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Perkins IV – IC Web-based Year-To-Date(YTD) Expenditure and Progress Reporting Tutorial

Perkins IV – IC Web-based Year-To-Date(YTD) Expenditure and Progress Reporting Tutorial. Presenter: Dr. Maureen White Developer: Dr. Chuck Wiseley 12/9/10. Session Agenda. Year-To-Date (YTD) system overview Reporting periods Integrated system Rules based Resources available

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Perkins IV – IC Web-based Year-To-Date(YTD) Expenditure and Progress Reporting Tutorial

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Perkins IV – IC Web-based Year-To-Date(YTD) Expenditure and Progress Reporting Tutorial Presenter: Dr. Maureen White Developer: Dr. Chuck Wiseley 12/9/10

  2. Session Agenda • Year-To-Date (YTD) system overview • Reporting periods • Integrated system • Rules based • Resources available • District profile • Data entry & certification • Budget changes and approvals

  3. Perkins YTD Overview • http://misweb.cccco.edu • Select YTD • Six fiscal periods • Application budget • Four quarterly reports • Final report

  4. Perkins YTD Overview • Reporting due dates: • Application budget: completed with application – usually in May • YTD • First Quarter: due October 25 • Second Quarter: due January 25 • Third Quarter: due April 25 • Fourth Quarter: due July 25 • YTD Final Report: Summary expenditures due August 25 • Final Report: Program level narrative & expenditures due August 31

  5. Perkins YTD Overview (continued) • Integrated with: • Online Applications • Final Reports • Email notification systems • Reminders • Passwords • Late notices • Information Distribution

  6. Perkins YTD Overview (continued) • Rules based system • Passwords determine authority • Data entry • Certification • Legal Articles • Article I • Budget rules • Reporting timelines

  7. Available Resources • User/Usage Guide • Application Legal Articles • Fiscal Year specific • Resource Guide (posted on CTE website) • CTE Unit Project Monitor

  8. Logon screen

  9. Logon

  10.  Select Year

  11.  Select District Profile

  12.  District Profile

  13.  Select Budget Change

  14. Budget Changes are Required • Prior approval is required by Legal Article I • When a budget line (1000, 2000 etc) is • Opened • Goes from zero to something • Closed • Goes from something to zero • Audit notes are maintained for out of compliance changes

  15. Budget Change

  16.  Select Q1

  17.  Q1

  18.  Q1 -2

  19.  Q1 -3

  20.  Q1 -4 certify

  21.  certify

  22.  Submit

  23.  Certified

  24. Questions & Comments • Thank you for your time. • Questions: Contact your CTE Project Monitor • www.cccco.edu • Chancellor's Office • > Divisions • > Econ. Dev. & Work. Prep. • > CTE • CTE Staff Directory • Comments on this tutorial are welcome.

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