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Exploring the Infrared Universe: The Promise of SPICA

Uncover the significance of H2O absorption in galaxy nuclei with Herschel/PACS and ALMA synergy, detailing hydrides' roles and modeling H2O lines. Understand the excitation and implications of H2O lines in ISM galaxies, emphasizing synergy with ALMA in detecting new molecular lines. Investigate the structure and components in a doubled-barred spiral galaxy, ESO 320-G030, using ALMA observations and multi-component modeling.

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Exploring the Infrared Universe: The Promise of SPICA

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  1. Exploring the Infrared Universe: The Promise of SPICA Crete, May 20, 2019 PROBING BURIED GALACTIC NUCLEI WITH H2O: THE SPICA/ALMA SYNERGY E. González-Alfonso1, J. Fischer2, M. Pereira-Santaella3, C. Yang4, H. Smith5, F. Rico-Villas6, J. Martín-Pintado6 1Universidad de Alcalá, Depto de Física y Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain Research Associate at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 2George Mason University, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA 3Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK 4European Southern Observatory, Casilla19001, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile 5Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138, US 6Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC, INTA), 28850, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain

  2. ABSORPTION LINES: Herschel/PACS (U)LIRGs with high far-IR radiation densities have far-IR spectra (50-200 μm) dominated by absorption in molecular lines Many hydrides contribute to the far-IR absorption (OH, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, CH, CH+, NH, NH2, NH3, etc), but H2O dominates in both absorption strength (together with OH) and number of lines

  3. NEAR-IR IMAGES (Scoville+2000, Evans+2002) NGC 4418 Sakamoto+2013 LIR=1x1011 Lsun Submm size: ~30 pc SB, AGN? Milky Way: LIR(MW)=1.5x1010 Lsun Size CMZ~400 pc Arp 220 Martín+2016 LIR=1.5x1012 Lsun Nuclei sep: 350pc SB, AGN? Mrk 231 LIR=3x1012 Lsun QSO & SB IRAS 08572+3915 Evans+2002 LIR>1.5x1012 Lsun Nuclei sep: 5kpc QSO

  4. THE OH 65μmHERSCHEL/PACS SPECTRA Bimodality in OH65 * Coherent structures * Starburst-AGN co-evolution in its most active stage (G-A+15)

  5. Relationship with Outflows 3 regions in the Weq(OH65)-V84(OH119) plane: Possible evolutionary sequence I->II->III (G-A+17, See also Falstad+2019 for HCN vibrational emission)

  6. ABSORPTION LINES Many hydrides contribute to the far-IR absorptions (OH, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, CH, CH+, NH, NH2, NH3, etc), but H2O dominates in both absorption strength (together with OH) and number of lines NGC 4418: 38 H2O absorption lines Arp 220: 28 H2O absorption lines H2O: asymmetric rotor Red: detected in both NGC 4418 & Arp 220 Blue: detected in NGC 4418 Dashed blue: marginal Green: contaminated G-A+2012

  7. ABSORPTION LINES Upper spectra:NGC 4418 Lower spectra: Arp 220 H2O lines in NGC 4418 & Arp 220 (G-A+2012) Red: ortho Blue: para

  8. Models for the absorption H2O lines: ortho/para=3 Red: ortho Blue: para Nuclear regions: NGC 4418: Tdust~130-150 K N(H2O)/τ50~ (2-6)x1018 cm-2 Arp 220: Tdust~90-110 K N(H2O)/τ50~ (0.8-6)x1018 cm-2 mantle-free dust grains or “undepleted chemistry”

  9. Models for H2O: ortho/para=3 Upper spectra:NGC 4418 Lower spectra: Arp 220 Labels Red: ortho Blue: para ...this is attributable to very high H2O columns: consistent with OPR=3 (G-A+12)

  10. ABSORPTION & EMISSION LINES Yang+2013 H2O is thus a great tool to study the ISM of galaxies! But… * How are these lines excited? * What kind of information is providing? CO: -Tgas, n(H2) -M(H2) H2O: -Tdust, τ(100) -M(H2), N(H2) -Effective Sizes -A complementary view of the ISM -Absorption and emission lines are the 2 faces of the same coin -H2O traces the far-IR continuum emission, with an obvious observable: SED -Goal: fitting the H2O absorption/emission and the SED simultaneously -Advantage: Einstein coefficients are much better known than collisional rates

  11. SYNERGY WITH ALMA:A new H2O line detected with ALMA in the LIRG ESO 320-G030: H2O 423-330 @ 448 GHz (Pereira-Santaella+2017) H2O 423-330 at 448 GHz Aul=5.4x10-5 s-1 The line and the associated continuum are resolved with ALMA At >400 K above the ground, the H2O 448 is excited through absorption of 79 and 132um photons H2O 423-330 at 448 GHz observed with ALMA is the high-resolution view of the far-IR molecular absorption

  12. A number of H2O absorption and emission lines were observed in ESO 320-G030 with Herschel/PACS & SPIRE

  13. ESO 320-G030 is an isolated doubled-barred spiral galaxy Bipolar outflow in CO 2-1 Pereira-Santaella+2016 Large scale velocity field from CO 2-1

  14. We have up to 19 H2O Herschel lines detected in ESO 320-G030: let’s fit all together, including H2O448 and 3 continuum points (30, 428, and 660 microns) 3 model components: 1) The CORE: very compact (R~12pc), very warm (~100 K), optically thick (tau100>5). 2) The DISK: compact (R~40 pc), warm (~55 K), optically thick (tau100~2) 3) The ENVELOPE: extended (R~130 pc), warm (50 K), optically thin (tau100~0.2) Library of models stored in 3 boxes G-A+in prep

  15. Results for the best-fit combination and of the Bayesian analysis: 1) The CORE: very compact (R~12pc), very warm (~100 K), optically thick (tau100>5). 2) The DISK: compact (R~40 pc), warm (~55 K), optically thick (tau100~2) 3) The ENVELOPE: extended (R~130 pc), warm (50 K), optically thin (tau100~0.2)

  16. Sketch based on the spherical symmetric models 1) Are these sizes consistent with the observed ALMA maps (continuum at 454 GHz and H2O 448 GHz)? 2) Is the CORE component a coherent structure at the center (Model A), or is it composed of multiple spots widespread over the disk (Model B)?

  17. We have high angular resolution with ALMA, so let’s compare the continuum at 454 GHz with a 3D model (made up of small cubes):

  18. Let’s compare now the H2O line at 448 GHz for the best-fit combination:

  19. Let’s compare now the H2O line at 448 GHz for another combination:

  20. The H2O lines in emission (rest wavelength >200um) are detected at high redshifts with ALMA and NOEMA: Lensed ULIRGs and HyLIRGs at z=2-4 Chentao Yang et al. 2016

  21. First detection of H2O 448 GHz at high redshift (Yang+in prep) Buried G12v2.43

  22. Conclusions * Is the buried stage of (U)LIRGs relevant to understand galaxy evolution across cosmic times? SPICA will address this question via spectroscopy of many (U)LIRGs in the far-IR. * Dozens of H2O absorption lines, and up to 8 H2O emission lines, are observed in the far-IR and submillimeter spectra of bright infrared galaxies with buried nuclei. * H2O absorption/emission probes the structure and properties of the source: absorption lines are produced towards very warm (Tdust~50-150 K), optically thick (tau100>~1) compact (R~10-100 pc) cores, and emission lines with Eupper<400 K are generated towards more extended (R~a few x 100 pc) surrounding regions. * H2O absorption/emission probes the SEDs at far-IR wavelengths, where the bulk of the galaxy luminosity is generated. Specifically, it traces the transition from mid- to far-IR. * Combination of far-IR and (sub)millimeter (ALMA, NOEMA: H2O 448 GHz and continuum) spectroscopy gives accurate characterization of these regions. * Very high columns and abundances of H2O are inferred in the nuclear regions of buried galactic nuclei, with X(H2O)~10-6-10-5. * Nuclear regions are very optically thick and dusty, so UV photons are absorbed in small volumes around the heating source(s) while these regions are warm: high molecular abundances, rich chemistry. * 2 modes of star formation in galaxies have been proposed: “disk-like” and “starburst”. High-lying H2O absorption represents the most extreme mode of starburst, with ΣIR~(1013 -1014) Lsun/kpc2. The buried phase may also be associated with the starburst-AGN co-evolution in its shortlived most active stage.

  23. SPICA (SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) will address the relevance of buried nuclei in galaxy evolution

  24. Solid: fit with H2O 448; Dashed: fit without H2O 448

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