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Goat ID. What are common types of goats, and how do they differ?. A. Angora goats originated in Turkey and are well adapted to areas not fit for other livestock. Angoras are almost totally white at maturity and produce up to 7 pounds of mohair each year.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • A. Angora goats originated in Turkey and are well adapted to areas not fit for other livestock. • Angoras are almost totally white at maturity and produce up to 7 pounds of mohair each year. • Angora goats are horned, with long, droopy ears. • At maturity a buck weighs between 125 and 175 pounds, and a doe weighs between 80 and 90 pounds.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • B. Dairy goats • The most common breeds raised in the United States, in order of their popularity, are French Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Saanen, and Toggenburg. • 1. French Alpine goats are known as good milkers and have no distinct color. • However, they are commonly shades of fawn, gray, brown, red, and black, or combinations of these colors. • This breed has short hair. French Alpines are larger-sized goats with a rangy look.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • 2. LaMancha goats are known for their external ears. • Two types—the “gopher ear” and the “elf ear”—are distinctive breed characteristics. • This breed has high milk production.
Nubian • 3. Nubian goats are all-purpose goats, useful for meat, milk, and hide production. • They are not heavy milk producers, but their milk has a high-average butterfat content. • Nubian goats have long ears.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • 4. Saanen goats originated in Switzerland. • They are known as heavy milk producers. • Saanen goats are white or light cream in color, with white preferred. • The hair should be short and fine. • Saanens perform best in cooler conditions.
Toggenburg • 5. Toggenburg goats are a medium-sized breed from Switzerland. • They are known to be the oldest credited dairy goat breed. • Toggenburg goats have excellent udder development and high milk production. • The color is solid, varying from light fawn to dark chocolate. • Toggenburgs have erect ears.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • 1. Boer goats came from South Africa and made their first appearance to the United States in 1993. • Boer goats are known for their rapid growth rate, excellent carcass qualities, and adaptability. • They have white bodies with red heads. • This breed has grown in popularity among FFA and 4-H projects, as well as in the show ring.
What are common types of goats, and how do they differ? • D. Cashmere goats have been developed by selective breeding. • Cashmere is the soft undercoat of fine down produced by goats. • There is usually a large demand for cashmere since it is in short supply. • Solid-colored goats are preferred in cashmere production, but multicolored goats are also used.
Pygmy • E. Pygmy goats were originally imported from Africa. • They are only 16 to 23 inches tall at the withers and have horns. • They can be any color or combination of colors. • The main uses of pygmy goats are for research, as pets, as 4-H and FFA projects, and in zoo exhibits.
Oberhasli • Does (females) may be pure black or chamoisee while bucks (males) may only be registered if they display correct chamoisee coloring. Chamoisee is defined as bay (light to dark reddish brown) with black points (two black stripes starting above the eyes extending down the face to merge to a black muzzle, a black dorsal stripe, black lower legs, belly, and a gray to black udder).