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VIE_GLOB. Hana Spicakova. VIE_GLOB_V1d. compatible with VieVS Version 1d parameters which can be estimated - from combination of more sessions station coordinates and velocities: TRF source coordinates: CRF Earth orientation parameters - session-wise as reduced parameters
VIE_GLOB Hana Spicakova
VIE_GLOB_V1d • compatible with VieVS Version 1d • parameters which can be estimated - from combination of more sessions • station coordinates and velocities: TRF • source coordinates: CRF • Earth orientation parameters -session-wise as reduced parameters • zenith wet delay • troposphere gradients • Earth orientation parameters • station and source coordinates (not suitable for global estimation) • input data • datum free N-matrices (ATPA) and b-vectors (ATPl) • VieVS/DATA/LEVEL2 • created within a „normal“ run of VieVS VieVS User Workshop 2011
Last GUI in VIE_LSM data for VIE_GLOB will be stored in DATA/LEVEL2/ VieVS User Workshop 2011
VieVS/COMPILE/VIE_GLOB_V1d/vie_glob.m Howtorun VIE_GLOB path to the directory TEST_LEVEL2 with LEVEL2 data INPUT the subdirectory TEST_OUT will be created in VieVS/OUT/GLOB/_ESTIMATES /_PLOTS eventually in: /CRF /TRF OUTPUT only sessions with a lower RMS than chosen (in this case RMS < 2) will be used in the global adjustment if ticked, N matrices and b vectors with reduced parameters from each session will be saved into VieVS/OUT/GLOB/BACKWARD_DATA VieVS User Workshop 2011
GUI for RF Terrestrial Reference Frame Celestial Reference Frame VieVS User Workshop 2011
GUI for TRF choose between NNT/NNR or NNT/ NNR /NNS VieVS/DATA/GLOB/TRF/ the original VLBI-DISCONT.txt file is provided at the web site http://vlbi.geod.uni-bonn.de/IVS-AC/data/VLBI-DISCONT.txt DISCONT/ DATUM/ VELOC/ REDUCE/ VELOC/TIES/ TRF_datum1.txt const_velocity_8410.txt test.txt few_observations.txt VieVS User Workshop 2011
test.txt special_handling_39.txt GUI for CRF CRF_datum1.txt VieVS/DATA/GLOB/CRF/ DATUM/ choose between NNR or NNR + translation in declination condition REDUCE/ FIXED_SOURCES/ VieVS User Workshop 2011
Theoretical background • Sort parameters in the N-matrix and b-vector • Reduction of parameters • always reduced: clock parameters, zwd and troposphere gradients • can be reduced: EOP, stations and sources not suitable for global solution • Stacking of the reduced normal equation systems globally estimated p. reduced p. VieVS User Workshop 2011
Constraints • zwd, troposphere gradients, EOP • constraints are chosen in VIE_LSM • station coordinates and velocities • relative constraints for velocity • same velocity for all coordinate intervals at one station (e.g. antenna repair) • same velocity at stations in the same area (e.g. Hobart26 and Hobart12) • datum definition • source coordinates • datum definition VieVS User Workshop 2011
Datum definition • Station coordinates and velocities • NNT/NNR condition constrained 12 parameters Helmert transformation (3 translation and 3 rotation components + their time derivatives w.r.t. time) • NNT/NNR/NNS condition constrained 14 parameters Helmert transformation (3 translation , 3 rotation components and 1scale component + their time derivatives w.r.t. time) • Source coordinates • NNR condition • NNRcondition + 1 translation parameter parameter dzaccouns for a global translationof the source coordinatesin declination, caused e.g. by inaccuracy of the tropospheric propagation correction for sources observed at low elevations) (Feissel-Vernier et al. (2006)) • fixing selected sources to a priori coordinates VieVS User Workshop 2011
Final solution • applying of the constraints • final solution for global parameters • estimates are stored as a structure array in Matlab format and as a txt file • VieVS/OUT/GLOB/_ESTIMATES/TEST_OUT/ • globsol_TEST_LEVEL2.mat • glob_results_TEST_LEVEL2.txt VieVS User Workshop 2011
Estimates - Example VieVS/OUT/GLOB/_ESTIMATES/TEST_OUT/glob_results_TEST_LEVEL2.txt namesofsessions numberofsessions correctionstostation a priori coordinatesandtheirstandarddeviations [cm] sessionswith RMS>maxRMS epochofthecoordinates [mjd] start, end [mjd] oftheinterval (time betweenbreaks) correctionstostation a priori velocitiesandtheirstandarddeviations [cm/y] stationswhichwereusedfor NNT/NNR VieVS User Workshop 2011
Estimates - Example estimatesof EOP: dx, dy pole [mas] dut1 [ms] dX, dY [mas] andtheirstandarddeviations correctionstosource a priori coordinates (RA, De) andtheirstandarddeviations [mas] VieVS User Workshop 2011
Results this new TRF catalogue can be used as input catalogue in VieVS „new catalogues“ (TRF and CRF) are created automatically in VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ TRF/TEST_OUT/trf_TEST_LEVEL2.txt and CRF/TEST_OUT/trf_TEST_LEVEL2.txt VieVS User Workshop 2011
VieVS/OUT/GLOB/_PLOTS/TEST_OUT/ Plots ant_map_TEST_LEVEL2.eps map of stations, blue circles: station included in NNT/NNR red circles: station excluded from NNT/NNR stations in sessions included in the global adjustment ant_activity_TEST_LEVEL2.eps VieVS User Workshop 2011
Plots VieVS/OUT/GLOB/_PLOTS/TEST_OUT/ sou_map_TEST_LEVEL2.eps map of sources, blue circles: source included in NNR red circles: source excluded from NNR sources in sessions included in the global adjustment sou_activity_TEST_LEVEL2.eps VieVS User Workshop 2011
Processing of a long time span of data (20 years or more) • Problems • if e.g. EOP would be considered as global parameters (stacking at the overlapping time steps), the final N matrix would be too huge – not possible to handle it at a normal PC • position of some sources is not stable enough to handle it as a constant value • unequal observation time at the stations – at some stations the observation interval is not sufficient to estimate reliable velocity VieVS User Workshop 2011
Processing of a long time span of data (20 years or more) • Problems • if e.g. EOP would be considered as global parameters (stacking at the overlapping time steps), the final N matrix would be too huge – not possible to handle it at a normal PC • position of some sources is not stable enough to handle it as a constant value • unequal observation time at the stations – at some stations the observation interval is not sufficient to estimate reliable velocity VieVS User Workshop 2011
Processing of a long time span of data (20 years or more) • Problems • if e.g. EOP would be considered as global parameters (stacking at the overlapping time steps), the final N matrix would be too huge – not possible to handle it at a normal PC • position of some sources is not stable enough to handle it as a constant value • unequal observation time at the stations – at some stations the observation interval is not sufficient to estimate reliable velocity VieVS User Workshop 2011
Reduction • In these cases the concerned parameters have to be excluded from the global adjustment by a session-wise reduction. • The vector x2 we get from a so-called back solution for each session: • Covariance matrix After running VIE_GLOB we know the vector x1 (global parameters) globally estimated p. reduced p. VieVS User Workshop 2011
Reduction • If the button in the 1st GUI of VIE_GLOB is ticked, all needed parameters for a back solution will be stored in: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/BACKWARD_DATA/TEST_OUT/ i.e., N21, N22 and b2 for each session + some other information, e.g. description of the columns • After finishing of VIE_GLOB run VieVS/OUT/GLOB/backward_solution.m • in the source code you have to specify the name of the TEST_OUT and TEST_LEVEL2 directories and which reduced parameters you want to estimate • The estimated values will be written into .txt files in VieVS/OUT/GLOB/BACKWARD_SOLUTION/TEST_OUT/ as • ant_TEST_LEVEL2.txt • eop_TEST_LEVEL2.txt • sou_TEST_LEVEL2.txt • tgr_TEST_LEVEL2.txt • zwd_TEST_LEVEL2.txt VieVS User Workshop 2011
Backwardsolution: zwd The estimates for each station can be plotted with: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ plot_backward_zwd.m VieVS User Workshop 2011
Backwardsolution: tgr The estimates for each station can be plotted with: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ plot_backward_tgr.m VieVS User Workshop 2011
Backwardsolution: EOP The estimates for each EOP can be plotted with: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ plot_backward_eop.m VieVS User Workshop 2011
Backwardsolution:antennacoordinates The estimates for each station can be plotted with: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ plot_backward_ant.m VieVS User Workshop 2011
Backwardsolution:sourcecoordinates The estimates for each source can be plotted with: VieVS/OUT/GLOB/ plot_backward_sou.m VieVS User Workshop 2011
Thank you for your attention! VieVS User Workshop 2011