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CST Study Guide for Final

CST Study Guide for Final. Part 1 Early Republic- WWI. Early Us History Declaration of Independence- states the basis of American rights Equality, Inalienable Rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness) John Locke/Natural Rights (define/purpose of government)-

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  1. CST Study Guide for Final Part 1 Early Republic- WWI

  2. Early Us History • Declaration of Independence- • states the basis of American rights • Equality, Inalienable Rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness) • John Locke/Natural Rights (define/purpose of government)- • Life, liberty, property (purpose of government is to protect your rights)

  3. Constitution • Articles of Confederation- • 1st Federal Government (little authority) • Great Compromise • (representation in new federal government) • Senate (2 per state, small states), H of Reps. (large states- pop.) • Separation of Power • (Checks and Balances- 3 branches of gov. with separate responsibilities) • Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists • (Feds-support Const., Anti F- want Bill of Rights)

  4. Reconstruction • 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments • 13th Abolishes slavery • 14th Citizenship and male suffrage • 15th can’t discriminate against people voting based on race • Problem- other ways to discriminate (poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause) • Sharecropping- • ex slaves would rent land from the previous owners

  5. Late 1800’s • Immigration/Industrialization • Cheap labor (how did this effect worker rights?) Workers were underpaid, long days (12hrs), and no protection • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire- 300 women died in fire bc doors were locked • Nativism- • Hatred of immigrants (xenophobia) • Chinese Exclusion Act • Banned all Chinese immigration after 1880 (stop Ca. from beating up imm.)

  6. Americanization Movement (assimilation) • Public education to assimilate imm. Children in how to become American (English, History) • Old Immigrants vs. New Immigrants (characteristics, 1890?) • Old- N/W Eur (Eng. Ger., Scandinavia, Irish) white, protestant, English speaking (seen as good imm. bc blended into society • New- S/E Eur (Italy, Poland, Russia) Darker skinned, Catholic/Jew, diff. language (would not assimilate)

  7. Industrialization- making goods by machine • Robber Barons • Super rich industrialists (often used corruption and crushing competition to get rich) • Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan • Rockefeller (Standard Oil) invented Trusts (monopolies) • Horizontal integration- owning similar companies to kill competition • Carnegie- Steel (Vertical Integration- controlled manufacturing process from earth to finished good) • JP Morgan- investment banking (bought companies and gained more control w each company purchased)

  8. Urbanization- movement of people to cities • Northeastern cities (why move to these cities?) • NYC, Boston (factories, imm. land there first) • Political Machines • Controlled politics in a city by controlling immigrant vote (funneled city money into their pockets) • Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed • NYC Pol. Machine, Tweed was the leader (largest, most corrupt machine in US)

  9. Progressivism (belief) • Gov. should get more involved and protect people from corruption by business • The Jungle • Book exposed filthy meatpacking industry • Meat Inspection Act- passed by Pres. T. Roosevelt, gov. inspects meat industry • Social Gospel • Christians/Middle class take responsibility to help needy (bc the gov. is not) • Settlement House/ Jane Addams/ Hull House • House to help women/ first social worker • Gospel of Wealth (Carnegie) • Wealthy have a responsibility to share their money with society (problem- most of the money went to middle class, not poor)

  10. Imperialism (define) larger country takes over a smaller country • Reasons to expand (Christianity, economic, prestige- explain) • Christ- civilize foreign people • Ec- create new markets to sell manufactured goods • Prestige- compete with Europe (Eng, Fr.) • Hawaii (How was it acquired?) • US planters (Stanford Dole) overthrew Queen Lili. Bc she wanted Ha. to have voting rights (McKinley Tariff- also to be able to sell HA. sugar in US w/out tax)

  11. Spanish/American War- 1898 • Yellow Journalism (Hearst/ How did it lead to war?) • Sensational stories in press to get a reaction, Hearst “you furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war” • USS Maine • Exploded in Havana Harbor (US press blamed Sp. For explosion leading Americans to want war) • Colonies acquired • Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba (Platt Amendment- Cuba given independence , US given Guantanamo Bay and right to invade Cuba) • Coaling Stations- islands to cross the Pacific

  12. China- US wants to trade and spread Christianity • Open Door Policy • Free trade in China (Eur. Creating Spheres of influence- colonies in China), Phil. And New Navy(Alfred Mahan-all steel navy) gave US power to have influence in Asia • Boxer Rebellion • Chinese nationalists upset US and Eur. are influencing China (2nd Open Door Policy – rebellion put down by international force, US protects Chinese sovereignty) • Panama Canal (how did the US acquire canal rights?) • US instigates Panama to rebel from Columbia, Hay-Bunau Villa Treaty-US given rights to build canal by newly independent Panama

  13. World War I- 1914-1918 (US only fights in 1918) • Causes of War (Alliances, Militarism, Imperialism) • Alliances- countries protect each other (Archduke Ferdinand shot, all countries declare war in retaliation) • Militarism- glorifying war (Eur. wants war) • Imperialism- Eur countries want each other land in Africa

  14. Causes of war for US • Unlimited Submarine Warfare • Germany begins sinking US ships selling war supplies to England (violates US neutrality) • Lusitania- passenger liner sunk by German U-Boat • Zimmerman Note • Proposed alliance bt Ger. And Mex (US can not stay isolated from WWI) • Russian Revolution (How did this force US to fight?) • Russia pulls out (Now US can say we are on the side of Democracy w. Fr and Eng.

  15. War at Home • War to End War/ Make the World Safe for Democracy- • 2 slogans to get American to support fighting in a European war • Women • Work in factories (earn the right to vote) • African/Americans • Great Migration • Leave the South to find work in North • Sedition Act • crime to criticize Gov., Pres., or draft (limits freedom of speech) • Schenck vs. US • Says Gov. has a right to limit free speech during war • Government involvement- not laissez faire • War Industries Board • Told companies what to make for war • Committee on Information • Propaganda agency to get American to hate Germany and support the war

  16. End of War • 14 Points • Pres. Wilson’s plan for peace (don’t punish Germany, self determination) • League of Nations- international organization for countries to meet and talk, rather than fight • Treaty of Versailles- Treaty that ends WWI (punishes Germany and sets up WWII/rise of Hitler) • League of Nations- see above • Punishment of Germany • War Guilt Clause- Germany takes full blames for war, • Reparations- Ger. Forced to pay Fr. For war damages (cripples Ger. Economy after war) • Senate rejects the League of Nations (Why?) • Article X- allowed the pres. To send troops to defend a League ally (takes away war declaring power of Congress)

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