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Term one overview!. Swimming. We had a great time at swimming in term one learning new skills and practicing our swimming technique! It was fantastic to see so many of us had set and achieved swimming goals this term!
Swimming • We had a great time at swimming in term one learning new skills and practicing our swimming technique! • It was fantastic to see so many of us had set and achieved swimming goals this term! • To celebrate our last day of swimming for this year, we had a fun day. We enjoyed time together in the pool and continued to work on our swimming confidence. • Can you count how many times we used the word swimming on this page and try explaining the strategy you used to work this out?
Kitchen/Cooking • It was fantastic to get into the kitchen to do some cooking last term! • Our “Fruit Rockets” tasted delicious! We all had a red hot go at creating these on skewers and tasting new fruits. • We can’t wait to get back in the kitchen in term two and challenge ourselves to make something new. • We loved that our families came in to help us learn new skills in the kitchen. Thank you mums and dads for all your help!
Easter Hat Parade • Our buddy grade visited our class to help get creative and share ideas for Easter. We collaborated with 5B to create our very own Easter hats, for the school parade. We used a range of different materials to make a our hats colourful and special. • We also made our own Easter baskets and left them out for the Easter Bunny. We were very lucky that he left us a surprise after visiting our school for the parade. • At the parade the Easter Bunny visited our school and we walked around to show our awesome hats off to the school communality and students. • Who can use their yellow thinking hat to share some of the positives about working with our buddy grade 5B, to design and create our Easter hats?
maths During term one we worked in pairs, teams and as a class to develop our maths skills. Some of the things we worked on included; • Tens timestables • Counting over 100 • Looking at hundreds charts to practice our skip counting • Ordering numbers from different starting points • Counting on • Counting collections of items • Making ten – using our tens mates fans • Tens and ones • Numbers in words, pictures and numerals • Reading calendars, ordering seasons, months and days of the week • Recording 100 days of school • Tangrams - shapes • Games, rotations and lots more
English In term one we started our English teams. In our teams we work together in pairs and on an individual level to complete set tasks in the area of literacy. Some of these tasks include; • Guided reading with Miss Adie • Creating and making puzzles • Computer activities • Creating silly sentences • Cutting and pasting words and letters • Writing reflections • Sound of the week • Procedures • Matching pictures, words and symbols • Rhyming words • Language experience
In term one we spent a lot of time working on our writing. Practicing some of the things we learnt last year in prep and working on new strategies. Some of the whole class writing focuses included; writing • Letter formations • What a letter is • What a word is • What makes a sentence • Upper case and lower case letters • Spaces between words • Writing on the lines correctly • Punctuation • Planning our writing • Recounts • Procedure writing • Adjectives • Checking our work • Initial and final sounds • Making links and using strategies
investigations • The Funky Monkeys enjoy their investigation time and have been very creative in their activities and games they play. • Its great to see how everyone shares and works together during these activities. • In term two we will continue to have investigation time every Thursday at 11:30am during our spelling testing. • What was your favourite game to play during investigations in term one?
Speaking and listening During term one we actively participated in whole class, small groups and paired activities to practice our speaking and listening skills. • Sharing time on Mondays • Paired reading • Guided reading • Weekly class meetings • Thinking hat reflections • Investigations • Class discussions • Puppet show performances • Role plays Using your creative green hat what ideas do you have for term two? Add these to our class feedback station