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Team of Specialists Forest Products Markets & Marketing – Sub-group Emerging Markets Work items:

Team of Specialists Forest Products Markets & Marketing – Sub-group Emerging Markets Work items: Wood-based Bio-energy Enhanced Use of Wood: edu. + train. Marketing in the CEECs Wood & Forest Promotion Campaigns (NB on hold). Results of round-table proposals:

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Team of Specialists Forest Products Markets & Marketing – Sub-group Emerging Markets Work items:

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  1. Team of Specialists Forest Products Markets & Marketing – Sub-group Emerging Markets Work items: • Wood-based Bio-energy • Enhanced Use of Wood: edu. + train. • Marketing in the CEECs • Wood & Forest Promotion Campaigns (NB on hold)

  2. Results of round-table proposals: 1 What kind of green building? E.g. non-residential sector? 2 Information for investors on forest resources, products and trade? 3 Status of harvested wood products under Kyoto protocol after 2012? 4 LCA as tool for wood in green building 5 Identify and promote best practice in green building e.g. off-site construction (use web-site?)

  3. Results of round-table proposals: 6 Roles of building tradition and fashion wood “psychometrics” →regulations? 7 Environmental labelling – gap between labelling & industry practice 2-way education & communication 8 Education, including distance learning? How to attract young people (info?) 9 Wood & Forest Campaign Effectiveness Survey

  4. Results of round-table proposals: 10 Statistics on wooden building 11 CIS: improve forest-based sector info from forest resources; info on products, procesing and marketing 12 Using technology for: - communication (industry, govt, public, academia) - technology transfer - training

  5. Emerging Markets Sub-group Work 2007-8 • i) Support to main TC wood-energy information ii) Support to wood-energy workshops Serbia: Nov 2007, 2008;Romania (2008) (planning (Florian, Doug, Branko, Rich), speakers (James, Rich), funds (JW) (Also c) ii) b) i) Dissemination of EU Education and Training survey results (2008)(JW) ii) Possible extension to ECE using national supply/demand summaries (incl. marketing) (2009 JW, Ed, RJC) b)iv)How to attract young people (info?)2009

  6. b) iii) Support to possible TC Wood in Green Building Policy Forum October 2008 - What kind of green building? E.g. non-residential sector + others Anders, Francois, Eoin - Status of harvested wood products under Kyoto protocol after 2012? RJC, Eoin, - LCA as tool for wood in green building (sub-item under web-site) RJC, Rich - Identify and promote best practice in green building e.g. off-site construction (web-site issue) Eoin, Francois

  7. - Roles of building tradition and fashion (Florian, Rich) wood “psychometrics” (attitudes and perceptions of wood: NB different target groups/ages) Rich, Anders - building codes and regulations - Environmental labelling – gap between public & industry practice – fill gap through 2-way education & communication Francois - Statistics on wooden building All - Education, including distance learning Anders, Rich, James (c) iv) c) i) Forest Sector Marketing Development Project - on hold? c) ii) Marketing workshops: e.g. Sarajevo (Dec.2007); CIS 2008 (Czech support?) c) iii) Market Information Systems? (proposal & resources: e.g. GTZ? Austria?) NB Farquharson Report: reactions All c) v) Corporate Social Repsonsibility: information gathering (?web-site responsible trade? All

  8. c) vi) Emerging markets: improve information esp for investors (Hakan) forest-based sector (forest resources; products, processing) and marketing, business models/climate, risks and opportunities (E.g. esp. in CIS (Gulusa) products, processing, marketing ECE/FAO to discuss enhancement of on-line country profiles d) Wood & Forest Campaign Effectiveness Survey (Rich, David Venables) Other: Using technology for: - communication (industry, govt, public, academia) - technology transfer - training (possible forum follow-up All)

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