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İLKER ÜÇLER EMRA ( Energy Market Regulatory Authority ) 10 May 2017. Turkish Electricity Network System & Interconnections & Cross Border Trade. Energy Market Regulatory Authority. The sole regulator of the Turkish electricity, natural gas, petroleum and LPG markets .
İLKER ÜÇLER EMRA (Energy Market RegulatoryAuthority) 10 May 2017
TurkishElectricity Network System&Interconnections&Cross BorderTrade
Energy Market RegulatoryAuthority • The sole regulator of the Turkish electricity, natural gas, petroleumandLPGmarkets. • The architect of the liberalization and regulation of the Turkish energy market • An independent public entity with administrative and financial autonomy established in 2001 • Governed by a 7-members board • Functions: • Issue regulations • License market participants • Approve tariffs • Monitor, supervise and audit markets and market players
TURKEY Total energy supply, 1973-2015 Energy demand is growing rapidly and is dominated by fossil fuels (88%), signalling significant scope to improve efficiency and boost renewables
ShortTermCapacityProjections PEAK LOAD YEAR PEAK LOAD ENERGY DEMAND GW growth TWhgrowth (%) %) 2016 44.63,0 273 2,9 2017 46.5 4,3 285 4,3 2018 48.84,9 299 4,9 2019 51.35,1 314 5,1 2020 53.9 5,2 3315,2 2021 56.7 5,0 347 5,0 2022 59.4 4,9 3654,9 2023 62.2 4,7 3824,7 2024 65.1 4,6 399 4,6 2025 67.9 4,4 4174,4 http://www.teias.gov.tr/YayinRapor/apk/projeksiyon/Kapasite%20Projeksiyonu_5%20Y%C4%B1ll%C4%B1k_30_12_2016.pdf
2013-2023 RES targets Based on Directive 2009/28/EC, Turkey’s nationalRenewable Energy Action Plan (REAP) has beenpublished by the Ministry on December 2014 to establishstrategies topromote the development of renewableenergy in Turkey. The targets in REAP for RES are set to: RES production has increased to 30%
TURKISH ELECTRICITY NETWORK a) Stable Network FrequencyBand 49,8 Hz ≤ f ≤50,2 Hz b) Acceptable Network FrequencyBand: 49,5 Hz ≤ f <49,8 Hz ve 50,2 Hz < f ≤ 50,5 Hz c) Critical Network FrequencyBand: 47,5Hz ≤ f < 49,5Hz ve 50,5Hz < f ≤ 52,5Hz d) Unstable Network FrequencyBand: f < 47,5 Hz ve 52,5 Hz < f TurkishElectricty TransmissionCorp. (TEİAŞ)
ELECTRICITY NETWORK • Transmissionlines (highvoltage) 53.408 km • Distribution lines: 1.150.000 km • Total: 1.2 million km 5. biggest in World and 2. biggest in Europe
TEIAŞ StrategyPaper (2015-2019) *11000 relaysalreadyexistingbefore 2015 ** 250 RTM syst. Wereexistingbefore 2015
TEIAŞ StrategyPaper (2015-2019) • *New Ancillary Services Regulation has beendraftedby EMRA
ENTSO-E • European Network of TranmissionSystemOperatorsforElectricity • Founded in 19 December 2008. • Activefrom 1 July 2009 • 43 TSO - 36countries • 525 millionperson • 880 GW productioncapacity • 270,000 km ETN • 3,300 TWh/y consumption • 400 TWh/y energytrading • Foundedinstead of thesecompanies: ATSOI, BALTSO, ETSO, NORDEL, UCTE,
ConnectiontoEurope • On 18 September 2010 at 9h25 (CET) the Turkish power system was synchronized with the interconnected power systems of Continental Europe. • The Turkish power system is connected to the Bulgarian system by two 400 kV lines and to the Greek system by one 400 kV line. • The parallel operation within the Continental European Synchronous Area will increase the quality and security of the electricity supply in Turkey, and is foreseen to eventually provide access to the European Electricity Market.
TR-ENTSO-E Connection TURKEY BULGARIA 400 kV HAMİTABAT 145 km. 136 km. MARITSA 400 kV 200 km. GREECE 400 kV BABAESKİ 400 kV NEA SANTA 400 kV
SEE-CAO Members (Theaim is tocreate an auctionmechanismamongmembercountries)
Legal Basis Within the framework of the Electricity Market Law* numbered 6446, in the Turkish ElectricityMarket, the principles and procedures on crossbordertradingarecarriedoutaccordingtoElectricity Market Import and Export Regulation**, which have been revised by Energy Market RegulatoryAuthority (EMRA) RevisedRegulationenacted on 17/05/2014 * FormerElectricty Market Law 462820/2/2001 ** FormerElectricity Market Import and Export Regulation
PurposeArticle 1 –The aim of this regulation is; to define the formalities on electricity import and export activities, and to put prosedures on the usage of international transmission lines.
Theeligebable market playerforimportandexportactivities • Privatecompanieswithsupplylicenseesmayengage in the import and/or export of electricity, • GovernmentownedTradeCompany(TETAŞ) mayengage in the import and/or export of electricity (withinthecontext of theIntergovernmantalAgreements), • Generationcompaniesengage in onlyexport of electricity
Electricity importorexport is possible under following conditions • Synchronizedconnection • Unitdirectionmethod • Asynchronous parallel (DC) connection. • Feed of the isolated region
CapacityAllocationforSynchronous Connection • Bulgaria: TCAT Platform tcat.teias.gov.tr/ • Grece: SEE CAO Platform seecao.com/ • Incase of excessdemand, capacitiesareallocatedviaauctions • Capacity is allocatedbythemethot of »ExplicitAuction» • Hourly, daily, monthly, yearlyauction
AllocationsforNonsyncronizedconnections First, SystemOperatorannounces net transfer capacity of interconnections, Application forimport/export Main document is intentionletter/agrement (of otherparties) Ministry (political) and TEİAŞ (SO) (technical) approval Anouncment of application Tender (ifexcessdemand) License amendment (upto 1 year)
CROSS BORDER CAPACITY WITH GEORGIAN • There is a 400 kV transmission line (Akhaltsikhe (Georgia) – Borçka (Turkey)) together with a DC back-to-back station at Georgian side. • Thisline is operatedwithasynchronousparellelmethod. • Thecapacityallocation is carriedaccordingtotheIntergovernmentalAgreementbetweenTurkeyand Georgia governments, • as per the provisions of the Cross Border Trade Agreement and the Interconnection Operation Agreementtheexportersidecarryoutcapacityallocation.
Who is Med-TSOMed-TSO is the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity, operating the High Voltage Transmission Networks of 18 Mediterranean Countries.It was established on 19 April 2012 in Rome as a technical platform that, using multilateral cooperation as a strategy of regional development, could facilitate the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems and foster Security and Socio – economic Development in the Region. Med-TSO by numbers• 20 members from 18 Mediterranean countries, covering an area of 8,5 million km2ca, • About 500 million of consumers served • Around 400.000 km of transmission lines operated • Almost 544.000 MW of installed capacity• More than 1600 TWh of total electricity consumption
Med-TSO objective and activities Med-TSO members share the primary objective of promoting the creation of a Mediterranean energy market, by promoting:• the coordination among the Med-TSO Countries of their National Transmission Network Development Plans and of their Power System operation, studying the development of an integrated, secure and sustainable Mediterranean Power System and promoting cross-border projects aiming at facilitating the integration of new energy sources (especially from RES), increasing security and quality of power supply;• the use of common criteria and harmonized, transparent and non-discriminatory technical rules; • training, knowledge sharing and technical assistance in the Region • enhanced communication and consultation with stakeholders • the cooperation among the Mediterranean TSOs and coordinated approach towards the Institutions (in particular with the association of the Mediterranean Regulators for energy, MEDREG, and the European Network of TSOs for electricity, ENTSO-E);
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