Used by Student Affairs to reach students and beneficial for distance learning. • Issue 3: Emergency Alert ServicesRationale: To ensure that the students across the country are safe and able to be contacted as quickly as possible in the case of an emergency. • Issue 4:Flash TutorialsRationale: Used by Student Affairs and instructors for better retention and clarity of information when a student is present. • Issue 5:Smart ClassroomsRationale: State-of-the-Art technology incorporated into the classroom environment and justified by Student Affairs in retention and draw to the institution.
Terminology Clarification: • Online Academic Advising: Helps students to make better decisions when registering forclasses by giving information and helpful advice about courses. • Podcasting:Podcasts are audio or video files which have been recorded and downloaded on the Internet to be listened to at the user’s convenience. • Emergency Alert Services:A way to expedite notification to students in the event of: weather-related closures • Flash Tutorials: Two-dimensional moving of shapes, or text, to create tutorials of instruction so students can view when not present for class. • Smart Classrooms: Technologically advanced classrooms that might include such state-of-art technology as: Smart Boards, Elmo Paper Scanners, Overhead Projectors, Multiple Internet Seats, and various progressive Software’s.
Reasoning for Issues: • To advance the way information is shared with students. • Students learn in different ways: Podcasting, Online Academic Advising, Flash Tutorials and Smart Classrooms are able to accommodate every learning style. • Emergency Alert Services: To keep students safe while on college campuses.
Technology Mission: • UNLV Online Information Technology Mission Statement:Mission: (The importance of Information Technology at UNLV)The primary mission of the Office of Information Technology (OIT) is to support and enhance teaching, research, scholarly and creative production, and administration through the effective management and use of information technology resources. The Office of Information Technology also provides leadership in helping faculty, students and staff utilize innovative technologies that results in genuine benefits to the University.(http://oit.unlv.edu/about_us/mission.html. Retrieved: 2/11/2008)Services Provided Include: • Development and support of applications and information systems that meet the changing needs of students, faculty, and staff • Hardware and software maintenance, repair, and replacement for faculty and staff, teaching facilities, research facilities, college and department student laboratories, student laboratories, and administrative offices • Assistance with the development of instruction programs that are less restricted by time and place than are courses and programs delivered by traditional means • Access to the latest in instruction technology including training and incentives for integration of technology into the curriculum
Online Academic Advising (3) Categories:1. e-portfolios 2. Student Advising Systems 3. Student Learning Assessment Career Path Advice Online:
Issue 1: Online Academic Advising e-Portfolios: • The e-portfolio provides a vehicle for student users to: • Learn about and understand the skills that are desirable for them to acquire throughout the college experience • Become familiar with the array of experience opportunities in support of skill development • Become proactive in planning a set of experiences and skill acquisition throughout college in support of their career plans • Through reflection, translate a range of experience into skills and their career plans • The e-portfolio represents a powerful tool that support college student development, as well as, career development
e-Portfolio Pro’s: Enhancing careers services Integrating and assessing student learning Versatile as institution Students are driving force Issue 1: Online Academic Advising • e-Portfolio Con’s: • Early stages, long term effects limited • Complexity, cost and variability • Integration requires tech and time • Re-conceptualization of how institution defines and assesses learning Example of the Interface
Issue 1: Online Academic Advising • Student Advising System 2.0 (SAS2): The latest web-based project developed at California State University Dominguez Hills. • Helps students to make better decisions when registering for classes by giving them information and helpful advice about courses. • Intended to be user-friendly and effective. • SAS2 is built based on SAS previously designed technology. • SAS2 is designed to provide support for both students and faculty during advising. • The system combines: • Web-mediated advising. • Well thought algorithm, database technology and e-mail by using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) scripting language for coding. • “My Sequel” Structure Query Language (MYSQL): Database system for accessing students’ records, and e-mail technology application.
Issue 1: Online Academic Advising University of British Columbia (UBC), e-Strategy: • The implementation of new IT-based services or applications can play a direct role in enabling people to excel through simple time-saving tools and reliable infrastructure. • Structured methodology for Business Process Redesign (BPR). The methodology was introduced by JM Associates, a small higher education–focused consulting firm. • By designing and implementing its own business processes through easily configurable service-oriented software, a university can tailor its relationship with students and alumni, reflect unique aspects of research capabilities and goals, and save members of the community valuable time.
University of British Columbia, e-Strategy Developments: Issue 1: Online Academic Advising • Optical Light Paths: Secure, high-speed, point-to-point connections that connect directly to a remote resource. • Researchers can link the research team with needed resources. • Consider the example of a Student Information System (SIS). It supports business functions in the registrar’s office, such as registering students and collecting tuition payments. • Many of these systems do not allow a student to make payments that are not related to functions in the registrar’s office, such as library fines, parking fees, or buying textbooks. By contrast, a student needs to pay the bills, no matter which university department might be involved. • Existing systems tend to be oriented to the needs of the department, not to the needs of the end user. This can be restructured within IT using e-strategy.
Issue 1: Online Academic Advising UBC e-strategy: Systems Comprising Services • Developments in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) are based on the principle that systems of loosely coupled standardized services will be more flexible, less costly to maintain, and more reliable to use. • A service can be to “process a credit card payment” or “set up a light path.” Services communicate with one another through open standard protocols. They all speak the same language. • Rather than customizing complex software packages, people can configure services to interact in ways that reflect their needs. A service-oriented IT architecture holds the promise of liberating from best practice to our practice. • We will have the tools and systems capable of leaping departmental borders, but need agreement to use them, knowing that the new tools threaten to erode the clandestine departmental silos.
Online Advising Pro’s: Retention through restructuring: less idleness Addresses commuter student issue Applicable to transfer students Faculty members may be new and relatively unfamiliar with the curriculum Small ranks of faculty; requiring many departments to take special interest in advising students Distance learners Track their progress toward completion of their degree Issue 1: Online Academic Advising • Online Advising Con’s: • No face to face interaction • Remotely located students and international degree programs • Transfer students: less attention • Transferable credits from institutions • Appropriate plug-ins • Mandate for more open classes
Issue 2: Podcasting • Podcasting stands for Portable on Demand Broadcasting. • Podcasts are audio or video files which have been recorded and downloaded on the Internet to be listened to at the user’s convenience. • Podcasts can be listened to through the user’s computer or transferred to an mp3 device which can be listened to by the user at their convenience. • Five contributors to the rapid growth of Podcasts: • Pervasive internet activity • Growth in broadband internet access • Access to multimedia capable personal computers • A blur between streaming and downloading media content • The rapid adoption of portable MP3 playback devices
Issue 2: Podcasting • Five steps to create a Podcast: • Step 1: Create a script of what is going to be said or create dialogue as they go along • Step 2: Record footage using a digital recording device • Step 3: Edit footage using editing software • Step 4: Footage is uploaded to specific web server and then to a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed which points to a specific episode. • Step 5: User applies validation software to assure that the RSS is functioning properly • The Podcast episode is now ready to be distributed to numerous Podcasting sites.
Issue 2: Podcasting • Podcasting in Higher Education: • Several examples of how Podcasts are used: • Recording of live classrooms, usually lectures • University promotional materials, such as freshman orientation • Special event lecture series • Share announcements, such as sporting events • Describe homework assignments • Podcasts should be used to “supplement class materials so that students can better understand concepts, theories, and applications that may not have been available during the class.” (Vogele, 2006) • Podcasts allows students to revisit important information in order to grasp key aspects of lectures, assignments, announcement, etc.
Issue 2: Podcasting • Benefits of Podcasting in Higher Education: • Learner Control: Students can re-attend, pause, and fast forward to the information necessary to help them learn in the way that suits them best. • Accommodates Absent Students: Those that have an emergency or are sick and are unable to attend class can view the lecture from their own computer. • Significant Learning Aid for Auditory Learners: Benefits students that learn better through listening rather than reading or taking notes. • Conversational Voice for Online Classes: To see and/or hear a professor conducting a lecture may enhance the quality of learning through online classes • Convenience: Faculty and students can access Podcasts fairly easily
Issue 2: Podcasting • Challenges of Podcasting in Higher Education: • Faculty Buy-In Podcasting: Some professors may not understand the generation of students, may not be technologically sound for the use of Podcasts, or may not want to change traditional ways of teaching. • Not useful for the hearing impaired. • Two-way communication and audience participation is not found through the use of Podcasts. • Understanding Effectiveness: Since Podcasts are a newly used learning tool there is not a lot of evidence to show the effectiveness of Podcasts.
Issue 2: Podcasting • Podcasting has not been around for very long, there is not enough information to determine the effectiveness. • What we know: • It is effective for those students who are interested in the uses of Podcasting. • Podcasts are beneficial for students that learn better by hearing a lecture, speaker, or how to do homework. • Relatively ineffective for students that have no desire to use the tools provided through podcasts. • By giving Podcasts a chance to develop over time, case studies will have more of an impact on determining effectiveness.
‘EMERGENCY’ Emergency Alert Services:
Issue 3: Emergency Alert Services • What are Emergency Alert Services (EAS)?A way to expedite notification to students in the event of a weather-related closure or an emergency situations that my be occurring on or near the Universities campus. • Uses of Emergency Alert Services:These systems have recently been added to college campuses to insure that rapid, coordinated, and effective responses about a crisis situation reach students. • Emergency Alert Services systems have been installed at hundreds of universities across the country since the massacre at Virginia Tech last April.
Issue 3: Emergency Alert Services • Cell phone alerts are promising new technology because they can quickly reach students at any time and/or place they may be. • 3n, Omnilert LLC, ClearTXT, MIR3 Intelligent Notification, School World, Honeywell International, and Instant Alert are just some of the companies that specialize in the Emergency Alert Services and currently have accounts with universities and colleges around the country. • These companies are unique in that they have the ability to send thousands of messages per minute, which is a necessity when talking about alerting an entire college campus community of an emergency.
Issue 3: Emergency Alert Services • EAS Pro’s: • The ability to hastily distribute a message regarding an emergency. • Able to reach a large number of the student population. • Relatively inexpensive to employ on a campus. • EAS Con’s: • Not all students feel comfortable giving out their personal information to the university. • Not all students receive the messages due to server problems.
Issue 3: Emergency Alert Services Case Study:Purdue University Tests Emergency Messaging • (As reported in BizEd, 2007. 6(6), p. 64) • Companies were focused on the function or ability to send out mass numbers of messages and calls and not on their actual performance. • Purdue began by asking how many of the messages were actually received by their students. • One-day experiment where thousands of students volunteered to accept and respond to text messages and e-mails. • Company text-messaging system, as well as, the schools e-mail system were used for the study. • Researcher at Purdue University tracked the following aspects of the study: • Time taken for messages to be delivered. • Time taken for volunteers to send confirmation of receipt of a message.
Issue 3: Emergency Alert Services Purdue University Case Study continued: • 9,900 text messages and 56,000 e-mails were sent in within seven minutes. • 5,700 people in the text-message study responded to the message as instructed, with just under 300 of them coming within the first ten minutes. • 19,535 e-mails responses were received with 10,000 in the first hour • 364 confirmed delivery failures were experienced during the study. • It was later discovered that many volunteers received the messages but simply did not respond to them. • Purdue then reviewed the data that was collected from this study and planned on running a second test study before finalizing which company they would work with for their Emergency-notification system.
Flash Tutorials: Moving 2D pictures for instruction of completing tasks Flash Tutorials:
Issue 4: Flash Tutorials • Flash Animation is an animated film which is created using Adobe Flash animation software and often distributed in Shockwave file format. It can be created in Flash or with other programs capable of writing Shockwave files. • Flash is able to integrate bitmaps and other raster-based art, as well as video, most Flash films are created using only 2D, vector-based drawings which often result a clean graphic appearance. • Flash animations are typically distributed by way of the World Wide Web. Web Flash animations may be interactive and are often created in a series. Flash animations are being more and more widely used in the multi-user community with Flash generators and embedded videos in user's profiles across the internet. • Instructors are now using Flash animations as tutorials on websites for explanation and step-by-step instruction for student viewing if they are not present for class.
Issue 4: Flash Animation Moving AnimationTutorial Start Finish Computer Tutorial: Programmed instruction provided to a user at a computer terminal, often concerning the use of a particular software package and built into that package. Adobe Flash
Issue 4: Example of Flash Interface the your work. WEEK 4: Begin Midterm AssignmentThis week, we began our midterm assignment. Below is a link to set of storyboards. Your midterm boards should have good composition, shot variety, and should be clear. TOPICS COVERED THIS WEEK:• Why storyboarding? Where is it used?• Importance of Composition• How to draw and sketch utilizing basic shape and line.• The power of line and its psychology. What emotion do jagged lines suggest?• Rule of Thirds and The Golden Mean as it relates to composition.• The 180 degree rule. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT:Work on your midterm assignment entitled: "A character overcoming an obstacle"• 24 panels.• 4" x 6" panels • Mount Board • Include shot description and any dialogue.NEXT WEEK:• Overall Neatness and Craftsmanship• Verbal Presentation• Clarity of line• Value and Shading• Composition and Shot Variety Examples provided bywww.randolfdimalanta.com
Professor Marc Meyer of Columbia University uses a Smart Board to access online documents Smart Classrooms:
Issue 5: Smart Classrooms • What are Smart Classrooms? • Classrooms equipped the latest technology of learning based tools. For example: • Projector Systems: The ability to project from in-class Windows and Macintosh computers, laptops, and traditional paper or printed materials • Internet Connectivity for Laptops: Wireless internet connection • Elmo Paper Scanner / Projectors: Traditional text, paper, or transparency sources can be used for immediate sharing of your presentation materials this in-class projection system. • Ceiling-Mounted Document Cameras: Used to record lectures for further viewing through Podcasts. • Single Control Systems: For intuitive switching of sources to projector and internal display (e.g., computer, VHS, DVD, laptop, etc). Can switch sources directly from system as well as remote. • Other Resources: Modern Computers, VCR / DVD Players, Electronic Whiteboards, Speaker / Sound Systems
Issue 5: Smart Classrooms • Helpful Products for the Smart Classroom:Digital Voice Recorder: • This product records audio and has the capability to translate to text. This feature makes it easier for students to have effective notes. • Can also translate speech and text to five different languages. • Especially helpful for students that are hearing impaired. • International students would also benefit from this device. While they are learning the native language, they can be sure they are understanding the information correctly with the digital voice recorder. • How Smart Boards Work: • USB cable and draws the power it needs from the computer. • When you connect a digital projector to your computer, you can project the computer image onto the SMART Board interactive whiteboard. • Driver converts contact with the interactive whiteboard into mouseclicks or digital ink. • Enables you to use your finger as a mouse or write overtop of applications.
Issue 5: Smart Classrooms • What is the purpose of Smart Classrooms? • To provide educational opportunities for student learners. • “…to provide classroom environments using technology that promotes active participation, learning and assessment, and prepares students for the “real world” environments in which they hope to excel” (SDSU, 2007). • Many universities that have invested into “Smart Classrooms” have set up designated rooms with specific hardware and software needed for class instruction. • For example, a web design course will need to be in a room that has a computer with the proper software installed for the purpose of the class. It is not necessary for every classroom to have computers for everyone, but in this case it is essential. • Smart Classrooms cater to the total class size as well. A large projection screen is needed, along with other smart classroom equipment for a class size of 100-150 people.
Issue 5: Smart Classrooms • Key Points: • Design a Smart Classroom for those that will teach and learn from it. • Know the function of each classroom. • Provide support: A support staff that knows how the technology used works is necessary • Keep them updated: To have a successful Smart Classroom, the latest software is needed to assure students are learning the most up to date information. • Be flexible • Keep it simple: Putting too much technology in the classroom makes it difficult for common use.
Conclusions: “Leaders have to act more quickly today. The pressure comes much faster.” -Andrew Grove, Former CEO of Intel “When computers (people) are networked, their power multiplies geometrically. Not only can people share all that information inside their machines, but they can reach out and instantly tap the power of other machines (people), essentially making the entire network their computer.” -Scott McNeely, Director of Consumer Affairs at Viator, Inc. “Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living.” -Nicholas Negroponte, Architect, Computer Scientist and Professor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
References: • Anonymous, (2007). Purdue Tests Emergency Messaging. BizEd, 6 (6), 64. • Beheshti, M., Tran, T., Kowalski K., Han, J. (2006). Student Advising System. (SAS 2.0). • Dimalanta, R., (2008). Website of Instructor, Animator, Designer at the Art Institute of Las Vegas. http://www.randofdimalanta.com • Dodds, T. (2007). Information Technology: A Contributor to Innovation in Higher Education. New Directions For Higher Education. No. 137, Spring. • Foster, A. (2007). After Virginia Tech, Campuses Rush to Add Alert Systems. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 54 (6). • Flanagan, B., & Calandra, B., (2005). Podcasting in the Classroom. Retrieved Feb. 8, 2008, from http://eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/1e/1d/f3.pdf • Garis, J. W. (2007). E-portfolios: Concepts, Designs and Integration Within Student Affairs. New Directions For Student Services. No. 119, Fall. • Gribbins, M. (2007). The Perceived Usefulness of Podcasting in Higher Education: A Survey of Students’ Attitudes and Intention to Use. Retrieved Feb. 7, 2008, from http://people.uis.edu/mgribbin/MWAIS2007paper.pdf • Hoover, E., & Lipka, S. (2007). Colleges Weigh When to Alert Students of Danger. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 54 (15), A1 - A28, 3p, 1c.
References: • Kennedy, M. (2004). To Cope With the World as it Exists in 2004, Education Administrators must be Prepared to Respond to Security Crises and Threats of Terrorism. American School and University, 76 (6), supp. 4, 6 & 8. • Murphy, C. (n.d.). ABC ‘s of Smart Classrooms. Retrieved Feb. 9, 2008, from http://www.softwaresecure.com/pdf/ABCs%20of%20Smart% • Shim, J., Shropshire, J., Park, S., Harris, H., & Campbell, N. (2007). Podcasting for e-learning, communication, and delivery. Emerald, 107(4), 587-600. Retrieved February 6, 2008, fromhttp://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/Insight/ViewContentServlet?Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/0291070408.html • Smart Classrooms. (2007). Retrieved Feb. 10, 2008, from http://its.sdsu.edu/resources/smartclassroom. • Smart Technologies ULC, (2008). Retrieved from site: http://www2.smarttech.com/st/enUS/Products/SMART+Boards/Front+Projection/600+Series/Default.htm 20Classrooms_Sylbus2002.pdf. • Vogele, C. ,& Gard, E., (2006) Podcasting for Corporations and Universities; Look Before you Leap. Journal of Internet Law, Retrieved Nov. 14, 2007 from http://ssrn.com/abstract=995059. • Waters, J. K., (2007). In Case of Emergency. T.H.E. Journal, 34(4), 18.