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Explore our range of plant growth promoters that are pure, stable, environmentally safe, and deliver shiny seeds with no side effects. Promote plant growth, reduce nutrient leaching, and improve soil fertility with our reliable products. Serving industries like farming, horticulture, and more.

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  1. Phone : +91-721-2663634Mobile : +91-9665544371 / +91-9403620125Email ID : nishasonare@gmail.com www.specialbiochem.com Shiv Appt., Opp. DIG Bungalow, Camp, Amravati, Maharashtra, India - 444602 

  2. Welcome to Our Special Biochem!

  3. Features Of Our Products • Pure • Hygienic • Stable • No side effects • Non toxic • Environmentally safe • Shiny finish of the seeds • Reasonable Industries We serve • Farming • Horticulture • Forestation • Tea/Coffee cultivation

  4. Products at a Glance • Swift Plant Growth Promoter • Black Horse • Chilwin • Cotwin • Sowin • Vegin • Padwin • Mitkill • Catalyst Plant Growth Promoter • SMS Soil Conductor • Sticold • Inalsa • Amigold 40 • Larvino • Super sulf • Green Phos • Stickon • Fungino • Vital • All The Best • Activ + Plant Growth Promoter • BactisidPlant Growth Promoter • Bio Booster Plant Growth Promoter • CoproxPlant Growth Promoter • FloramaxPlant Growth Promoter • GreenhumeLiquid Plant Growth • Huma+ Plant Growth Promoter • Hyper - Natural Organic Product • Max Gold Organic Product • Max Green Organic Product • Micro Enricher • PaushPlant Growth Promoter

  5. Activ + Plant Growth Promoter • Chemical Composition • Amino Acid : 50ppm • PhycoCyanins :15% • Plant Extract : 15% • Xanthophyll :0.1% • Vitamin B1, B2,B6 :2.0ppm • Chlorophyll :0.85% • Growth Promoters :1ppm • Total • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, Fruits, Paddy, Wheat, Gram, Ground nut, Soya bean, Ginger, Lemon, Mango, Tea etc used in various • Benefits : • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division. • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. • Dose : 15 liter of water in 5ml Active . • Packing Available : 50ml, 100ml and 250ml.

  6. Bactisid Plant Growth Promoter • Chemicals Composition • 2Bromo- 2nitro Propane-1, 3-Diol Immunomodulator. • Benefits : • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division. • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Lemon, Vegetable, Fruits, Flowers, Garlic, Graphs used on various Crops. • Dose : 20gm to be dissolved in 60litre of water & 5 prayed. • Packing Available : 20gms x 1kg

  7. Bio Booster Plant Growth Promoter • Chemicals Composition • Hydrolyzed Protein : 3% w/w • Humic Acid : 6% w/w • Fulvic Acid : 3% w/w • Bentoniate Granules: 88%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Benefits : • Increases germination, promotes healthy growth of the shoots • Initiates profuse roots zone. • Increases water holding capacity of soil. • Improve soil fertility. • Improves activities of beneficial micro-organisms. • Recommend Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Sweet Lemon etc. for all the crops. • Dose : 5 to 10 kg per Acre. • Packing Available : 5kg, 25kg, 5kg and 8kg.

  8. Bio Booster Plant Growth Promoter • Chemicals Composition • Hydrolyzed Protein : 3% w/w • Humic Acid : 6% w/w • Fulvic Acid : 3% w/w • Bentoniate Granules: 88%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Benefits : • Increases germination, promotes healthy growth of the shoots • Initiates profuse roots zone. • Increases water holding capacity of soil. • Improve soil fertility. • Improves activities of beneficial micro-organisms. • Recommend Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Sweet Lemon etc. for all the crops. • Dose : 5 to 10 kg per Acre. • Packing Available : 5kg, 25kg, 5kg and 8kg.

  9. Coprox Plant Growth Promoter • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetables, Fruits, Wheat, Paddy, Tea, Banana, Bean, used on various crops. • Benefits : • It is essential for the proper growth of plants also has been traditionally used a safe and effective fungicides. • well Controlled Ph. • To control various diseases like roots, black spot light etc. • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division . • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. • in controls fungal infections. • Compatibility : Compatible with must of all pesticides/fungicides. • Dose : Mix 5ml Coprox in 1liter of water to spray over crops. • Packing available : 250ml, 500ml, 1liter

  10. Floramax Plant Growth Promoter • Chemical composition : • Nitrobenzene : 40%w/w • Surfactant : 20%w/w • Fillers & Stabilizers : 40%w/w • Total : 100%W/W • Recommended Crops : • Cotton Soya bean, Paddy ,Brinjal , Tomato, Chilly, Rose, Jasmine all Fruits & Flowers, Vegetable etc used in various crops. • Benefits : • It promotes flowering & increase the yield. • Facilated nutrient absorption by increasing cell members permeability of roots hairs. • Reduces the incidence of nutrient leaching. • Compatibility : Compatible with must of all pesticides/fungicides. • Dose : 2-3ml per liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml,500ml,1litre.

  11. Greenhume Liquid Plant Growth • Chemical composition : • Humicacid + Fulnic Acid • Recommended Crops : • Vegetable, Chilly, Soybean, Potato, Sunflowers, Ground nut, Banana, Mango, Graphs, Lemon, Wheat, Sweet lemon,etc used in various crops. • Benefits : • It accelerates germination • It immense seeding. • It promote vigor & Roots growth. • It improves uptake & translocation of micro & macro nutrients. • It Maintains the PH of soil. • It helps plants to resist draught • It increases the quality of yield & quantity • Dose : • Foliar Spray: 2ml Green Hume 1liter of water at growing and flowering stages of crops. • Drip & Sprinkler irrigation: 1liter per acre with sufficient quantity of water. • Root Dipping: 2ml 1liter of water. • Seed Treatment: 5-10ml per kg of seed with enough quantity of water. • Packing available : 250ml, 500ml & 1litre.

  12. Huma + Plant Growth Promoter • Chemical composition : • Humic Acid : 12%w/w • Bentonite granules : 88%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Recommended Crops : • Soybean, Cotton, Paddy, Pulses, Citrus, Banana, Grapes, Tomatoes & Other Vegetable & Fruits, Huma is used on various crop. • Benefits : • Improves soil structure by making the soil more porous permeable and aerated • Improves germination of seeds, roots development, chlorophyll & Vitamin Content. • Improves uptake and translocation of micro /macro nutrients, chlorophyll and vitamin content & stabilize PH • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. • Dose : 4 to 8 Kg per acre. • Packing available : 8kg bucket & 40 kg Drum

  13. Hyper - Natural Organic Product • Chemical composition : • HumicAcid : 85% • Folic Acid : 1% • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Soya bean, chilly, Banana, Tomato, Potato, Onion, Garlic , Wheat , gram ,Bean, used on Various crops. • Benefits : • Improve soil fertility. • Promote Plant growth y stimulating cell division. • Facilated nutrient absorption by increasing cell membrane permeability of roots hair. • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. • Dose : 50gms per acre. • Packing available : 50gms,100gms,250gms.

  14. Max Gold Organic Product Chemical composition : Humicacid : 3%w/w Hydrolyzed Protein : 3%w/w Fulvic Acid : 3%w/w Silicon dioxide : 3%w/w Boron as B : 1.00%w/w Recommended Crops Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana , Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon.etc. for all the crops Benefits Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching. Dose : 5-10kg per acre. Packing available : 5kg Drum

  15. Max Green Organic Product • Chemical composition : • Magnesium sulphate magnesium as (mg) 9.6%. • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Paddy, Vegetable, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana, Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon used on various crops. • Benefits : • Magnesium sulphate magnesium as (mg) 9.6%. • Resist Diseases and enhances the absorption of other important nutrients from the soil resulting in higher yield. • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leading. • Promoted plant growth by stimulating cell division. • Compatibility : Compatible with most of all pesticides/fungicides. • Dose : • For foliar spray. Dissolve 500gms max green in 200literos water and spray on both sides of the of the leaves. The first spray should be gives after 30 days from germination n or transplantation repeat 2 sprays at an interval of 20-25 days each in case of cotton use 3spray schedules to control the red leaf disease. • Packing available : 100ml,250ml,500ml and 1litre.

  16. Micro Enricher • Chemical composition : • Iron as Fe : 2.00%w/w • Zinc as Zn : 5.00%w/w • Manganese : 1.00%w/w • Copper as Cu : 0.50%w/w • Boron as B : 1.00%w/w • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon.etc. for all the crops. • Benefits : • Higher Yield. • Improves Crop Quality. • Helps Faster growth of plants. • Stop Shedding of Fruits. • Dose : paddy, wheat, fenugreek 5kg per acre! Sugarcane, banana, potato 5-10kg per acre. • Packing available : 5kg

  17. Paush Plant Growth Promoter • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon etc. For all the crops • Benefits : • To increase plant growth & flowering • To control soil pest . • To control harmful soil fugues & bacteria. • It is very good source of essential macro & micro elements, growth regulator like cytokine & vitamin required for growth & development of crop as well as yield of crop produce. • To increase fruit size & yield in fruit &vegetable • It activates and stimulates the beneficial microbial and bacterial population. • Dose : 2ml in per liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml, 500ml & 1liter.

  18. Swift Plant Growth Promoter • Chemical Composition: • Carboxylic acid (Acta) : 300ppm • Amino acid : 150ppm • Xanthophylls : 0.1% • PhytoCyamins : 15% • Niacin : 20ppm • Riboflavin : 16ppm • Thiamine : 16ppm • Solvent, Buffer • Stabilizer : Q.S. • Total : 100 • Benefits : • Plants show immediate noticeable effects as they start growing vigorously. • Increases yield and enhance resistance level in crops by ensuring effective growth regulation. • Incorporates drought resistance. • Increases the fertilizer use efficiency, and enzyme activity. • Promotes absorption of soil nutrient and develops stronger plants. • Recommended Crops: • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon,. etc. for all the crops • Dose : 5 to 10 kg per Acre. • Packing available : 1litr,500ml, 250ml,100ml,50ml,25ml.

  19. Black Horse • Chemicals Composition : • Sea Weed Extract : 5%w/w • Hydrolyzed Protein : 12%w/w • Stabilizer : 0.2%w/w • Diluent Buffer : 82.8%w/w • Adjuents • Total 100%w/w • Benefits • Increase yields. • Improve crop quality. • Gives Longer shelf life of produce. • Compatible with pesticides. • Safe to use –non toxic. • Increase resistances to diseases to diseases and climatic stress. • Recommend Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, chilly, Soya bean Potato, sunflower, Ground nut, Banana ,Mango, Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Wheat, Chiku, Sweet Lemon. etc. for all the crops. • Dose : 200ml per acre or 500ml per hector. • Packing Available : 1litr, 500ml & 250ml.

  20. Cotwin • Chemicals Composition : • Combination of L-cystein : 90%w/w • Derivatives of Folic Acid : 5%w/w • Other ingredients : 5%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Recommended Crops : Cotton Special. • Benefits : • Activates photosynthesis and increases the percentage of chlorophyll. • Initiates various physiological and chemical plant processes that are vital for healthy plant growth . • Increases the percentage of flowers and helps in the setting of fruits. • Helps the plant to overcome stress. • Improves quality, yield and luster, improves self life of the produce. • Compatibility crops : Compatible with most of all pesticides/ fungicides. • Dose : 2ml per liter of water to spray on crops. Spray during flowers and boll formation stages. • Packing available : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1litre.

  21. Sowin • Chemicals Composition : • Combination of L-cystein : 75%w/w • Derivatives of Folic Acid : 5%w/w • Other ingredients : 25%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Recommended Crops : Soya bean Special. • Benefits : • Increases the pod size and the percentage of oil content. • Healthy plant growth results in the formation of extra nodules on the roots that help in atmospheric nitrogen fixation. • Activates photosynthesis and increases the percentage of chlorophyll. • Initiates various physiological and chemical plant processes that are vital for healthy plant Growth. • Increases the percentage of flowers and helps in the setting of fruits. • Helps the plant to overcome stress. • Compatibility crops : Compatible with most of all pesticides/ fungicides. • Dose : 2ml per liter of water to spray on crops. Spray during flowering and fruit formation stages. • Packing available : 250ml,500ml,1liter.

  22. Padwin • Chemical composition : • Combination of L-cystein : 80%w/w • Derivatives of Folic Acid : 5%w/w • Other Ingredients : 15%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Recommended Crops : Padwinis special for paddy • Benefits : • Increase the percentage of productive tillers. • Increases the grains size and weight and promote timely maturity. • Initiates profuse flowering and helps in the filling of grains till the top of the Panicle. • Activates photosynthesis and increases the percentage of chlorophyll. • Helps the plant to overcome stress. • Dose : 30-40 ml in 15liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml,500ml & 1liter.

  23. SMS Soil Conductor • Chemical Composition : • Calcium : 14 • Sulphur : 8 • Magnesium : 6 • Filler material : 72 • Total : 100 • Benefits : • It provides calcium, sulphur and magnesium. • Improve nutrient availability. • Reduce the incidence of nutrient leaching • Improve soil structure over time • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division • Facilitate nutrient absorption by increasing cell membrane permeability of root hairs. • Recommended Crops : • cotton, paddy, potato, cotton, soya bean, vegetables, chilly, sunflower, groundnut, mangoes, orange, sweet lemon, lemon, pomegranate, chiku etc. Used on various crops. • Dose : 25kg per Acre. • Packing Available : 25kg bag. www.specialbiochem.com

  24. Sticold • Chemical composition : • Sulphonic Acid : 20%w/w • Sodium Hydroxide : 5% w/w • Diluents Buffer & Adjuent : 75%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Benefits : • It is Highly efficious. • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division. • Facilated nutrient absorption by increases cell membrane permeability of roots hairs. • Recommended crops : Fruits, Paddy Tea, Graphs,etc use various crops. • Dose : 2ml in per lire of water. • Packing Available : 250ml, 500ml & 1litre. www.specialbiochem.com

  25. Inalsa • Chemical Composition : • Amino acid & Folic Acid. • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Paddy, Wheat, Soya bean, Chilly, brinjal, Vegetables, Fruits, Pulses, Oil Seeds. • Benefits : • It is a plant energizer, flowering stimulant & yield booster. • It enhances the plant canopy & induces profuse flowering & thereby increase the yield. • Dose : 2-3ml in per liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml, 500ml & 1litre. www.specialbiochem.com

  26. Amigold40 • Chemical composition : • Hydrolyzed : • Protein : 40%w/w • Diluent Buffer & Adjuents : 60%w/w • Total : 100%W/W • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetables, Fruits & Flowers, Soybean, Wheat, Paddy, Tea used on Various crops. • Benefits : • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division • It permits full utilization of all the biochemical’s and physiological reserves of plants, resulting in better yield in terms of both quality and quality by treating the vegetation improvement of quality such as fruits size, colour ,uniform vitamin content etc can be obtained in addition to an increase in yield. • Dose : 2ml per liter in water. • Packing Available : 250ml,500ml & 1litre. www.specialbiochem.com

  27. Larvino • Chemical Composition : • Amino acid & Folic Acid. • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Paddy, Wheat, Soya bean, Chilly, brinjal, Vegetables, Fruits, Pulses, Oil Seeds. • Benefits : • It is a plant energizer, flowering stimulant & yield booster. • It enhances the plant canopy & induces profuse flowering & thereby increase the yield. • Dose : 2-3ml in per liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml, 500ml & 1litre. www.specialbiochem.com

  28. Super Sulf • Chemical Composition : • Sulphur : 20% • Nitrogen : 14% • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Soya bean ,Chilly, Wheat, Onion, Ground nut, Mango, Rose, Peas, Citrus, Vegetables, Maize, Sugar Cane, Garlic, Tobacco, Potato, Graph s, Tea, Rubber, Beans, Cumin ,Coriander Etc used in various crops. • Benefits : • It is essential for nitrogen metabolism. • Healthy Growth Crops & higher yield can be achieved with sulphur. • It improves quality in legume crops increases protein contents and oil percentage, result improvement in quality of crops. • Compatibility : Compatible with must of all pesticides/fungicides. • Dose : 2-3ml 1 liter of water to spray on crops. • Packing available : 250ml,500ml & 1liter. www.specialbiochem.com

  29. Green Phos • Chemical composition : • Seaweed extract : 85%w/w • Hydrolyzed : 10%w/w • Other Ingredients : 5%w/w • Total : 100%w/w • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Soya bean, Vegetables, Banana, Graphs (fruits ) Paddy,Wheat,Tea,etc used on various crops. • Benefits : • It helps crops to overcome stress during critical growth stage fruits developments etc • It improves quality & yield. • Promate plant growth by stimulating cell division • Compatibility : Compatible with most of all pesticides/fungicides. • Dose : 2ml In per liter of water. • Packing Available : 250ml,500ml & 1litre. www.specialbiochem.com

  30. Stickon • Chemical composition : • Sulphonic Acid : 20%w/w • Sodium Hydrescide : 5% w/w • Diluent Buffer & Adjuents : 75%w/w • Total : 100%v/v • Recommended Crops : • Cotton, Vegetable, fruits, Paddy, Wheat, Tea, Gram etc used on various crops. • Benefits: • Improves distribution • Help in deep penetration. • Increases adhesive power • Promotes quick drying. • Compatibility : Compatible with most of all pesticides/ Fungicides. • Dose : 2ml in per liter of water. • Packing available : 250ml,500ml & 1litre www.specialbiochem.com

  31. Fungino • Chemical Composition : • Natural Alkaloids : 1.0%v/v • Amino Acids : 3.0%v/v • Lactones : 1.0%v/v • Stabilizers : 3.0%v/v • Solvents /Emulsifiers : 92%v/v • Total : 100%v/v • Recommended Crops : • Vegetable, Fruits, Paddy, Tea ,Gram, Bean ,Cotton ,Wheat used version crops. • Benefits : • Promote plant growth by stimulating cell division • Improves soil fertility. • Improves quality, yield & luster. • Improves shelf life of the produces. • Dose : 3-4 ml Per liter of water. • Packing available : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1 liter. www.specialbiochem.com

  32. Vital • Chemical composition • Natural Alkaloids : 1.0%v/v • Amino Acids : 7.0%v/v • Lactones : 1.0%v/v • Stabilizers : 3.0%v/v • Solvents /Emulsifiers : 88%v/v • Total : 100%v/v • Recommended Crops : • Cotton ,Vegetables, Fruits, Wheat, Paddy, Gram, Graphs, Mango, Chilly used on various crops. • Benefits : • Improve soil fertility. • Promote plant growth by. • Stimulating cell division. • Dose : 30-40 ml per liter of water. • Packing available : 100ml,250ml,500ml & 1litra. www.specialbiochem.com

  33. All The Best • Chemical Composition : • Natural Alkaloids : 1.0%v/v • Amino Acids :7.0%v/v • Lactones : 1.0%v/v • Stabilizers : 3.0%v/v • Solvents /Emulsifiers : 88%v/v • Total :100%v/v • Recommended Crops : • Cotton ,Vegetables, Fruits, Wheat, Paddy, Gram, Graphs, Mango, Chilly used on various crops. • Benefits : • Improve soil fertility. • Promote plant growth by. • Stimulating cell division. • Dose : 30-40 ml per liter of water. • Packing available : 100ml,250ml,500ml & 1litra. www.specialbiochem.com

  34. What Clients Say About Special Biochem "Special Biochem has Superb One Year of Outstanding and Error Free Performance.“ Ajay Kulkarni "Quite frankly we would not have made it without Special Biochem - so a hearty thanks, especially to the translation and test teams.“ Rahul Singh "It's been a real pleasure working with Special Biochem this year. They have lifted a weight off our shoulders with a number of key titles and we really appreciate all the help and support they have given to us“ Rajesh Kumar "Special Biochem are a vital partner, they understand our needs and always respond.“ Praveen Lodhi

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