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North Korea (Arts) By Tamera Rutherford

North Korea (Arts) By Tamera Rutherford. V isual arts.

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North Korea (Arts) By Tamera Rutherford

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  1. North Korea (Arts) By Tamera Rutherford

  2. Visual arts • In North Korea visual arts started as public art . Exploring North Korean Arts is the by-product of the largest ever exhibition of North Korean art abroad which was held in Vienna in 2010. The show, entitled Flowers for Kim Il-sung, was, as the editor Rudiger Frank notes, "heavily criticized for exhibiting the paintings without any comment," and the book is based on a symposium that was held "to supplement that missing active discussion of this difficult and emotional subject." The illustrated book covers include o visual arts, including such recondite topics as the design of North Korean postage stamps and mosaics, plus chapters on literature and music.

  3. Graphic art. • North Korea has graphic arts related to a mixture of Korean traditional drawing and the techniques of western watercolor. Large mural art is commonly seen inside the public buildings in North Korea. People of all ages, occupation, and dress circle with adoration and admiration in their eyes. The commission of such art is done by the state, and in this sense, there is no private artist. Also commonly seen are large sculptures depicting history patriotically, such as Korean War heroes and anti-Japanese guerrilla fighters; there are usually portrayed in the Soviet style.. One cannot miss in North Korea has statues and sculptures, paintings and even embroidery art that portray in beautified form Kim Il Sung and his family. These are displayed in public spaces; in terms of art to purchase privately, there are paintings and other products that use traditional Korean ink paint or oil paint. These are most readily found in the international hotel shops and are not readily available for ordinary citizens to purchase.

  4. Music • Korean music includes both the folk, vocal, religious and ritual music styles of the Korean people. Korean music, along with arts, painting, and sculpture has been practiced since prehistoric times Korean folk music is varied and complex, but all forms maintain a set of rhythms . Because the folk songs of various areas are categorized under Dongbu folk songs, their vocal styles and modes are limited. They are more abundant in number than any other regional folk songs, and 1600 songs are transmitted today. Jeju folk songs are characterized by their simple and unique melodic lines and rich texts.

  5. Sculpture/Carving • Korean Buddhist sculpture is one of the major areas of Korean art. Some of the finest and most technically accomplished Buddhist sculpture in East Asia and World were produced in Korea.[ • Buddhism, a religion originating in what is now Indian was transmitted to Korea via China in the late 4th century. Buddhism introduced major changes in Korean society. The complexity of the religious sutras sent to Korea required the aristocrats who adopted the religion to become literate and required the training and importation of literate scribes. Little evidence of religious art exists in Korea before the introduction of Buddhism. Subsequent to its introduction, the religion inspired the production of devotional art as well as the beginnings of sophisticated temple architecture.

  6. Tapestry • Professionals have begun to acknowledge and sort through Korea’s own unique art culture and important role in not only transmitting Chinese culture but also assimilating it and creating a unique culture of its own. The tapestries also feature long, horizontal blocks of text woven into the top of the panels, offering basic details of their narrative. According to one inscription, the landing at the town of Asilah was complicated by rough seas, which “made it extremely dangerous to disembark the soldiers on land.” In the center right of the panel, fragments of soldiers. A torso, a head, a helmet — are seen at odd angles to the otherwise strongly vertical and horizontal layout. These are some of the 200 men who drowned in the wreck of small and overloaded boats attempting the amphibious assault.

  7. Woven fabric cloth production • In North Korea, there are several sectors that can be considered for trade and investment. They include agribusiness, fishing, shipbuilding, logistics, minerals, information technology, and garments. Garment processing has been one of the most successful export-related activities. Companies in the Netherlands, Germany, France, China, and South Korea are producing various kinds of clothing in North Korea and some of the local factories have become very large and experienced exporters. With a highly skilled labor force and with the lowest wages in Asia, a growing number of foreign garment firms are currently operating in-country.

  8. THE END 

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