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BIMESTER 2. Yellow / W hite. MODIFIERS. Use them to make adjectives and adverbs stronger or weaker . The test was quite confusing . Modifier + adjective / adverb Can also be used to soften a statement . He´s boring . He´s not very interesting . . USED TO & WOULD.
BIMESTER 2 Yellow / White
MODIFIERS • Use themtomakeadjectives and adverbsstrongerorweaker. The test was quite confusing. Modifier+adjective / adverb • Can also be usedtosoften a statement. He´sboring. He´snotveryinteresting.
USED TO & WOULD Used to: For past habits and states. She used to be a nice little girl. We didn’t use to study in elementary. Why did we use to yell at our parents? Would: is not used for states, only for past habitual actions. I used to go to Franklin High SchoolI would take the bus.
Somebody / Anybody / Nobody / Everybody • Use themwhenwedon’twanttoreferto a specificpersonordon’tknowwhothepersonis. • Can use ‘they’ torefertothesepronouns. • Use singular verbs Rules alsoapplyforwordsending in –thingor –where, -one (something, somewhere, anywhere, anyone, nowhere, no-one, everyone, everywhere).
SOMEBODY: affirmativesentences questionsweexpect a particular answer. Willsomebodyhelp me? (youwanttheanswerto be yes) Ifsomebodygave me ice cream, theywould be my BFF. ANYBODY: negativesentences questionswedon’tknowtheanswerfor. Isanybodygoingtohelp me? (Wedon’texpecttheanswerto be yes) Anybody can come tothemeeting. (doesn’tmatterwho)
NOBODY: means ‘no people’ in affirmativesentences. Nobodyansweredmyquestion. EVERYBODY: means ‘everyperson’ in affirmativesentences. Everybodyread Casino Royale.
Modals of deduction • Theyexpresshowcertainoruncertainsomethingis. Certain Notcertain MUST Itmust be… MAY / COULD / MIGHT (there´s a possiblity) Itmay/could/might be… CAN´T BE Itcan´t be…
Modals of obligation and permission • MUST, NEED TO & HAVE TO obligation. Youmust do yourhomework. Youhavetopayattention. • NOT HAVE TO & NEEDN’T TO notnecessary. Youdon’thavetoyell at me. Youdon’tneedto come tomorrow. • MUSTN’T prohibition. Youmusn´tgothere. (Don´tgothere) • CAN (NOT), MAY (NOT) & BE (NOT) ALLOWEDpermission Youcan´tleavewithout a hall pass. Youmaygototherestroom. Youaren’tallowedtogotothelocker.
Modal verbs in past tense. • Haveto/ must HAD TO (obligation in thepast) DIDN’T HAVE TO (lack of obligation in thepast) I hadtofinishtheprojectbecauseshedidn’t do herpart. • Can COULD (permission in thepast) Lastyear I couldeat ice creameveryday. (Now I don’t) • Be allowed WAS / WERE ALLOWED (permission in thepast) I wasnotallowedtogototheconcert.
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE * Puts emphasis on the duration or course of an action (not the result) * Recently completed actions which have present results. She hasbeencrying. (Her eyes are red) HAVE / HAS +BEEN+PRESENT PARTICIPLE -ING • Using FOR and SINCE: Since 1992, I havebeengoing to school. For many years, I havebeenseeing Dr. Mendez Shehas beenwriting for two hours.
Use presentperfectprogressive • _____________ birds ______ I wasfifteen. (photograph). • He ____________ movies _____ twentyyears. (make) • _______ you _______ here ___________ noon? (wait) • We ____________ hereforvacation ______ ten years. (come) • She _____________ a lot of funthissummer ________ shearrived in New York.
The following verbs are usually only used in Present Perfect Simple (not in the progressive form). • state: be, have (for possession only) Example: We have been on holiday for two weeks. • senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch Example: He has touched the painting. • brain work: believe, know, think, understand Example: I have known him for 3 years. STATE VERBS
Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets. We ________ (shout) all the time. I ________ (read) this book. _________(eat) all the food? He _______ (not/ write) a message. You _______ (drink) a lot. They _______(go) to the beach. _______ (he/ speak) English? They ______ (buy) cheap clothes. She ________ (work) in a bank. I ________ (study) for the exams. ______ (he / sleep) in the tent? He ________(do) his homework.. They _______ (help) their friends. He ________ (travel) all year. I _____________ (telephone) you all morning. _______(she/sit) on the sand all the time? ________(you/ paint) for the last two hours. ________ (they/ sit) all the time? We _______ (not/ live) here all the time. I ______(not/ wait) for you. _________ (you / not / clean) the room? ________(they/not/live) in New York? _______(he/ not/ stay) in the hotel? _________ (he / not / sing)?