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Teacher Márcia

Simple Past. Teacher Márcia. Definição. Verbos irregulares são aqueles que não obedecem às regras normais de conjugação, ou seja, à adição de –e d. Forma Afirmativa:. Da mesma forma que ocorre com os verbos regulares, a conjugação dos irregulares também não varia com as pessoas:

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Teacher Márcia

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  1. Simple Past Teacher Márcia

  2. Definição Verbos irregulares são aqueles que não obedecem às regras normais de conjugação, ou seja, à adição de –ed.

  3. Forma Afirmativa: Da mesma forma que ocorre com os verbos regulares, a conjugação dos irregulares também não varia com as pessoas: Ex: See – saw  (ver-viu) I saw You saw He/she saw We saw You saw They saw

  4. Forma Negativa: I didn’t see You didn’t see He didn’t see She didn’t see the accident. It didn’t see We didn’t see You didn’t see They didn’t see

  5. Forma Interrogativa: Did I Did You Did he Did she see the accident? Did it Did we Did you Did they

  6. Você observou que: O verbo só é conjugado quando afirmamos algo. Quando fazemos uma negação ou uma pergunta, o verbo fica no infinitivo. Ou seja, não pode ser conjugado. Veja, novamente: They bought a new house last month. They didn’t buya new house last month. Did they buy a new house last month? Conclusão: com o verbo auxiliar “did” o verbo volta para o infinitivo.

  7. Veja algumas palavras que acompanham frases no passado: Yesterday: ontem last week: semana passada month: mês passado. year: ano passado. Summer: verão passado. Two days ago: dois dias atrás. Four months ago: quatro meses atrás.

  8. Now, Let’s practice!

  9. begin  blow  bring  buy  catch  come  do  draw  drink eat get give go grow hear know make meet read run say see send sing sit sleep swim take throw write

  10. Writethepastformofthefollowingverbs. 1. I (see) George last week - he looked very well. 2. I (leave) my mobile phone at home this morning. I had to go back. 3. Dinner was great. We (have) salmon and lobster. 4. I (hurt) my leg playing football yesterday. I can't walk very well today. 5. Pedro (teach) me to speak Spanish in a year. He was a great teacher.

  11. 6. My mother (make) a delicious cake yesterday. 7. I (sleep) on the sofa after dinner last night. 8. The baby (wake) up very early yesterday morning. 9. I (read) all the books the teacher asked me last month. 10. Paul (meet) Susan at the park yesterday. 11. Elvis (become) a famous singer in 1954. 12. He(sing) "That's all right mamma" on the radio. 13. J.K. Rowling (write)   "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". 14. Helen (find)   her pens under the bed.

  12. Complete the questions and answers. Use the simple past. 1 ______ Joss Stone win a Brit award in 2004? Yes, ___ 2 ______ The Clash play soul music? No, __ 3 ______ Jimi Hendrix play the drums? No, ____ 4 ______ Coldplay first play together in 1998? Yes, _______ 5 ______ Alicia Keys grow up in New York? Yes, __________ 6 ______ Green Day form in 1998? No, ______

  13. Write true sentences about what you did last weekend (affirmative and negative. Use the simple past of the verbs in the box:

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