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Econ 121 Industrial Organization

Dive into Industrial Organization with Atanu Dey. Learn key concepts, study materials, and course outline. Join now for a comprehensive learning experience.

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Econ 121 Industrial Organization

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Econ 121 Industrial Organization AtanuDey MTWTh 10am – 11:30am 122 Barrows Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  2. Introduction • My name is “Atanu” • Best way to contact me: • Email: atanudey+econ121@gmail.com • Phone : 330-282-6833 (330-atanudey) Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  3. Work & Education • Work • Chief Economist at NetCORE in Mumbai, India • Computer Systems Div, Hewlett Packard, Cupertino • Alumnus • UC Berkeley (PhD, Econ) • Rutgers Univ (MS, Computer Science) • Indian Institute of Technology (M Tech, Computer Science) • Nagpur University (B Tech, Mechanical Engineering) Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  4. Let’s get to know us • Please introduce yourself. • What you would want others to know about yourself • What brings you here? • What are your goals? Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  5. Books • Required: Carlton & Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization, Addison Wesley, 4th Ed., 2005 • Suggested optional: Jeffrey R. Church and Roger Ware. Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.Available for free download at: http://works.bepress.com/jeffrey_church/23 Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  6. Office Hours & Reader • Office Hours: 512 Evans Hall Tue – Wed 3:30 PM — 5:00 PM • Reader: Fahd Majeed • fahdmajeed@gmail.com Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  7. Grading & Exams • Classwork           5%Homework      25%Midterm          30%Final                 40% • Midterm July 14th in class • Final Aug 11th in class • There will be 31 meetings (29 lectures, 2 exams) Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  8. Course Outline (First Half) • Week1 • Introduction: Chapter 1 • Chap 2&3: Firms & Costs, Competition • Week 2 • Chap 3&4: Competition, Monopolies • HW#1 • Week 3 • Chapter 6: Game Theory & Oligopolies • HW#2 • Week 4 • Game Theory, Cartels (Chap 5) • Revision • Midterm July 14th Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  9. Course Outline (Second Half) • Week 5 • Chapter 11: Strategic Behavior • Assigned readings • Week 6 • Chapter 13: Information • Chapter 14: Advertising • Chapter 17: Markets—Theory & Facts • HW#4 • Week 7 • Chaper 18: International Trade • Chap 19: Antitrust Laws & Policy • HW#5 • Week 8 • Chap 20 Regulation • Revision • Final Exam Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

  10. Assigned Reading • Read Chapter 3 of Church & Ware • Pages 50-65 • Course blog • Econ121.wordpress.com Econ121 Industrial Organization Atanu Dey

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