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Electric Power Technical Interest Group

Electric Power Technical Interest Group. ECE offers one of the country’s leading undergraduate and graduate academic programs in electric power engineering Broad range of activities relative to peers in power: power systems power electronics and controls

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Electric Power Technical Interest Group

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  1. Electric Power Technical Interest Group • ECE offers one of the country’s leading undergraduate and graduate academic programs in electric power engineering • Broad range of activities relative to peers in power: • power systems • power electronics and controls • power apparatus (machines, semiconductors, high voltage equipment) • photovoltaics

  2. Faculty • Miroslav Begovic, Assoc. Professor • Power system analysis, protection and emergency control • Distributed energy resources: planning, interaction with distribution and transmission • Sustainable energy systems • Distribution network analysis • Thomas G. Habetler, Professor • Current-based condition monitoring of electric machines • Control of electric machine drives • Power electronics • Design and protection of electric machines • Ronald G. Harley, Duke Power Dist. Professor • Power system stability and control, including Flexible AC Systems (FACTS) devices • Power electronics, motor drives and electric vehicles • Neural networks applied to power electronics and electrical machines • Jerome M. Meisel, Part-time Professor • Future Truck Team Advisor • Electric Vehicles • Power Electronics

  3. Faculty • A.P. Sakis Meliopoulos, Professor • Power System Reliability and Risk Assessment • Power Systems Operations Planning • Electromagnetic Influence of Power Systems • Power Quality • Protective Relaying and Disturbance Analysis • Simulation, Animation and Visualization of Power System • Hans B. Puttgen, Georgia Power Dist. Professor • Director of NEETRAC • Director of GT-Lorraine • ECE Associate Director of External Affairs • Power systems analysis and planning • Utility deregulation • Electric transportation vehicles and systems • Ajeet Rohatgi, Georgia Power Dist. Professor • Director, University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaics Research and Education • Modeling and fabrication of low-cost high-efficiency silicon solar cells • Growth and characterization of low-temperature and high-performance dielectrics • Defects and carrier lifetime in semiconductors • Growth and optoelectronic properties of compound semiconductors

  4. Affiliated Faculty • Christina B. Honsberg, Associate Professor • Design, development and characterization of novel commercially oriented solar cell structures using the buried contact technology • Identification, modeling and analysis of novel techniques to overcome traditional homojunction or two-stack tandem efficiency limits • Gallium Arsenide Solar Cells • David G. Taylor, Professor • Nonlinear control systems • Electromechanical systems and devices • Modeling, simulation and control of assembly robots • Design and control of linear motion actuators and generators • John F. Dorsey, Professor • Modeling and control of large-scale systems • Real time identification of parameters of power system models • On-line power system security assessment • Elimination of sustained oscillations in power systems • Effect on stability of nonutility generation

  5. Areas of Educational and Research Activities in Electric Power • Power system monitoring, analysis, protection, operation and control • Distributed generation • Power system simulation and visualization • High voltage engineering and power system components • Electric machine control, condition monitoring, and protection • Power Electronics

  6. Research Centers • $3M ConsortiumUtilitiesManufacturersEnd UsersAcademia • EV Research200 HP Dynamometer125 kW DC Test SystemEV Virtual TestbedEV Charger Power Quality • Materials1,000 sq. ft. Solar Cell Fabrication Facility • Systems340 kW PV Array on GT Olympic Natatorium Roof

  7. Future Truck • Student teams from 15 universities are challenged to re-engineer a conventional Ford Explorer into a lower-emissions vehicle • Sponsored by the US DOE and Ford Motor Co.

  8. Courses in Power Electronics and Machines ELECTRIC MACHINES • ECE 3070 (3,0,3) – Introduction to Electromechanical Energy Conversion • Tier 2 course offered every semester • Prereq: ECE 2040, ECE 3025 • ECE 4803/6336 (3,0,3) – Electric Machinery Analysis • Taught concurrently as both undergrad and grad course. • Prereq: ECE3070, Offered summer of even years • ECE 3881 (0,3,1) - Energy Conv & Mechatronics Lab • Laboratory portion of ECE3301 • Offered every semester • Coreq: ECE3070 • ECE 6336 (3,0,3) – Dynamics and Control of Electric Machine Drives • Offered every spring • Prereq: ECE3070

  9. Courses in Power Electronics and Machines POWER ELECTRONICS • ECE 4330 (2,2,3) – Power Electronics • Senior elective with lecture and lab • Offered every spring • Prereq: ECE 3040, ECE 3042 • ECE 6331 (3,0,3) – Power Electronic Circuits • Offered every fall • Prereq: ECE 4330

  10. Research in Electric Machines and Power Electronics • Rotating fault detection in induction machines. • Neural network-based diagnostics using self organizing maps. • Stator insulation fault detection using ANNs. • Rotating fault detection in synchronous and brushless dc machines. • Sensorless vibration detection in induction and synchronous machines. • 25 kV power electronic sag supporter using a PWM-switched autotransformer .

  11. Research in Electric Machines and Power Electronics (continued) • Backpropagation neural networks for motor diagnostics (fault identification). • Sensorless speed measurement using slot harmonic detection and spectral estimation. • Rotor temperature estimation based on rotor resistance thermal time constant. • Continuous on-line training of neural networks for motor control and power electronic applications. • FPGA implementation of neural networks on motors. • Turbogenerator identification and control using neural networks.

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