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Blurring the boundaries between science and mathematics

Discover the interconnection of math and science through exploring energy concepts. Learn skills vital in both fields and calculate energy consumption for better understanding. Resources from "Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air" by David Mackay. Native American proverb reminder included.

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Blurring the boundaries between science and mathematics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blurring the boundaries between science and mathematics Autumn 2009

  2. Aims of the session • To demonstrate the interconnectedness of mathematics and science • To begin to explore a resource rich in learning opportunities for science, mathematics and citizenship sessions • To learn something ourselves

  3. What skills do science and mathematics have in common? Both require the ability to • Read • Communicate • Reason • Calculate • Interpret • Problem solve

  4. Our topic for this session is… energy…. In particular, getting to grips with our use of energy.

  5. Credits All subsequent material is drawn from “Sustainable energy – without the hot air” by David Mackay, downloadable as an e-book from http://www.withouthotair.com/

  6. Professor Mackay sets the scene • (Insert video hotlink if desired) • http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/audio/

  7. Is consumed by Cars Jet flights Heating and cooling Making stuff Gadgets Can be generated by Wind Solar heating Photovoltaic panels Tide Biomass Energy..

  8. So…… • Q. How can we make sense of all this? • A. By using numbers

  9. Choosing a unit For ease of comparability we will use 1 kWh per day as our basic unit. This is the energy that would be used by a 40W bulb if switched on for 1 day.

  10. Looking at some energy consumption data (in kWh per day) • Stuff (48) • Cars (40) • Heating and cooling (37) • Jet flights (30) • Gadgets (5) • UK total per person (125)

  11. Finally We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American proverb

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