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Do PPDs Need a Legal Mandate?

Explore the case study from Tanzania to understand the necessity of a legal mandate for Public-Private Dialogues (PPDs). Learn about the objectives, structure, meetings, vision, processes, and milestones of the Moshi Business Council. Dive into the challenges faced and the anticipated milestones ahead.

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Do PPDs Need a Legal Mandate?

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  1. Do PPDs Need a Legal Mandate? A Case study from Tanzania:

  2. Tanzania: population 35.9 m per-capita income of US $ 330 low ranking in WB Doing Business survey Private sector participates in: tax task force the public expenditure review working groups Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) Donors support PSOs to influence reforms at the district level National context

  3. Public-Private Dialogue in the Municipality of Moshi • Objectives: • identify issues blocking businesses • establish and sustain PPD • Structure: • Private Sector Advocacy Committee • a coalition committee organized by sector • The Moshi Business Council: • 5 members from Municipal Council • 5 members from private sector, • Chair is the Municipal Director, • The PS Heads the secretariat • Meetings: • Held quarterly • Agreement by consensus

  4. Vision, processes and milestones • The vision: • “to see that the public-private dialogue platform is legally registered… and investment environment improved” • The process of advocacy: • sector chairs identify sector roadblocks • issues are processed • advocacy issues are vetted by the platform • Municipal Council adopts proposed reforms. • Anticipated milestones: • Regulatory Impact Assessment on municipal by-laws • Exposure of members to best practice in PPD • Workshop for councilors to appreciate PS • Signing a MOU between PS and MMC • PS mobilized to form grassroots advocacy committee • Moshi Business Council is legislated

  5. Questions and challenges • Difficulties in the beginning: • Lack of political will • Public sector focus on written laws • Legal mandate for PPD is therefore a step in a right direction • Challenges: • How do we cultivate political will among civil servants with a socialist mind-set? • How do we convince entrepreneurs to advocate when they are used to paying their way through?

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