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The PROTOCOLLO ITACA ASSESTEM SYSTEM at URBAN SCALE. Prof. Arch. Phd . Luca Marzi ( DiDA ) Arch. Paolo Lucattini ( Reg. Toscana). Ver:r1. 1. Demand - objective. Contrast with the consumption of new soil; urban regeneration; awareness of the cityes role in sustainable development;
The PROTOCOLLO ITACA ASSESTEM SYSTEM at URBAN SCALE Prof. Arch. Phd. Luca Marzi ( DiDA) Arch. Paolo Lucattini ( Reg. Toscana) Ver:r1
1. Demand - objective • Contrast with the consumption of new soil; • urban regeneration; • awareness of the cityes role in sustainable development; • Mitigation of the effects of climate change; • need to have a system to assess the performance of the cities ITACA (Institute for innovation and transparency of contracts and the environmentalcompatibility)
2. Protocollo ITACA – Urban Scale The ITACA Protocol Urban Scale is a multi-criteriaanalysissystem for the evaluation of environmentalsustainability of an urbancontextbased on SBTool - internationaltooldevelopedthrough the Green Building Challenge researchprocesscoordinated by iiSBE; Starting from a set of basicassessmentitems, the ITACA Protocol to Scala Urbana aims to provide afinal performance score, indicative of the sustainabilitylevel of the urbansettlement; The constituentelements of the evaluationmethod can be summarizedasfollows:- a set of evaluationitems, calledcriteria;- a set of quantities, calledindicators, whichallow to quantify the performance of the urban area in relation to eachcriteria;
4. Context • Leipzig Charter on SustainableEuropeanCities – 2007 > strategies • Covenanat of Mayors for Climate an Energy - 2008 > funds • Marseille Declaration – 2008 > strategies • Toledo Declaration - 2010 > strategies • Piano Citta – 2012 > funds • EuropeanRegional Development Fund - 2014_2020 > funds • National OperationalProgramme on MetropolitanCities - 2014_2020 > funds • The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 2015 > strategies • Pact of Amsterdam - 2016 > strategies
Team work REGION OF TUSCANY COORDINATION REGION OF MARCHE REGIONE OF PIEMONTE REGION OF EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGION OF BASILICATA REGION OF CAMPANIA REGION OF LAZIO ARCHITECTS NATIONAL COUNCIL ITACA ANCI – MUNICIPALITY OF UDINE ANCI – MUNICIPLATY OF PESARO scientific advisory UNIFI> arch. phd. Luca Marzi UNIFI> arch. phd. Roberta Montalbini iiSBE ITALIA The workinggroupconsistsmostly of the Regions, the associations of Municipalities, researchinstitutes, experts in the field of environmentalsustainability. The Region of Tuscanycoordinates the Group.
Timing & Activities jun 2013 1 Construction of a reference framework on the themes of the project. 2 Data analysis and interpretation Construction of the evaluation system based on the most suitable multi-criteria methodology 3 4 Protocol drafting, version 1.0 - 65 indicators 5 Testing of the criteria on sample urban areas (Tuscany) dec 2016 Approval of the Protocol by the ITACA Board of Directors 6 Dissemination, testing, auditing - in progress 7 APPROVAL TO THE CONFERENCE OF THE REGIONS – to do
Feautersof the system • complete system: the criteriaidentifiedrepresent the vast panorama of the areas of environmental, economic and social sustainability, considering with particular care the aspectsproper to the urbansystem; • open system: the indicatorsselected for the evaluation of the criteria use data inferable from the territorial information systems and from the public databases; • accessiblesystem: the calculationmethodsidentified are transparent and simple, and the results can be easilyinterpreted and communicated by the public administration and by the Citizens; • rigoroussystem: the scientificvalidity of the systemisconstantlyrefined, through the continuous work of experimentation and verificationcarried out in researchprojects; • performance system: the evaluationindicators express specificaspects performance, thusavoiding the definition of a series of rigid design requirements; • flexiblesystem:when the scale of the area beingassessedchanges, they are applied the most appropriate criteria to graspits performance whilemaintaining the sameconnectionsbetween the variousscales of the urbanfabric; • contextualisedsystem: following the selection of criteria and methodologies appropriate to the specificities of the national and localurbanfabric, the performances are compared with benchmarks relative to the City context, to capturetheirspecificities and givethem a significantcharacterization.
Structureof the Protocol 11. thematic areas 65. criteria • 52quantitative • 14 qualitative
Criteria Distribution management and planning process, starting from the feasibility and economic financial sustainability GOVERNANCE 1 2 URBAN MORPHOLOGY considering the complexity of morphology and urban organization 2 4 LANDSCAPE INTEGRATION identification of objectives that contribute to conserving and promoting the characteristic aspects of the landscape 2.B 5 3 QUALITY OF THE DESIGN (BLD./SITE) conservation and integration of the historical-cultural heritage and identity, architectural quality. 5 4 4 PUBLIC SPACES comfort, safety, usability and accessibility to pedestrian mobility URBAN METABOLISM 5 11 or rather the control of environmental quality through the evaluation of flows (air, water, energy, waste); BIODIVERSITY 6 3 intended as a project of green spaces, regreening of the existing city and protection of nature; ADAPTATION ( climate change) 7 12 ACCESS TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT - INFRASTRUCTURES 8 10 to combat the effects of climate change… mitigation of the effects of drought, water scarcity, mitigation waves in urban areas………. 9 SOCIAL AND FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY 5 to infrastructure and public transport ECONOMIC-SOCIAL EFFECTS 10 4 cohesion and social integration, cultural and participation-related aspects, as well as the provision of services and commercial equipment concerning the analysis of the positive effects on the urban economy and the creation of economic activities.
Applications Areas SCALE district neighborhood block PHASE existing project Monitoring TOOLS masterplan project
CriterionSheet Thematic area Thematic area criterion Performance indicator Performance scale benchmarck
EvalutationMethod 1/3 1 for eachcriterion the performances of the urban area are quantifiedthrough appropriate indicators to be obtainedthrough the calculation of specificphysicalquantities (consumption, emissions, distances, etc.); calculation
EvalutationMethod 2/3 2 the value of eachindicatorisdimensioned and re-graded in a normalizationinterval. In otherwords, a score isassignedbased on the value of the indicator and with reference to a performance scale (benchmark); Benchmark ….ex. x<a a<x<b b<x<c x=c c<x<d
EvalutationMethod 2/3 the scores are combinedtogether to produce the overall score. The aggregationtakesplacethrough a weighted sum. Eachcriterionis in factcharacterized by a weightthatrepresentsitsimportance 3 % Weight x<a a<x<b b<x<c x=c c<x<d
EvalutationMethod – Total Score weighted sum. of alla criteria …. …. X total score value between 0-5 100 %
Structure of the Protocol 8- Mobility / Accessibility Sub thematic areas 8.01 - Connectivity of the road network 8.02 - Moped network complexity 8.03 - Scale of the road network 8.04 - Access to public transport 8.05 - Availability of safecyclepaths 8.06 - Appropriateness of cycle and vehicleroutes 8.07 - Accessibility of walkways 8.08 - Accessibility to sharedmobility 8.09 - ICT Accessibility
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility The objective of the indicator model is to verify the connection between different points of the network of paths….. ……………. Analyzing the physical accessibility of the network of routes in relation to so-called disabled users
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility In particular by detecting the environmental components that are of help or difficulty for blind people, …… ………… ……..for people on wheelchairs, for people who have communication problems such as the deaf >>>>> PHYSICAL BARRIER Paraplegics, who use wheelchairs with manual or electric traction, as a paradigmatic condition for verifying the existence of so-called physical barriers. .. >>>>> SENSORY AND/OR PERCEPTUAL BARRIER The total blind people who use a long stick according to the instructions given by the school of mobility and orientation of the Italian blind union, as a paradigmatic condition for the verification of sensory barriers and / or perceptive >>>>> COMMUNICATION BARRIER Deaf people, as a paradigmatic condition for the verification of communication barriers
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility ………Knowing that such users represent the real body of people, who at any time in life have the right to "not be at full" of their psychological, physical and sensory capacity………
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility The methodology proposed begins with a series of experiences defined for the implementation of plans to overcome architectural barriers on an urban scale PEBA (Plan Elimination of Architectural Barriers). Specifically, a series of experiences conducted with the help of stakeholders (disabled people) ……… ……………. who have guaranteed the definition of a methodology that we can consider "consolidated".
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility FEEDBACK> PEBA (Plan Elimination of Architectural Barriers). accessibility-planning Definition of a data collection system Scheduling of environmental factors Starting from the framework defined by the international guidelines, as well as from the requests expressed by the national regulations and by the particularly significant regional references, a Plan for the Abatement of Architectural Barriers aims to prepare a cognitive and operational tool, able to guide the elaboration of intervention plans aimed at increasing the level of accessibility to the network of services provided. Definition of a data management system Management Databases Definition of a data evaluation system Definition ofKey performance Definition of priorities for action definition of the process organisation Definition of the methodologies for the communication of the information collected Paper and digital media
The 8.07 Criteria - Accessibility of walkways - WalkAbility The "performance-quantitative" criterionapplies to the network of urbanpedestrianroutes. The criterioniscalculated on the basis of a methodologythatanalyzes the so-called micro urbanclimatebroken down intoenvironmentalelements, asrequired by Italian law
Areas of application - Scala Neighborhood Block district Old New
The methodology examines the network of pedestrian paths that link access to buildings of particular importance and the services and facilities in the analysis area.
The methodology examines the network of pedestrian paths that link access to buildings of particular importance and the services and facilities in the analysis area…….. Classifying the paths and types of "environmental systems". Classifying the paths and types of "environmental systems".
Phase 1 Identification of urban nodes and their connection routes. Identification of urban nodality inside the area and in the immediate proximity (max 250 m distance)
Phase 2 Insertion of the elements to be evaluated and of the services - facilities present in the network of paths. Environmental units: > CAR PARKING > PUBLIC TRANSPORT STOPS > PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS > RAMPS - CONNECTIONS PEDESTRIAN PATHS - FLOORING > ELEMENTS OF URBAN FURNITURE > GREEN AND EQUIPPED AREAS > OTHER SERVICES
Phase 2 Insertion of the elements to be evaluated and of the services - facilities present in the network of paths. Tracking of pedestrian routes and classification of road types….. and….. Type of road: B1 Major roads; B2 local roads; B3 district (neighbourhood) streets
Phase 2 Insertion of the elements to be evaluated and of the services - facilitiespresent in the network of paths. Tracking of pedestrianroutes and classification of road types….. And …. Connection pathtypes….. Connection path: A1:Connection pathbetweenhighlyrelevantfunctions .* A1: Connection pathbetween "blocks”.* A2:Connection pathbetweenfunctions of which A1. * A2:Connection routebetween "blocks".* A3:Routes to A1-A2 routes.** * ( single option) ** (more option)
Phase 3 Classification and verification of routes and servicesidentified with the check-list verification. Check-list for : > CAR PARKING > PUBLIC TRANSPORT STOPS > PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS > RAMPS - CONNECTIONS PEDESTRIAN PATHS - FLOORING > ELEMENTS OF URBAN FURNITURE > GREEN AND EQUIPPED AREAS > OTHER SERVICES
Example of check-list: "Sheet 1A" parking. In the sheet are collected: Regulatory data. Improvement data check-list ………….Regulatory data are considered a "necessary condition" for not having a negative score
CalculationSteep: Assessmentand Calculation 1 2 Classificationof paths and equipment Weighedof totalvalue, simple data representation Good Score: ImprovementFactors Medium score: respected the factors of law Low Score: notrespectedlegalfactors 3 map of urbanaccessibility
New ITACA Protocol: Environmental sustainability in construction - Operational tools for sustainability assessment In-door accessibility analysis + Analysis of accessibility to the building scale
New ITACA Protocol: Environmental sustainability in construction - Operational tools for sustainability assessment Out-door accessibility analysis In-door accessibility analysis
To download the protocol from the Internet:: http://www.itaca.org/documenti/news/Protocollo%20ITACA%20Scala%20urbana_211216.pdf Information: luca.marzi@unifi.it - paolo.lucattini@regione.toscana.it