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Empowering Youth Leadership for Community Change

A comprehensive program that nurtures and empowers young leaders in low-income communities through experiential learning and skill development to drive positive social change. The program emphasizes values, ethics, and civic engagement.

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Empowering Youth Leadership for Community Change

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  1. The ASPIRA YouthLeadershipDevelopmentProgram

  2. Principles • Young people are a communityasset, not a problem. • Itisimportanttobuildmeaningfulrelationshipsacrossrace, class, gender, sexual identity and generationstostrengthentheexisting social capital of youngpeople in lowincomecommunities. • Youthleadershipdevelopmenttakes a long time -- itis a process. Caringadultsneedtoinvest in youngpeopleover a period of years. • Young peopleneedtobeactivelyengaged in theprocess of communitychange at alllevels, fromthestreetcornertotheboardroom.

  3. Principles • Societymustacknowledge and embracethe idea thatyouth are talented and capable of leadingcommunitychange. • Young peoplemust lead positive changethemselves in orderforittosucceed. • Leadershipprogramsmustidentify, nurture and support more than a talented elite. • Theprocess of developingyoungleadersbeginswithlearninghowtolearn.

  4. Elements of a Successful Program • Helpyouthlearnspecificknowledge and skillsrelatedtoleadership. • Enableyouthtounderstandthehistory, values and beliefs of theirsociety. • Facilitatethedevelopment of individual strengths andleadershipstyles. • Facilitatethedevelopment of ethics, values and ethicalreasoning.

  5. Elements of a Successful Program • Promoteawareness, understanding, and tolerance of otherpeople, cultures and societies. • Embodyhighexpectations of, confidence in, and respectfortheteensserved. • Emphasizeexperientiallearning and provideopportunitiesforgenuineleadership. • Involveyoungpeople in servicetootherstotheircommunity, their country and theirworld.

  6. Elements of a Successful Program • Facilitateself-reflection and processing of learningbothindividually and cooperatively. • Involveyouth in collaborativeexperiences, teamwork and networkingwithpeers. • Involveyouth in significantrelationshipswithmentors, positive role models, orothernurturingadults. • Be developedaroundstatedpurposes and goals.

  7. Methodology: ExperientialLearning • Havingtheparticipantsexperiencetheactivity--performor do it; • Havingtheparticipants share theexperiencebydescribingwhathappened; • Askingparticipantstoprocesstheexperiencetoidentifycommonthemes; • Havingparticipantsgeneralizefromtheexperiencetoformprinciplesorguidelinesthat can beused in real-lifesituations, e.g., lifeskills; and • Askingparticipantstoapplywhatwaslearnedtoanothersituation.

  8. Program Delivery • Theprogramwillbeimplementedthroughthe Aspira Clubs; • The Club Advisorwillbethe training facilitator • ImplementationIssues: • Theclubs are youth lead.Howyouwillfacilitatethe training at thesame time youngpeoplekeepleadingthe club? • Howyouwillfacilitatethe training process? • HowyouwillincorporateExperientialLearning? • Goals • Aspirantes willlearnhow-to-learn • Aspirantes willmasterthe use of informationtechnologytoadvancetheir agendas

  9. Community Development Young Latino Leaders Public Policy and Community Service Entrepreneurship/Business Development Community Organizations Civic Participation Foundations of Leadership ASPIRA YouthLeadershipDevelopmentModel

  10. Program Components Prior to engaging in training and activities specific to each of the above streams, students participate in the semester-long Foundations of Leadership workshop. This workshop will prepare Aspirantes to participate in one or more of the programs strands to: • Analyzethepolicymakingprocess and leaders in this arena locally, statewide, and nationally and learnthefundamentals of communityservice; • Gain a betterperspective of whatitmeanstobe a leader in thebusinessworld; learnhowentrepreneurshipextendsbeyondthecorporateworldbybeingexposedtocreativemethods of problemsolving and creativeways of identifying and securingresources in ordertoserve as leaders; and. • Better understand the critical role and operation of community-based organizations in various community contexts, learning about the role of their leaders -and of civic participation- in their local communities, as well as nationally in an increasingly interdependent world.

  11. Fundamentals of Leadership • Unit I -Overview of ASPIRA • Unit II -ASPIRA Clubs • Unit III -Personal Growth • Unit IV -Building Resiliency • Unit V -Leadership Development • Unit VI -Academic Success • Unit VII -Career Awareness • Unit VIII -Community Involvement • Unit IX -Cultural Awareness • Unit X -Public Policy and Leadership • Unit XI -Financial Literacy

  12. Overview of ASPIRA • Participants will develop knowledge of ASPIRA’s mission, vision and history and the ASPIRA Process. Participants will also understand the importance of ASPIRA in the development of the Puerto Rican and Latino community. The overall aim is that youth will use ASPIRA’s principles as a guide for their future actions and development.

  13. ASPIRA Clubs • Participants will develop knowledge of ASPIRA Clubs, and the responsibilities of club officers. The overall aim is that students will use ASPIRA’s AAA Process as a tool in their future development.

  14. Personal Growth • Participants will develop knowledge of self and others in order to prepare for effective leadership through the exposure to a series of activities that promote healthy self esteem, identity, cultural awareness, development of critical thinking, communication, and organizational skills.

  15. Building Resiliency • Youth will develop resiliency skills through participation in workshops on gangs, bullying and youth violence prevention. This course promotes child-parent communication and emphasizes self-responsibility.

  16. Academic Success • Participants will learn how to plan their academic studies in order to have successful academic performance in preparation for postsecondary education. In addition, they will learn about the college application process and opportunities for paying for college.

  17. Career Awareness • Participants will become familiar with career research and paths to careers. They will also apply their decision-making skills to career selection.

  18. Leadership Development • Youth will learn the basic concepts of leadership development. They will learn the concept of leadership and will understand what it means to be a leader. They will also learn different models and theories of leadership.

  19. Community Involvement • Youth will learn the basic concepts of community and community history. They will also examine the influence of culture on community and will have an opportunity to develop and implement a community service project.

  20. Cultural Awareness • Participants will develop knowledge and awareness about the Latino culture. They will be able to define culture and race. Participants will also develop consciousness of issues related to diversity, such as inclusion, cultural appreciation, prejudice, racism, and stereotyping.

  21. Public Policy - Leadership Participants will learn about the public policy process, while developing their leadership skills that will facilitate their involvement in the policy arena at the local, regional, and national levels. Students will define public policy and study policy-making structures. Students will become more acquainted with their community, and the public policy issues affecting it. They will be provided with applications of policy development for influencing public policy.

  22. Financial Literacy • Participants will learn and develop knowledge of financial literacy by understanding the ABC’s of a checking account, savings and investment account, and the importance of maintaining a healthy checking account. They will develop an importance for setting financial goals, building monthly budgets, establishing and maintaining good credit, having proper use of credit cards, managing credit issues and concerns, and securing tax records and implications.

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