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Title: God’s Advancing Church

Title: God’s Advancing Church. Scripture: EXODUS 19:1-5. 22 nd September 2013. Brother Archie Harold -Brown. THE.COUNTDOWN SHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E.

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  1. Title: God’s Advancing Church Scripture: EXODUS 19:1-5 22nd September 2013 Brother Archie Harold -Brown

  2. THE.COUNTDOWNSHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E • E-39 …We've passed through the Lutheran age; we've passed through the Wesley age. And look. As soon as the church started, God begin to show signs in the earth, showing that He was advancing His church from justification, to sanctification, to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, now to the astronaut Amen.

  3. THE.UNITING.TIME.AND.SIGNJEFF.IN V-6 N-10 SUNDAY_ 63-0818 • 33 ……in this last Scripture reading, He was rebuking the clergy for not being able to discern the time or the sign of the time.

  4. THE.UNITING.TIME.AND.SIGNJEFF.IN V-6 N-10 SUNDAY_ 63-0818 • Now, that has always been a great thing to the people, see, to be able to discern the sign of the time that you're living;because God writes it plainly so nobody could escape it.

  5. SOULS.THAT.ARE.IN.PRISON.NOW JEFF.IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M • 321 Jesus said, said, "If you'd have only knowedyour day, Jerusalem. If you could have only recognized! But," said, "now you're left to your own." See? "If you'd have only know. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft I would have hovered you, as a hen would her brood, from the judgments that's just to come! But you didn't know your day."

  6. SOULS.THAT.ARE.IN.PRISON.NOW JEFF.IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M • "You that stoned the prophets, and killed the righteous, if you'd have only known your day! If you'd have only knowed, and had been up on your Scripture, and knowed that My coming was a sign of your end. Now you're blind. Now you've been rebuked. Your time is over." And it was. That's right. "If you'd have only knowed the time!"

  7. SOULS.THAT.ARE.IN.PRISON.NOWJEFF.IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M • 322 Look, when Jesus made that declaration, the world went right on. See? The world went right on, normally. Why? For they knew not their hour. • 323 The world went right on, when Noah went into the ark. The world moved right on. The scoffers, in that day, they still had sex parties. They still eat, drink, married, done the things they do today.

  8. SOULS.THAT.ARE.IN.PRISON.NOWJEFF.IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M • Just exactly, normally. "Ha-ha! That old holy-roller closed the door. Now, did you ever hear of such a thing? Ha-ha! You know what he says? We're all going to be 'drowned.' Nonsense! Where is the water at?" • 324 Scoffers, in the days of Noah. "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." All right. Noah knew the sign. Same thing in the days of Lot. Same things in the days of Jesus. So is it today. They scoff their last time...?...

  9. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • 76 Look in the old days back there, they, they put up their tents. There was a Pillar of Fire that led them. And every time that Pillar of Fire would move, they'd move with It. It stayed over the tents. And if it was ten o'clock at night, two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a thousand trumpets blasted at once; every Israelite took down his tent, pulled up his stakes, and wound up everything, and they followed the Pillar of Fire.

  10. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • Oh, that would be a good thing today. They followed the Pillar of Fire. And then where the Pillar of Fire stopped, they built under. That become lost to the church.

  11. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • 78 And in the days of Martin Luther, after fifteen hundred years of dark ages, Martin Luther saw the Pillar of Fire move, and he come out of the Catholic church, and he followed the Pillar of Fire and brought tens of thousands of them out. And then Martin Luther built under the Pillar of Fire. And when he got down there, the first thing you know, he made a great organization called the Lutheran church.

  12. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • But one day the Pillar of Fire begin to move again, but Martin Luther couldn't move because he was organized. He had to stay there. That's right.

  13. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • And a little fellow over in England, by the name of John Wesley, saw It. (And Martin Luther said, "The just shall live by faith.") And now, and John Wesley said that, "Jesus suffered without the gates, that He might sanctify the people with His Own Blood." He seen sanctification. The Pillar of Fire moved on, but Luther couldn't move, because he was organized.

  14. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • 82 Then they couldn't move, so John Wesley saw the Pillar of Fire and he moved after It. And he pulled a great... He saved the nations. About three or four nations was in moral decay, and John Wesley saw the Pillar of Fire and started the Wesley revival that swept around the world, and come over here, him and Asbury and them, and saved the day. That's right.

  15. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • And then the first thing you know, John Wesley organized so tight, the Pillar of Fire begin to move again. Wesley couldn't move because he was organized. And the Pentecostal people saw It, and away they went. That's right, left Wesley setting in the shade; God laid him up on the shelf with Luther. All right. Now, the first thing you know, they had a great revival, a Pentecostal revival, restoration of the gifts and so forth.

  16. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.5JEFF.IN IC 129-147 SUNDAY_ 53-0329 • And now, the first thing you know, the Pillar of Fire has begin to move again. But Pentecost is so organized, it can't go...?... when pure...?... It was so organized, crystallized until it can't go. That's right. That's true. But the Pillar of Fire is moving out, brother, and there's people that's going with It. Hallelujah. We're bound for the promised land. Yes, sir.

  17. THE.COUNTDOWNSHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E • E-39 …We've passed through the Lutheran age; we've passed through the Wesley age. And look. As soon as the church started, God begin to show signs in the earth, showing that He was advancing His church from justification, to sanctification, to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, now to the astronaut Amen.

  18. THE.COUNTDOWNSHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E • E-23 ... Now, don't fail to get this. Open up ears, heart, and everything now, and listen close. When anythinghappens on earth, it is a warning to us that something is fixing to be--happen from heaven. What man does on earth by His achievement is something that God's fixing to do by His achievement to His church.

  19. THE.COUNTDOWNSHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E • E-43 You see that the progress of the church has followed the progress of time. You know that. And we've changed now from airplane to astronaut. And there's got to be a change.

  20. COUNTDOWNBAKF.CA V-22 N-9 SUNDAY_ 64-0209 • We've come into a spiritual age of astronaut, see, going above.... It's the same Spirit,only more power, only lifted higher, can go higher, see more, believe more, be more like Christ. Not the automobile, not the horse and buggy, not even the airplane, but, the astronaut, he sweeps on and above each one.

  21. DEMONOLOGY.PHYSICAL.REALMCONNERSVILLE.IN DE 21-40 53-0608A55 • ... Everything in the naturaltypesthe spiritual. Are you aware of that? Everything in the natural types the spiritual, regardless.

  22. Well and truly grounded: The sheer size of the shuttle is evident as she is towed to her hangar. Atlantis will remain at the Kennedy Space Center as a museum piece • As powerful as it is, the space shuttle cannot travel to the moon. The engines are powerful, but not powerful enough to push the heavy orbiterthere.

  23. Last journey: Atlantis is towed along the road to its hangar at the Orbitor Processing facility for the last time where it will remain until it is displayed at a museum.

  24. As powerful as it is, the space shuttle cannot travel to the moon. The engines are powerful, but not powerful enough to push the heavy orbiter there.

  25. Put it to bed: Space shuttle Atlantis is moved into the Orbiter Processing Facility following its landing at the Kennedy Space Center for the last time

  26. That rocket could launch about 50 tons to the moon. That's about the same as four school buses. • If humans are going to return to the moon or explore other worlds, a heavy lift launch vehicle could be used to make that possible.

  27. WHAT NEXT FOR NASA? • Now that the space shuttle era is finally over, President Barack Obama wants Nasa to focus on bigger and bolder adventures far further afield than the International Space Station

  28. WHAT NEXT FOR NASA? Question: What were the theoretical possibilities of the Orion mission?

  29. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRISTSHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 • 379 Some of you people that really believe This to be the Truth, that we're entering another age.We're entering the Rapture Age. You know the church can't go in its condition, and it can't get any better.

  30. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRISTSHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 • It must get worse. How many knows that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's got to get worse. And it can't go like this. See? It's got to be Something, and It's moving right now, friend. It's--it's--it's on, the move is on for the Bride. That's the Truth. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

  31. THE.FIRST.SEALJEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 • 128-2 {75} And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it.

  32. THE.FIRST.SEALJEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 • There's something we've got to step farther; we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. We've got to have enough faithto be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth, and we'll find that after a while, the Lord willing, find where it's written.

  33. THE.FIRST.SEALJEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 • 155-2 {259} Seven thunders of revelation...May He show the Bridehow to prepare for the great translation faith

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