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Chronosanthemum: Unifying Society Across Time and Space

Explore the innovative concept of Chronosanthemum, a project merging art and technology to create a global network of interconnected individuals through shared experiences and interactive installations. Witness the blooming of these unique time flowers, each carrying messages from different eras, enhancing the sense of community and connection across physical boundaries. Join us on this journey of uniting societies through a blend of history, artistry, and modern technology.

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Chronosanthemum: Unifying Society Across Time and Space

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  1. Chronosanthemum Background Juan Felipe Beltran & FlorenciaSchlamp New York University Abu Dhabi The Idea The design of the opening of the flower was inspired on the iris design of camera lenses, the idea was to take this mechanism further into a three dimensional model that would allow to keep objects inside, and like that, when the blades open it would give the impression of petals of a blooming flower. The Structure Interactive electronics have enjoyed a boost in the past decade, as people have turned from raw practicality to technological art. Surprisingly enough, however, robotic art is not a quality of our age. In Ancient Rome Nero the Poet and Novelist Petronius created a “doll that moved” and by 85 BC there were already writing of Hero of Alexandria and his automatic theatrical set pieces to illustrate the stories of Hercules, along with his book “On Pneumatics and on Mechanics.” Next Steps Potential Impact Once it has been accepted and tested at these three global sites, the project would expand to encompass all NYU sites, and eventually all of our partner universities. This project would help unite students throughout the world, if only for a few minutes. While working on Chronosanthemums and the Projection Tree, we strongly believe that a second of shared experience is vital to the identification of members of another nations as not just being human, but holding the same level of consciousness and interactivity as ourselves. Before being able to fully implement the tree, it is important to prototype and study each of the individual parts. As the result of the past semester, we are now able to deliver a working prototype of the Chronosanthemum flower in 3D printer plastic and foam. Now that the structure is better understood, we’d like to create a final prototype using crystal resin and wood or aluminum. Once the Chronosanthemums have been finished, it will be time to tackle the main trunk of the tree, which is to include a screen and several cameras, along with a touchpad. When we reach this stage of heavily working with electronics, we will need further mentoring, but estimate to be able to build it within a year. Acknowledgments NikolaosMavridis Leonard RetelHelmrich Reza Rowshan,Assistant Director of Laboratories Dan Carbone The Concept of Society Though praised as one of the greatest assets of the human race, the concept of a community is not easily defined by a cooking list of interactions. The creation of a new community, where before there seemed to be none, is therefore quite a tough thought experiment. The city of Abu Dhabi presents a place where this thought experiment can more easily be performed. How does such a recent and fluent population, cycled and refreshed by the tide of the job market and working contracts, identify itself? The invention below is an attempt at unifying a society across time and space. The Unification of Time Public spaces are created almost for the express purpose of unifying society, which would make them the primary cradle for this project. In the middle of any of Abu Dhabi’s gardens or libraries, I propose the image of a single tree. Swaying to a breeze that is no longer there, a curious glow coming from its branches at night. Each of these branches is populated by small bulbs, flowers in the making, with an odd mechanical feel to them. A visitor might stop and look at the bulbs only to be surprised by one of them immediately blooming, releasing small pieces of parchment into the air, attached by a short string to the bulb they came from. Each of these pieces is filled with scrawling from another age. Messages from those who walked this park a week, a month, a year or a decade ago. Once the message has been written, one can never know how long it will take for the bulb to bloom, it just reels the parchments in, and closes into a bulb for an indeterminate amount of time. These time flowers, Chronosanthemums if you will, don’t only make for a fantastic use of shared temporal public space, but also fantastic long-term gifts. There is nothing more romanticized and suspenseful than a gift with a delay. “Don’t you dare open this card until you are on the plane”, “Here is a letter, to be opened when you feel alone”, “Do not open till Christmas”. Chronosanthemum bulbs can be gifted by themselves. After placing the present or message inside the Chronosanthemum, the user can either select how long it will take to open, or just use a randomized time, wrap it and give it as a gift. Sitting on a desk, the gift will be soon one more adornment in your loved one’s desk. One more piece of furniture, until one day, when they had almost forgotten about it, it finally blooms. The Electronics         Each Chronosanthemum is connected to its own servo and a push-button, which are in turn connected to an Arduino Uno circuit board. Each Arduino board can support 13 simultaneous digital devices, which will amount to 6 buttons and 7 flowers (two of the flowers will open and close in unison.         For the prototype, we’ve connected the push button as an input to digital PIN2, and the Spark-fun Servo to digital PIN9 as an output. The electronics schematics for each are as follows: The theory of distribution for this product would start through the Global Network University currently being built by NYU. The idea would be to place a Time and Space Tree in each of the 3 Portal campuses as a trial of concept. And effectiveness. • Paper 2D prototype • Servo Schematic: NYU GLOBAL NETWORK Iris shutter • 1st prototype using • SolidWorks • 1st prototype design by hand Button Schematic: The Arduino board itself runs the following program: 3D Printer #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; int chance; boolean open; int button =0; intonopen=0; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); myservo.attach(9); pinMode(2, INPUT);  open=false; myservo.write(0); } void loop(){ chance=random(3); delay(3000); if(chance==1&&!open){    open=true; myservo.write(0); onopen=digitalRead(2); } while(open){ Serial.print(button);    button=digitalRead(2);    if(button!=onopen){        open=false; myservo.write(120);    }    delay(1000); } Serial.print(open); } • 2nd prototype model with 3D printer Before dissolving support material • 3ndprototype model with 3D printer, modified • 3ndprototype model • with 3D printer After dissolving support material • 3rd prototype using SolidWorks • 3ndprototype model • with 3D printer Every 3 seconds it will roll a number from 0 to 3, if the number is 0 (a 1 in 4 chance) it will open. This sets the expectancy of opening the flower at 12 seconds. The process of opening itself is a servo sweep from 0º to 120º.

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