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E-learning in Higher Education through E-learning center

E-learning in Higher Education through E-learning center. Zoran Zdravev MSc Gorgi Dimov MSc Silvana Krsteva Computer Science Faculty, “ Goce Delcev ” University. Introduction. I mperative of teachers and professors : to introduce the use of ICT in the educational process Projects:

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E-learning in Higher Education through E-learning center

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  1. E-learning in Higher Education through E-learning center ZoranZdravev MSc GorgiDimov MSc SilvanaKrstevaComputer Science Faculty, “GoceDelcev” University

  2. Introduction • Imperativeofteachersandprofessors:tointroducetheuseof ICT intheeducationalprocess • Projects: • CreativeTeachingandLearning (USAID) • IntegratingE-LearningacrosstheTeacherCurriculum (TEMPUS) • Other projects supported by Ministry of education and Science and by University “GoceDelcev”

  3. 2005: Equipmentandapplicationof ICT • Example: Faculty of Pedagogy 2005: • laboratorywith 12 PCsoftype 486 from 1996 • 1 PC (Pentium3) for 2 or 3 proffesors • No organizedmaintenanceofcomputers. • No laptopcomputers • Onlyone LCD projector

  4. Projectsactivities • "CreativeTeachingandLearning“ - USAID • Twoten-dayintensivetrainings, August 2005 andJanuary 2006 • StudyvisittoLondon, November 2005 • Reconstructionandprovidinglaboratoriesandclassroomswithsuitableequipment • Dissemination of experience gained through mandatory workshops, each teacher at the Faculty of Pedagogy (Sept-Oct 2006)

  5. Projectsactivities • "IntegratingE-LearningacrosstheTeacherCurriculum" - TEMPUS • StudytourinGroningenandLeuven, shortcoursesandvisitingschoolsthatareadvancedintheuseof ICT intheteachingprocess (February 2007) • A series of workshops implemented at the Pedagogical Faculty in Stip (2007-2009) • Teachers retraining in Groningen, Leuven and Edinburgh (January 2008), • PurchaseofequipmentandsoftwaretoequiptheCentrefore-learningthatfitsthenewlyestablishedUniversity "GoceDelcev"

  6. UniversityGoceDelcev (UGD) • established a policythatitwouldbeorganizedwith a highdegreeofusageof ICT inallsegmentsofbusinessandadministrationandinteaching • computers are provided for each employee at the UGD, • more new classrooms and computer labs with interactive boards were provided, • a modern network, connecting buildings and campuses with optical connection are provided. • Document Management System and • Learning Management System (Moodle) are also implemented.

  7. E-learning Center • Founded by University "GoceDelcev“ • Theaimoftheestablishment: • continuoussupporttoall teachers and profesors at UGD • monitor, developandimplementnewtechnologiesinthefieldofelectroniclearning • Project "Implementationof LMS inteachingorganizedbytheUGD’sE-LearningCenter (ELC)

  8. ELC Project activities • First part of the training for trainers for the application of LMS (two from each faculty), 15 day workshop , January 2009 • Part of the training for trainers for of the application of LMS (two from each faculty), 15 day workshop, July 2009 • Mandatory one-day initial training on the use of LMS, for each teacher at UGD, with instructors from the ELC implemented from October 2009 to December 2009 • Mandatory training (consultations) on the spot at the UGD faculties with visiting instructors from the ELC, January 2010 • Mandatory two days’ training on using the LMS, for each teacher at UGD, with instructors from the Center for e-learning implemented from April 2010 to June 2010

  9. ELC Project activities IT for non IT students course @ UGD E-Learning @ DVV- Life Long Learning Project E-Learning @ “DobriDaskalov” – Kavadarci E-Learning promotion – e-Info / weekly e-news Permanent trainings for teaching / administrative staff @UGD

  10. Present situation - results achieved January 2011 Grafshowingtheusageofthe LMS at UGD

  11. Present situation - results achieved December 2010

  12. Present situation - results achieved December 2011 students who have a home computer and Internet access

  13. Conclusion Very first: lackofequipmentandlackofskillsinusingtheequipmentwereidentifiedasthemainproblems issuewasneglectedatthebeginning: thehumanfactor - motivationandwillingnesstouse ICT theyavoidedtrainingandkeptlowlevelofskillsinusing ICT. Unfortunatelyitis a factthatbecame a wordforfellowagedbetween 30 and 40 years

  14. Conclusion • From all the above said in our success story, we found that factors for success are: • Advanced ICT equipment and resources • Permanent training for upgrading skills to use ICT equipment and resources • Organizing a specific centers which will be tasked to monitor compliance with the ICT (safety, maintenance, lapse, use) and which will provide continuous training to users • Looking for a way of motivating users through the rewards, orders, decrees, etc. • Organizing a repository of reusable digital content and learning materials.

  15. Questions? Thank you! ZoranZdravev MSc GorgiDimov MSc SilvanaKrsteva ceu@ugd.edu.mk E-Learning Center, http://elc.ugd.edu.mk Computer Science Faculty, http://inf.ugd.edu.mk “GoceDelcev” University, http://www.ugd.edu.mk

  16. Now What?

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