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Post-Carbon Society: Technology Assessment & Behavior Analysis

Explore technology pathways for a post-carbon society, evaluate material inputs, assess behavior changes, and analyze energy services in urban schemes.

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Post-Carbon Society: Technology Assessment & Behavior Analysis

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  1. PACT – Kick-off meetingBrussels, 7th October 2008WP2 : Post carbon social life and technologies Dr. Jonathan Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang Eichhammer Fraunhofer-ISI Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research Breslauer Str. 48, 76139 Karlsruhe, Germany Jonathan.koehler@isi.fraunhofer.de With apologies to ENERDATA

  2. WP2 : Post carbon social life and technologies Objectives • Technology assessment for housing, energy and transport services of households in post-carbon society. • Technology assessment for supply of housing, energy and transport services in post-carbon society. • Quantification of material inputs for housing, energy and transport services in post-carbon land use patterns. • Description of life-styles and behavioural changes to achieve a post-carbon society.

  3. Task 2.1: Assessment of technologies to achieve a post-carbon society (ISI) Subtask 2.1.1 Brief description of current technologies, material input (ISI) Subtask 2.1.2 Pathways of new household related technologies (ISI) Subtask 2.1.3 Pathways of new transport and energy supply related technologies (ISI, Enerdata) Subtask 2.1.4 Translating the findings on post-carbon technology pathways into VLEEM and POLES (Enerdata, ISI) Task 2.2 : Life-styles, behaviours, time-use (Enerdata) Sub-task 2.2.1 Synthesis of energy services results from VLEEM and literature Sub-task 2.2.2 Techno-economic potentials for renewables in relation to urban and land-use schemes, and available technologies Sub-task 2.2.3 relate urban and land-use schemes to VLEEM and POLES inputs for energy services and to renewables. WP2 : Post carbon social life and technologies

  4. Methodology Task 2.1: Assessment of technologies to achieve a post-carbon society Subtask 2.1.1 Brief description of current technologies, material input For each technology the direct material input estimated from the literature. Differentiated by broad groups, cover bulky material and carbon intense material. Groups defined considering the needs of the models and the needs of WP3. Subtask 2.1.2 Pathways of new household related technologies Housing, transport services and energy services 1. Potential technologies for decarbonisation will be identified 2. Pathways developed: trajectory of penetration of a new technology into the market or a sequence of new technologies that enter the market 3. Material inputs of the different technologies will be estimated

  5. Methodology Subtask 2.1.3 Pathways of new transport and energy supply related technologies Transport network infrastructure Energy system distribution networks and production technologies Steps 1-3 as in task 2.1.2 above Subtask 2.1.4 Translating the findings on post-carbon technology pathways into VLEEM and POLES Findings translated into variables representing the technology characteristics. Expected pathways of this task should be reflected by the models. Results and inputs to the models checked for consistency with WP3.

  6. Methodology Task 2.2 : Life-styles, behaviours, time-use Sub-task 2.2.1 Synthesis of energy services results from VLEEM and literature Energy services including mobility connections to urban schemes and to land-use schemes Role of the technologies available for supplying these energy services Sub-task 2.2.2 Techno-economic potentials for renewables in relation to urban and land-use schemes, and available technologies Solar capitation surface in relation to the nature and dispersion of the habitat and services building Trade-off in land area between food production; wood production (shelter); energy purposes and as feedstock for industry; biofuels production; wind power and concentrated solar power Sub-task 2.2.3 relate urban and land-use schemes to VLEEM and POLES inputs for energy services and to renewables.

  7. Detailed plan for first six-month activities Both Tasks start in month 1 Dl2.1: First report of the task T2.1: Technology description of current technologies in the housing, transport and energy system (Fraunhofer-ISI, month 4) Dl2.2: Second report of the task T2.1: Pathways and material requirements of new technologies to reach a decarbonised society (Fraunhofer-ISI, draft 12, final 16) Dl2.3: Report of the task T2.2: Living in post-carbon societies: a series of stories (Enerdata, draft 12, final16) D2: report of the WP2: technologies and life-styles in post carbon societies (draft16, final18)

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