1. ExceptionalOrganizationalPerformance Presented by Al Way
2. Session Description: Participants will explore the best
practices of highly effective leaders.
We will cover leadership styles, strategies and
techniques that will empower and motivate your
Let’s Consider Three Questions:
1. What is exceptional organizational performance?
2. What does a motivated workforce look like?
3. How can I achieve both in this climate?
3. Y.E.S. Principle Y – You & I are
E – Engineered & Empowered for
S – Sustainable Success!
“Whether you think you can,
or you think you can’t,
either way you are correct.”
Henry Ford
4. Benefits of Negotiation:
It’s a part of all that we do, professionally and personally.
It allows us to live in a world of diverse ideas and interests.
It’s an asset in getting along with others.
Dr. Steven Covey:
You can pursue four options:
win-loose, loose-win, loose-loose, or win-win.
The win-win is the very best negotiation, whenever possible.
A win-win is not always possible.
Requires self awareness, self management and effective interpersonal communication skills.
Workforce Motivation Best Practices:Negotiating & Performance
5. Workforce Motivation Best Practices: Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, states:
“if we let our people flourish and grow, if we use the best ideas they come up with, then we have a chance to win. The idea of liberation and empowerment for our workers is not enlightenment – it’s a competitive necessity.” Create a culture where people can flourish
Create a culture where people can grow
Create a culture where the best ideas are celebrated and implemented.
This is the power of motivation
6. Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence -
EI is the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively.
EI consist of four fundamental capabilities:
1. Self Awareness -
Includes emotional self awareness, accurate self assessment, and self confidence
2. Self Management -
Includes self control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability, and achievement orientation
3. Social Awareness -
Includes empathy, organizational awareness, and service orientation
4. Social Skill -
Includes visionary leadership, influence, developing others, communication, conflict management, bond building, teamwork and collaboration.
Workforce Motivation Best Practices:
7. Harvard Business Review: Leadership Styles for Motivating the Workforce.
There are six leadership styles that we can use when motivating others for exceptional
performance. The research suggest that no one style should be relied on exclusively,
and that all have value and short-term uses.
1. Coercive Style: demands immediate compliance
“Do what I tell you.”
2. Authoritative Style: mobilizes people toward a vision
“Come with me.”
3. Affiliative Style: creates harmony and builds emotional bonds
“People come first.”
4. Democratic Style: forges consensus through participation
“What do you think?”
5. Pacesetting Style: Sets high standards for performance
“Do as I do, now.”
6. Coaching Style: Develops people for the future
“Try this.” Workforce Motivation Best Practices:
8. Leadership Styles Metrics: Leadership styles do have an impact on the climate or working
atmosphere of all organizations. According to the data, the authoritative leadership style has the
most positive effect on climate, but three others – affiliative, democratic and coaching, follow
close behind.
1. Coercive Style .26
2. Authoritative Style .54
3. Affiliative Style .46
4. Democratic Style .43
5. Pacesetting Style .25
6. Coaching Style .42
Workforce Motivation Best Practices:
9. Research suggests that our lives and careers will be lived out in a constant state of change and transition. Organizations must prepare for an environment that is fluid, fuzzy and fast. Higher level negotiation skills, conflict resolution, communication skills, emotional intelligence, stress management, diversity and teamwork are survival skills for the future.
Recent changes in the areas of economics, political transition/uprisings, global military actions, and other natural catastrophes heighten our sense of change and transition in the world. These changes may cause a sense of powerlessness and stress.
Charles Swindoll states, “We cannot change our past. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you … we are in charge of our attitudes.” Workforce Motivation
10. Johari’s Window and Motivation
11. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs
12. Empowering Quote “If you want one year of prosperity,
grow grain.
If you want ten years of prosperity,
grow trees.
If you want one hundred years of prosperity,
grow people.”
Chinese Proverb
AKA: The Law of Leadership Growth
13. “The most important job for government leaders at every level is to unlock the unused creativity and brain power of the men and women in the federal workforce.” Al Gore, Former Vice President
“To create human capital, a company needs to foster teamwork, communities of practice, and other social forms of learning.” Thomas Stewart, Fortune Magazine
“Trust is the single most important word in relationship building. It is the superglue that holds organizations and teams together. It involves authenticity, honesty and self esteem. Building it, and sustaining it, are the keys to your organizational growth.” Al Way, American University
When people see that their ideas count, their dignity is raised. Instead of feeling numb, like robots, they feel important. They are important.” Jack Welsh, CEO, General Electric
None of us is as smart as all of us.” Ken Blanchard, One Minute Manager
Developing Trust: A Vital Key to Healthy Teams
14. Findings on Building Trust: How the communicator looks (behavior) 55%
How the communicator sounds (tone) 38%
What the communicator says (words) 7%
We evaluate trust on three critical communication factors: behavior, tone and quality
of voice, and the words that people communicate. These are the results of a
landmark study conducted by Albert Mehrabian. The research was documented in
his book, the Silent Messages, and has been substantiated many times since his
first publication.
15. 1. Flexibility
2. Responsibility
3. Standards
4. Rewards
5. Clarity
6. Commitment
Six Drivers of Workforce Climate
16. Lateral Thinking Skills:De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats
17. 1. There is no unimportant person in your organization, or on your team.
2. Everyone is your customer, internally and externally.
3. Repetition produces reputation in branding management.
4. Branding is what others remember about you, your demeanor, products or services. Therefore, treat people well.
5. You are your own brand manager.
6. Whatever you own, you will manage with excellence. Teambuilding Principles:
18. 7. Word of mouth is still the greatest form of communication.
8. Create “wow” moments, where someone is genuinely impressed with your customer service.
9. Honesty, humor and humility are your greatest leadership assets.
10. Humility means strength under control.
11. People respond positively to high competence, balanced by authenticity
and humility.
12. Leadership is your ability to serve and influence others in positive ways. Teambuilding Principles:
19. 7 Obstacles to Effective Teams Obstacle 1. Lack or Low Levels of Self Awareness and Self Esteem
Anxiety and anger among team members over unresolved issues, Low self confidence
Obstacle 2. Lack or Low Levels of Communication
Unhealthy attitudes toward others/negative assumptions, Irrational thinking
Obstacle 3. Lack or Low Levels of Trust and Agreement
Bullying, Parental figure wounds, Unhealthy sibling rivalry, excessive competitiveness
Obstacle 4. Lack or Disparate Distribution, of Organizational Resources
Excessive egos and self-centeredness among staff leading to cliques and in fighting
Obstacle 5. Lack or Low Levels of Professional Substance and Self Management
Lack of personal development, Negative associations, Blaming mindset and behaviors
Obstacle 6. Lack or Low Levels of Commitment, Leadership and Legacy Building
Mentor or model deficit
Obstacle 7. Lack of Balance Between The Focus on Relationships and Results
Laziness among staff or leaders/when others do not pull their weight
20. Leadership & DISC Interpersonal Styles
21. Blanchard’s Situational LeadershipAdapted from “Leadership and the One Minute Manager”, Kenneth Blanchard
22. Maxwell’s Leadership Model 1. People follow you because they have to.
2. People follow you because they want to.
3. People follow you because of what you have done for the organization.
4. People follow you because of what you have done for them.
5. People follow you because of who you are.
23. 7 Pillars of Effective Teams Pillar 1. Glance at Self Awareness Skills
Pillar 2. Enhance Communication Skills
Pillar 3. Advance Through Trust and Cooperation
Pillar 4. Finance and Resource Development
Pillar 5. Substance, Personal Development and Self Management Skills
Pillar 6. Stance of Commitment, Leadership and Legacy Building
Pillar 7. Balance and Dance Between Relationships and Results
24. 7 Benefits of Effective Teams Benefit 1. Performance of Team Reaches New Levels of Creativity,
Critical Thinking and Sustainable Motivation
Benefit 2. Chance to Showcase Collective Skills
Benefit 3. Advance Employee Morale through greater Trust and Cooperation
Benefit 4. Significance and Self Actualization may be Achieved with Ease
Benefit 5. Alliance Forms Between Diverse Team Members,
Reduction of Silos and Cliques
Benefit 6. Reliance of Members and Momentum towards Inter-dependence
Benefit 7. Compliance to Organizational Vision, Mission, Core Values,
Goals and Requirements
Another New Collaboration Emerges
25. T.W.A. Principle & Power Words Make sure your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment. Eliminate gaps between say and do.
Phrase Word Count: Power Words: Performance Principle:
The 7 most important words What’s the lesson learned Knowledge management,
from this situation? wisdom and resilience
The 6 most important words I admit I made a mistake Humility, honesty, humor
The 5 most important words You did a great job Giving timely praise
The 4 most important words What is your opinion? Open to feedback
The 3 most important words Let’s work together Promoting unity and team
The 2 most important words Thank you Genuine appreciation
The single most important word We Recognition of all contributions
26. Workforce Minute Motivators Motivator 1. Acknowledge
Motivator 2. Appreciate
Motivator 3. Affirm
Three simple ways to motivate your team:
up, down and across, in less than a minute.
27. Expectations Within Your Team Realistic Expectations for Teams:
Team members will pitch in and help if asked
This process, once started, will never end
Everyone in the organization will be affected by the change
Things are worse than they’ve ever been (in the team’s early stages)
Everyone is stressed out and uptight
We’ll never go back to the old way
Unrealistic Expectations for Teams:
Team members will pitch in and help out without being asked
Everything will be great and we will all support each other on every issue
Nobody will ever get fired again
Somebody will bring coffee without being asked!
The Law of Association:
We are all influenced by other team members in our personal and professional
circles. Influence can be used a powerful force for ineffectiveness or
accomplishment. You must decide whether to be a thermostat or a thermometer.
28. Being Exceptional Requires Going Beyond Perceived Limitations “Your only limitations are those you set up in your mind,
or permit others to set up for you.” Og Mandino
* * *
* * *
* * *
29. Being Exceptional Requires Creative and Critical Thinking Skills Write the word xerox in the blank spaces.
_ _ _ _ _
30. Being Exceptional Requires Openness to New Ways of Thinking _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
31. Being Exceptional Requires Awareness of Blind Spots IX
Create a six by adding one line.
32. Being Exceptional Requires Perspective/An Awareness of Other P.O.V. Write down for first three things this image makes you think about.
1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. _______________
33. Being Exceptional Requires Finding and Using the Power of Your Voice “Where did you get that outfit from?”
Please describe the meaning(s) you perceived from the first statement;
Please describe the meaning(s) you perceived from the second statement;
How were they different?
How were they the same?
34. Exceptional Performance from A – Z Achievement oriented
Business minded
Consistent (Print, Web, Media, Products, Behavior)
Discerning and aware of others
Enthusiastic and energetic
Focused and friendly
Innovative in thinking
Loving and a great listener
Motivational Needs oriented
Open to new ideas
Prompt and courteous
Quality focused
Responsive to requests of others
Supportive of team members
Tenacious and resilient
Understanding and friendly
Victorious in adversity
Willing to think outside the box
X-cellent leader regardless of job title or tenure
Yielding to the needs of my team
Zealous when closing gaps
35. For more information: Web: http://www.alwayspeaking.com
Al Way is an award winning author, radio personality, speaker, motivator and trainer, who has over 30 years of experience as a college professor, corporate trainer and international motivator. His research focuses on human capital issues relating to building high performance teams, leaders and customer relationships. Email: MotivateAmerica@comcast.net