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E-N.G. Grylonakis , C.K. Filelis - Papadopoulos, G.A. Gravvanis

Higher Order Finite Difference Scheme for solving 3D Black-Scholes equation based on Generic Factored Approximate Sparse Inverse Preconditioning using Reordering Schemes. E-N.G. Grylonakis , C.K. Filelis - Papadopoulos, G.A. Gravvanis. Introduction. Financial Instruments. Derivatives.

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E-N.G. Grylonakis , C.K. Filelis - Papadopoulos, G.A. Gravvanis

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  1. Higher Order Finite Difference Scheme for solving 3D Black-Scholes equation based on Generic Factored Approximate Sparse Inverse Preconditioning using Reordering Schemes E-N.G. Grylonakis, C.K. Filelis-Papadopoulos, G.A. Gravvanis

  2. Introduction Financial Instruments Derivatives Futures Forwards Swaps Options

  3. Options Financial contracts that give the holder the right but not the obligation to buy (call option) or sell (put option) an underlying asset for a fixed price at a specific date. Problem How much money should one pay to buy a specific option contract? Topic of Interest Accurate option pricing for three underlying assets, using the multi-asset Black-Scholes equation.

  4. Options Pricing Methods Binomial Options Pricing Model Lattice Methods Monte Carlo Methods Black-Scholes-Merton Model

  5. Black-Scholes (BS) Equation Time Dependent Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Partial Differential Equation

  6. Pricing with the BS equation Single-Asset Option 1D BS PDE Closed-Form Solutions Multi-Asset Option N-D BS PDE Approximate Solutions

  7. Pricing Methodology Option Contract Number of underlying assets Parameters (Strike Price, Expiration date, etc.) Payoff Function (Initial Condition) Boundary Conditions Numerical solution of the corresponding BS Partial Differential Equation

  8. Three-Asset Basket Option Payoff Function Max { w[I(T)-K], 0 } where wj is the total investment in asset j ( as a percentage) and Ij(t) is the price of j-th asset.

  9. Linear Boundary Conditions Commonly used in practical pricing problems, providing stability when used with the Finite Difference Method

  10. Spatial Discretization Finite Difference Schemes (4rth order accuracy) or or

  11. Ghost Values Treatment computational domain boundary ghost values

  12. Richardson’s extrapolation method (4rth order accuracy) Modified Stencils First Derivatives: Second Derivatives:

  13. The imposition of linear boundary conditions forces the second derivatives to vanish on the boundary. The first order derivatives were discretized by a fourth order one-sided approximation: Leftmost boundary:

  14. We denote by the discretized first order derivative for coordinate xk. Then, the stencil of the derivative with respect to coordinate k can be formed in a d-dimensional way: The cross-derivative can be approximated by the following expression:

  15. The coefficient matrix is then formed by the following tensor product: where: The above schemes reduce the programming effort substantially while providing a compact method to discretize PDE’s in higher dimensions.

  16. Numerical Time Integration After the spatial discretization, a system of Ordinary Differential Equations of the following form, occurs: This system can be solved by the implicit fourth order backward difference scheme (BDF4):

  17. It can be observed that the BDF4 scheme requires the discrete solution in three previous time steps. These values can be obtained by the Implicit Runge-Kutta method (4rth order accurate): The coefficients of the 2-stage method are:

  18. Solving the Linear System The arising large, sparse,linear system was solved by the Preconditioned BiConjugateGradient Stabilized (PBiCG-STAB) method, in conjunction with the Modified Generic Factored Approximate Sparse Inverse (MGenFAspI) scheme. M=GH MGenFAspI matrix: The MGenFAspImatrix is computed by solving the following systems: The modified approach minimizes the searches for elements and enhances the performance of the method.

  19. Approximate Minimum Degree (AMD) Reordering When attempting to solve large sparse linear systems, reordering schemes can be used in order to minimize the fill-in during the factorization process. The AMD algorithm produces a reordering such that the vertices with minimum degree are to be eliminated first. The degree of each vertex is approximated through an upper bound created by the sum of the weights of the neighboring vertices, increasing the performance of the resulting ordering scheme.

  20. AMD

  21. Implementation Issues In order to compute the three initial solutions with the Runge-Kutta method, the solution of four linear systems at every time step is required. Recalling the vectors, required by the R-K method: The 2-stage method requires the computation of vectors k1 and k2 which can be obtained by the following system:

  22. The above system can be expressed in the following block form: where:

  23. The computation of k1 and k2 is then performed by solving the following linear systems at every time step: The Schur complement is computed implicitly, since iterative methods do not require the coefficient matrix explicitly, because the product of a matrix by a vector is only needed. Thus:

  24. Numerical Results The estimated price of the basket option:

  25. Performance (“seconds.hundreds”) of the PBiCG-STAB, based on the MGenFAspI in conjunction with AMD reordering scheme, for various values of N and droptol:

  26. Convergence behavior of the PBiCG-STAB, based on the MGenFAspI in conjunction with AMD reordering scheme, for various values of N and droptol:

  27. The number of nonzero elements in the G and H factors of the MGenFAspI for various values of N and droptol:

  28. Conclusions The Black-Scholes PDE can be used to price options with many underlying assets, without relying solely on Monte Carlo methods. The high order schemes combined with a multi-dimensional PDE result in a large, sparse, linear system, thus, iterative methods are the best choice. Preconditionersand reordering schemes can be used to enhance the performance of the chosen iterative method. The MGenFAspImatrix has been proved to be an effective preconditioner and combined with various iterative methods has achieved better convergence behavior in comparison with other methods. Moreover, the applicability of the MGenFAspI matrix in conjunction with the PBiCG-STAB method has been evaluated, for various model problems, derived from Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Structural Analysis and Plasma Physics.

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  31. Thank you for your attention!

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