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Enjoy this festive Christmas quiz with twenty fun and interesting questions about holiday traditions, songs, history, and more. Test your knowledge and discover intriguing facts about the holiday season!
END OF YEAR CHRISTMAS QUIZ Twenty Questions Click anywhere to start.
1 According to tradition, eating at least one what on each of the 12 days of Christmas is thought to bring luck for the coming year? MINCE PIE CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
2 Who had a top ten hit single in 1956 with... ‘I'm Walking Backwards For Christmas?’ THE GOONS CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
3 Born on Christmas Day 1954 the one time singer with the Eurythmics, can you name who it is? ANNIE LENNOX CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
4 Which English leader prohibited the singing of Christmas songs? OLIVER CROMWELL CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
5 On Christmas day 1914, British & German soldiers famously called a temporary truce by playing which ‘sport’ together? Football CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
6 In which country was tinsel invented in during the 1600s...Germany, France, Spain or Italy? Germany CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
7 By what name is ‘Boxing Day’ known as on the Isle of Man... Wren Day, Turkey Day, Goose Day or Chicken Day? Wren Day CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
8 What fruit is used to make a traditional Christingle? Orange CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
9 Yorkshire man William Strickland is believed to have brought the first what to Britain from North America in 1526? Turkey CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
10 The American ad-writer Robert L. May invented which colourful Christmas character in 1939? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
11 Who had a Christmas number one in the UK in 1974 with... Lonely This Christmas? Mud CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
12 What flower is traditionally connected with Christmas? Poinsettia CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
13 Why do we shorten Christmas to Xmas? X is the first letter of the Greek word for Christ CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
14 According to tradition, on which date should you put up your Christmas Tree? December 24th CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
15 Which song was heard on both sides of the trenches on Christmas Eve 1914? Silent Night/StilleNacht CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
16 In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, how many children does Bob Cratchit have? Six CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
17 From which animated short film does the song "Walking In The Air“ come? The Snowman CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
18 What is the popular name for little baked sausages wrapped in rashers of streaky bacon? Pigs in blankets CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
19 According to the lyrics of the famous Christmas song, what was Frosty The Snowman's nose made from? A button CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
20 On Christmas Day in 1950 what was stolen from Westminster Abbey? The Stone of Scone/Stone of Destiny CLICK ON THE LIGHTS
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