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Public Private Partnership Mechanism for E-government development in Russia

Public Private Partnership Mechanism for E-government development in Russia. Evgeny Styrin, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, Andrey Zhulin Director Government Activity Analysis Center, Institute for Public and Municipal Administration, State University Higher School of Economics.

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Public Private Partnership Mechanism for E-government development in Russia

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  1. Public Private Partnership Mechanism for E-government development in Russia Evgeny Styrin, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, Andrey Zhulin Director Government Activity Analysis Center, Institute for Public and Municipal Administration, State University Higher School of Economics SWEG 2011, Feb 7-8, 2011, Tampere Finland

  2. Presentation Plan Some words about Russian Federation E-government context and development Key E-Government elements (perspectives in 2011-2015) Discussion questions Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  3. Some words about Russia The biggest territory 17 mln. sq. km. Population 143 mln. people 83 regions Federal, regional and local level of governance Administrative reform in 2004 to 2010 Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 3

  4. Levels of eGovernment. Russia’s experience Central Regional Local Central Regional eGov Local Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 4

  5. E-government IT-investment structure in Russia High priority in development G2G G2B G2C 60% 20% 20% Things started to change!! Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 5

  6. Federal Program “Electronic Russia” Started in 2002 and will last up to 2010 Main target is “Complex, efficient and effective modernization of the Russian State and society’s activities based on ICT” Key players – Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of InfoCommunications and Media “Pilot” projects and ICT infrastructure Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 6

  7. “Pilot” projects (2002-2006) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) “One Stop Shop” portals E-procurement systems Decision Support Systems (DSS) Joint Records Management Systems (dwelling register, registry office, land register, etc. ) Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 8

  8. “Pilot” projects (2002-2006) How to use the results Some projects failed No experience and knowledge transfers Law constraints Federal Program “Information Society (2011-2020)” Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  9. Federal E-services Portal – www.gosuslugi.ru Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  10. Benchmarking E-readiness in Russia UN Leveraging E-government at a Time of Financial and Economic Crisis 2010,UN E-gov Survey 2008, UN Global E-gov Readiness report 2005 Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru 11

  11. Key E-government Elements ?= Public Private Partnership ? ? Federal Government Regional Governments ?

  12. Rostelecom - Initial Data and Documents • Federal Government Order October 15th, 2009 . № 1475-р – • JSC ROSTELECOM – exclusive contractor on e-government infrastructure exploitation – National e-government Operator • Federal Government OrderAugust 26th, 2009. № 1231-р – JSC Rostelecom – exclusive contractor on e-government infrastrucutre creation and development (FP “E-Russia”) : • E-government Telecommunication Infrastructure • The certifying centers network (e-signatures) • Public access infrastructure to information about Federal Authorities activities in electronic form • E-services provision • Call centers • National Information System «Governance» • E-government elements expertise • Federal Program “E-Russia”, regional and agency program implementation and management system • ICT usage planning and monitoring system in Authorities activities Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  13. E-government infrastructure architectureby JSC “Rostelecom” Interagency communication environment Authentification and Identification System Businesses Citizens Universal electronic card Digital signature Public Access Centers Mobile Devices Callcenters PCs TV MFC Federal and Consolidated Registers Federal e-services portal Territorial Information System Regional IS Record Management System Regional IS Payment Gateway Regional segments Federal Segment Regional IS Federal Agency System Normative base information system Regional and Municpal Agencies Federal Agencies Branches Center Rostelecom Consolidated infrastructureJSC «ROSTELECOM»

  14. Regional Authorities Interaction with Rostelecom 51% of the stock belongs to National Holding “SvyazInvest” (75% of the stock belongs to Government) 49% of the stocks are on a free market Before November 1, 2010 Russian regional authorities could choose their own e-government infrastructure operator After November 1, 2010 Rostelecom is appointed by default as the only e-government infrastructure operator in the region High prices for regional authorities (lack of competition) Lack of knowledge about specific needs in a region Lack of general methodology (standards of inclusion, unification) Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  15. JSC “Universal Electronic Card” • E-card issuer, operator and coordinator(Federal Law №210 “About public and municipal services provision”, Government Order 1344 p) • Interaction with regional organizations responsible for citizens e-card project; • Creating and managing the joined register containing records about e-cards issued (includes regions) • Creating and managing the joined register for federal, regional and municipal applications residing on e-card; • January 1, 2012 г. E-cards issuance to citizens who applied • January 1, 2014. E-cards issuance for citizens who didn’t apply but didn’t reject e-card usage • JSC “UEC” has three stakeholders (three banks): Sberbank(34%);UralSib (33%), Ak Bars (33%) • Scheme of e-card issuance • Printed at THE FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "GOSZNAK • Personalized by Federal JSC “E-card” • Added applications by regional “E-card” companies Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  16. E-government development process management hierarchy Federal Board for ICT enactment in regions and municipalities Federal Ministry of Infocommunication ROSTELECOM Federal JSC “E-card” Regional Company “E-card” Regional e-government infrastructure operator Regional Company “E-card” Regional Company “E-card” Regional “E-card” Companies

  17. Regional e-card pilot project example Social security application Personal account info, Management company choice, Pension cofinancing from Government, additiional financial suppport. Medical Application Medication supply control, benefits control, visits to the doctor control Transport Application Payment in transport, expenses control Discount Application Discounts in social trade networks Bank Application Payments, account info Tax Application Payments and info Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  18. Ideological Problems for Federal JSC “E-card” • JSC “E-card” – is in banking cloud (Ministry of Economy) • JSC “E-card” – is responsible for interagency information sharing environment (Infocomm Ministry) • JSC “E-card” is a card issuer and owner, federal applications issuer (Tax, Migration, Pension Fund ID’s for citizens) • Part of applications should be commercial bringing profits to stakeholders • Methodological support from Federal JSC “E-card” to Regional e-card issuers • Rules definition for banks and regional authorities • E-card is a means of access to public e-services VS e-passport (need to change the whole classifiers system in all authorities which require citizen’s passport, issued not for free) VS Both

  19. PPP-opportunities By applications which can be profitable to business – transport, discounts By payments – banks which can issue e-card as a part of salary projects Establish regional “E-card” company as owned by bank and regional authority Issue as many cards as possible (cheaper) Establish integration between e-gov infrastructure operators (Rostelecom) and regional “E-card” companies

  20. More questions on collaboration What is the time of cards issuance, reissuance including cases of cards loss? Who owns the card – Federal JSC “E-card” or Regional JSC “E-card” or Banks Should Regional “E-card” company be owned by regional authorities and/or banks (who shares costs of building e-card infrastructure)?. Conflicts resolution between regional and federal JSC “E-card”- lack of recommendations Conflict between multi issuance and getting profits To issue a card costs up to 30 USD (depends on a region)

  21. National Payment System (NPS) • Does Russia need it? (Visa, Mastercard already exists) • Federal Law Project (Russian Parliament - Duma) – under discussion • Definition of NPS • Definition of key NPS elements and components (e-money system, e-money system operator, operation center, payment agent, etc) • Who is going to be a key operator of NPS? • Rules for credit organizations to join the NPS Center for Government Activity Analysis, HSE, Moscow, Russia - www.gos-expert.ru

  22. Discussion questions Do we need to separate ID-card and digital signature technology for citizen’s identification? ID-card is a passport or means of access to public and municipal e-services? What structure or sturctures should own and manage e-cards? What e-card applications are profitable for private investments and partnerships? Do we need separate payment system or use existing one?

  23. Thank you for attention!!!! Evgeny Styrin Ph.D. estyrin@gmail.com estyrin@hse.ru www.gos-expert.ru

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