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5.1 Status of IWVTA Informal Group. 37th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting Vehicle Standards Harmonization Sub-group (LEG - VSHG) April 2013. Presented by Hiroshi Morita. Director of technical section JASIC. Agenda.
5.1 Status of IWVTA Informal Group 37th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting Vehicle Standards Harmonization Sub-group (LEG - VSHG) April 2013 Presented by Hiroshi Morita Director of technical section JASIC
Agenda 1. Introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) 2. Activity toward Establishment of IWVTA 3. Latest situation of IWVTA Informal Group Activity 4. Conclusion
International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) 1. Outline and expected benefits of IWVTA ○To enhance the mutual recognition of motor vehicle type approval based on the 1958 Agreement from “per Device” to “per Vehicle”. ○To reduce costs to develop, approve and produce through unifying specifications and parts thanks to harmonization of technical regulations and mutual recognition of approvals. ○To promote the development of whole vehicle type approval system, which is harmonised with international system, in Asian and other emerging countries. Approval per Device Approval as Whole Vehicle 2. Activities toward establishment of IWVTA Nov. 2007 Japan introduced the concept to establish IWVTA at UN/ECE/WP29. Nov. 2009 Japan proposed the establishment of IWVTA at WP29 and the proposal was unanimously approved. Mar 2010 IWVTA Informal Group under WP29 was established. Japan and EC took the position of co-vice-chairperson under the chairmanship of Mr. Gauvin. Mar 2012 As the results of activities of the Informal Group for 2 yrs, the framework of IWVTA, such as a roadmap to establish IWVTA, items to be modified in the 1958 Agreement and candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA was agreed on at WP29. Activities based on the roadmap (amendment of the 1958 Agreement, drafting of the technical regulation on IWVTA (UN R0) etc.) was started at WP29. Jun 2012 Establishment of IWVTA in March 2016
Agenda 1. Introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) 2. Activity toward Establishment of IWVTA 3. Latest situation of IWVTA Informal Group Activity 4. Conclusion
Activities toward Establishment of IWVTA Task necessary for IWVTA ① Amendment of the1958 Agreement ② Development of UN R0 (tech. reg. of IWVTA) ③ Review of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA The major purposes of the revision of the 1958 Agreement are as follows. (1) Increase the attractiveness of the 1958 Agreement and also increase the number of Contracting Parties to the Agreement by; i) allowing to issue type approvals pursuant to earlier versions of a UN Regulations ii) allowing proxy voting (this still needs legal checking) (2) Improve the quality and the reliability of the 1958 Agreement by; iii) giving legal status to the guidelines related to the 1958 Agreement. (3) enable the implementation of IWVTA (Ref.) Roadmap to establish IWVTA in March 2016 (agreed at WP29 in March 2012) Mar 2013 IWVTA Informal Group is to submit a proposal of the 1958 Agreement revision to WP29. Jun 2013GRs are to report interim results of review (priorities, necessity to amend etc.) of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA to WP29. Nov 2013IWVTA Informal Group is to submita proposal of UN R0 to WP29. Jun 2015GRs are to complete the review (establishment/amendment etc.) of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA IWVTA Informal Group is to submit the final draft of UN R0 to WP29.
Framework for Implementing Activities at WP.29 UN/ECE/WP.29 IWVTA Informal Group Task: Development of roadmap (approved by WP.29 in November 2011) Chairman: Mr. Gauvin (WP.29 Vice-chairman) Co-vice-chairmen: Mr. Renders (EU) Revision of the 1958 Agreement (Quality of rulemaking, type-approval procedure and mutual recognition, conformity of production, qualification of technical services, quorum for adoption of new Regulations and amendments, etc.) Mr. Onoda (MLIT) Preparation of IWVTA (Technical requirements, types, categories, weights, definition of dimensions, specifications of application procedures, etc. necessary for IWVTA) Technical Secretary: Mr. Oshita (JASIC) Time of meeting: Friday of the week prior to WP.29 (mostly) Venue: Paris (mostly) Members: Any organization that attends WP.29 (Currently about 30 members from government and industry) Terms of Reference for IWVTA Informal Group http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2010/wp29/ECE-TRANS-WP29-1083a1e.pdf
Proposals to review the 1958 Agreement and the introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type Approval The Roadmap of the revising 1958 agreement and establishing IWVTA was approved by 155 session of WP29 in November 2011. Document. WP29-155-27 http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2011/wp29/WP29-155-27.doc ANNEX 1: Identification of items which need to be modified or complemented in the 1958 Agreement ANNEX 2: Roadmap for the revision of the 1958 Agreement and introduction of IWVTA • Final proposal of UN Regulation No.0 on IWVTA as part of the package of amended and new UN Regulations developed by GRs will be submitted to WP.29 for consideration in June 2015. • The target completion date for the work of the IWVTA Informal Group shall be March 2016. 2013 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 6 3 6 9 11 11 1.IWVTA IWVTA-IG is to prepare candidates for items for IWVTA. Candidates for items for IWVTA Amend existing regulations and/or make new regulations Based on the item list, each GR examines UN Regulations (to be created or amended as necessary). IWVTA concept (includingUN R0 at WP.29) Making draft UN R0 Discuss the draft UN R0 at WP.29 Amend IWVTA-related agreements (if necessary) Amend agreements? 2.Amend the 1958 Agreement Discuss and agree on the inventory Report to WP.29 Application, grant, modification, withdrawal of approval; new technologies, COP, safeguard, etc. Report to WP.29 Draft proposal
Candidate of technical regulations and Guideline for GRs Proposal for “Candidate of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA” and “Guideline for GRs to review technical regulations applicable to IWVTA”. Working Document. WP29-156-21-Rev.1 PROPOSAL FOR “CANDIDATE ITEMS FOR TECHNICAL REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO INTERNATIONAL WHOLE VEHICLE TYPE APPROVAL (IWVTA)”AND “GUIDELINE FOR GRS TO REVIEW TECHNICAL REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO IWVTA” Submitted by the Chairman and the co-Chairmen of the WP.29 informal group on the future direction for the 1958 Agreement and IWVTA 1.The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicles Regulations (WP.29), at its March 2010 session, decided to set up an informal group to establish an inventory of items to be addressed in a review of the 1958 Agreement and roadmap for future actions to be undertaken relating to i) the quality assurance of type approval, ii) its functional improvement, and iii) establishment of IWVTA. The inventory (list of elements to be addressed in the review of the 1958 Agreement) and the roadmap for the revision of the 1958 Agreement and introduction of IWVTA proposed by IWVTA Informal Group were approved by WP.29 at its 155th session in November, 2011. According to the roadmap, IWVTA Informal Group is to submit “candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA” and “guideline for GRs to review technical regulations applicable to IWVTA” to WP.29 at its 156 session for consideration. The target completion date for the work of the informal group shall be the 168th session of WP.29 in March 2016 as indicated in terms of reference (informal document No.WP.29-150-25) and as reflected in the roadmap (Annex 2 of informal document No.WP.29-155-27) I. Candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA 2.The informal group selected candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA in the following procedure. The information on national or regional technical regulations submitted by EU, Russia, South Africa, Australia and Japan was summarized on a list. National regulations were sorted into 4 categories of “A”,”B”,”C” and “n”. “A”s are those for which IWVTA Informal Group considers it appropriate to specify only one requirement as the international regulations. “B”s are those for which IWVTA Informal Group considers it appropriate to specify several requirements as the international regulations considering the characteristics of different regions. “C”s are those for which it is difficult to formulate justifications that they are appropriate as the international regulations. “n” means there are no national regulations for the subject. As a result of various discussions, the Chairman proposed the following approach to select technical requirements for IWVTA. (1) The subjects sorted into all “A” or “A + n” should be a basis for IWVTA and allocated to each GR for further consideration as indicated in Annex 3. (2) The subjects sorted into “A + B” should be allocated to each GR. Each GR is expected to explore the way to make a regulation to stipulate only one level of requirements wherever possible. (3) Non technical subjects should be considered by IWVTA Informal Group. (4) The subjects sorted into “C + n” should not be allocated to each GR, and their consideration should be stopped as they are considered to be inappropriate for IWVTA by IWVTA Informal Group. 3.The list of candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA is attached as Annex 1 to this document. Annex 2 is the same list of candidate items grouped into six GRs bearing responsibility for the items. http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/geninf156.html Annex 1: Candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA(64 items) Annex 3: Guideline for GRs to review technical regulations applicable to IWVTA
Candidate of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA (1) Group(1): IWVTA item for technical regulations with unified requirements (Item No.1-55) Group(2): IWVTA items for potential technical regulations with regionally applicable requirements (Item No.56-60) Group(3): IWVTA items for non-technical regulations (Item No.61-64) Items in Group (1) and (2) will be sent to responsible GRs for review in accordance with the guideline. Items in Group (3) will be considered by IWVTA Informal Group.
Agenda 1. Introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) 2. Activity toward Establishment of IWVTA 3. Latest situation of IWVTA Informal Group Activity 4. Conclusion
The 12nd IWVTA Informal Group IWVTA informal Group The 12nd IWVTA Informal Group held its session on March 8th in Paris The 5th SG58 was held on 5-6 March in Paris Sub-group on the amendment of the 1958 Agreement Chairman:Mr. Renders (EU) Secretary:Mr. Oshita (JASIC) Object: This group is to assist the IWVTA informal group in prepare a draft text for the revision of the 1958 Agreement. Major results and action items made at the 5th SG58 SG58-06-01 https://www2.unece.org/wiki/download/attachments/5801949/SG58-06-01.docx Sub-group on the new regulation No.0 The 5th SGR0 was held on 7 March in Paris Secretary:Mr. Oshita (JASIC) Chairman: Mr. Onoda and Mr. Matsuo (JAPAN/MLIT) Object: This group is to assist the IWVTA informal group in preparing a draft text for UN R0. Major results and action items made at the 5th SGR0 SGR0-06-01 https://www2.unece.org/wiki/download/attachments/5801953/SGR0-06-01.docx
Current status of the revision of the 1958 Agreement IWVTA informal group presented a first draft proposal of the revised 1958 Agreement to WP29 inMarch 2013. Document. WP29-159-19 http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2013/wp29/WP29-159-19e.doc • Remaining issues(under discussion) • 1. level of ambition with respect to the list of 50 action items previously endorsed by WP.29 as well as concerns and questions raised when discussing this list • legal status of the so-called placeholder specifying the administrative provisions for the type approval procedure India and the Republic of Korea expressed their support • 2. the possible need to change the condition of the formal adoption of a new Regulation or an amendment to an existing Regulation • taking into account some Asian countries' opinion to change it from two-third to four-fifth • majority of the Contracting Parties (CPs). • 3.the exchange of Type-approval data and the role of DETA in this process • -from six months to three months • 4. the application of the Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement for self-certification purposes. The IWVTA informal group will submit a final draft of the revised 1958 Agreement to WP29 inNovember 2013.
Current status of the development of UN R0 The main result of the 5th Sub-group on UN R0 and the 12nd IWVTA Informal Group is as follows. 1. The Sub-group agreed that Explanatory Note (EN) is a note to explain UNR0 and reflects what SGR0 has agreed, and that important points which need further discussion would be added in the EN once the Sub-group reaches conclusions. 2. The Sub-group agreed to consider the following discussion papers at the next Sub-group meeting. (1) Rights and obligations of Contracting Parties applying UN R0 (2) Handling of If-fitted requirements (3) Clarification of IWVTA Step 1 (4) Q&A document to explain UN R0 (5) Update of the EN 3. Japan proposed the concrete image of IWVTA “Step 1” (a set of UN type approvals required for IWVTA + checkup of a complete vehicle to confirm its equipment with certified systems and parts + COP) The IWVTA Informal Group will submit a first proposal on UN R0 to WP29 inNovember 2013.
Future Schedule 2013 The 6th Sub-group on UN R0 The 6th Sub-group on the amendment of the 1958 Agreement (The Sub-group “UN R0” meeting may continue if the Sub-group “1958 Agreement” meeting adjourns early.) The 13rd IWVTA Informal group June, 19 Paris June, 20 Paris June, 21 Paris June, 2013 (The160th session of WP29) IWVTA Informal Group will submit a proposal draft technical requirement for IWVTA November, 2013 (The161st session of WP29) IWVTA Informal Group will submit a Formal document of the revised 1958 agreement for IWVTA
Agenda 1. Introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) 2. Activity toward Establishment of IWVTA 3. Latest situation of IWVTA Informal Group Activity 4. Conclusion
Conclusion • IWVTA is beneficial for Governments in delivering transparent, robust and reliable processes for vehicle type approval; for industry by having access to quicker and more cost efficient type approval; and for consumers, who benefit from vehicles meeting uniform and consistent requirements at lower prices. • Further efforts toward the establishment of IWVTA in 2016 would be required, including ones in the review of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA • Japan would like to closely work with every stake holder in WP29 to further promote IWVTA activities.