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Module 5: Strategic Planning under IWRM for Drought Risk Management . Exercise 5.1. Francisco Zepeda Mondragón, Carlos Díaz Delgado, Humberto Salinas Tapia, Marivel Hernández Téllez and Khalidou M. Bâ. Outline. Goal Scenario Objectives Activities
Module 5:Strategic Planning under IWRM for Drought Risk Management Exercise 5.1 Francisco Zepeda Mondragón, Carlos Díaz Delgado, Humberto Salinas Tapia, Marivel Hernández Téllez and Khalidou M. Bâ
Outline • Goal • Scenario • Objectives • Activities • To build the SLOT model and Planning and Coordination Strategic Areas (PCSAs) • To develop the analysis of the Pressure –State-Impact-Response model (PSIR) • To develop the analysis of the PCSA-Social dimension • To define the three main Strategies for increase Drought Resilience of the Socio-ecosystem taking into account the PCSA-Social
Goal and learning objectives of the exercise Goal Participants will have an opportunity to develop, in a guided procedure by the facilitator, a tactical strategic planning process for drought risk management using the SPPSM-Drought software.
Goal and learning objectives of the exercise Objectives • Facilitator will work with the participants, in a participatory process, building a tactical strategic plan under IWRM for Drought Risk Management. • This activity will consider the use of the Strategic Participatory Planning Support Module for Drought (SPPSM-Drought V-1.0):
Scenario and Activities Scenario The downward anomaly presented in rainfall caused by climate change has led to severe and prolonged droughts increase worldwide.
Scenario and Activities Activities • To build the SLOT model and Planning and Coordination Strategic Areas (PCSAs) • To develop the analysis of the Pressure –State-Impact-Response model (PSIR) • To develop the analysis of the PCSA-Social dimension • To define the three main Strategies for increase Drought Resilience of the Socio-ecosystem taking into account the PCSA-Social
Scenario and Activities First activity (optional) Arrange the participants in 4 groups representing each of the Planning and Coordination Strategic Area (PCSA). Dimensions • Social • Economic • Environmental • Information, Science &Technology
Scenario and Activities The first step of IWRM after forming an interdisciplinary team to build the project is the definition of Planning and Coordination Strategic Areas (PCSA). Social • Information, Science &Technology Economic • DROUGTH • Environmental
Scenario and Activities To carry out the IWRM planning process the software SPPSM-Drought is employed, which includes three stages such as, helping to develop the SLOT model, to prioritize Performance Indicators for DRM and Strategies for implementation of a Tactical Strategic Planning for Drought Risk Management.
SLOT analysis of a PCSASocial Dimension SLOT of the PCSA- Social dimension analysis
CSFli1 CSFst1 Affects Conceptual Map of the Social PCSA by the CSFs CSFth5 Favor to By CSFst2 Contributesto Has Depends on CSFop5 PCSA-Social Depends on Generate Influences in Has Generate With Needed CSFli4 Depends on CSFop2 CSFli2 CSFth2 CSFop3 CSFst5 CSFth3 Favorable for the development of CSFst4 CSFli5 CSFth4 CSFst3 Causing damage to Generate CSFli3 CSFth1 CSFop1
CSFli1 Affects CSFst1 Conceptual Map of the Social PCSA by the CSFs CSFth5 Favor to By CSFst2 Contributesto Has Depends on CSFop5 PCSA-Social Depends on Generate Influences in Has Generate With Needed CSFli4 Depends on CSFop2 CSFli2 Main CSFs CSFth2 CSFop3 CSFst5 CSFth3 Favorable for the development of CSFst4 CSFli5 CSFth4 CSFst3 Causing damage to Generate CSFli3 CSFth1 CSFop1