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Articles All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner.

Articles All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner. The articles a, an and the are determiners. Other determiners are words like “ this , that , my , your , his , her ,..etc

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Articles All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner.

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  1. Articles • All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner. • The articles a, an and the are determiners. • Other determiners are words like “this, that, my, your, his, her,..etc • That is to say; a singular countable word can not be used in a sentence without a determiner.

  2. The Indefinite Article A or An • The indefinite article “a” or “an” is used; • Before singular countable nouns to mean one. It is not used before uncountable and plural nouns. • Australia is a continent. • Turkey is a country in Asia.

  3. Anis used before a word that begins with a vowel sound ( a, e, i, o, u). • When words begin with “h” or “u”, either a or an can be used depending on the sound. • anuncleahome • auniversityaunion • anhouranhonourableman

  4. To introduce a subject that has not been mentioned before; • I saw asnake. • I caughtafish yesterday. • With an expression of a definite quantity in the singular; • A dozen a ton a half a third • A mile a thousand a hundred • A pound

  5. With some expression of quantity; • a great many a great deal • a couple of a few a lot of three times a day a number of • a little a pair of fifty miles an hour • With names of professions; • He is an engineer. • When “a” or “an” means per; • Julie earns $500 a week.

  6. In exclamations with “What + a countable noun • Whatalovelyday! Whataterriblesweater! • Whatapity! Whatanonsense! • Note: In some languages, one and a, an are the same word. In English a, an for the indefinite is more common. • We use one if we want to be precise, and we want to emphasize one, not two, or three, or four. • He drives a Volswagen. • She has got one Rolls-Royce, two Cadillacs and three motorbikes.

  7. The Definite Article “The” • The definite article the can be used before any noun, singular, plural, countable and uncountable when the noun is specific. • The island, the islands , the water • The definite article “the” is used; • When there is only one of the thing mentioned: (Unique objects ) • Thesun is shining. • Themoon is full tonight. • Thesky is blue. Thegovernment • TheKing The president

  8. 2. When it is clear to both the speaker and the listener which thing or person is referred to; • Could you open thedoor, please? • (Both the speaker and the listener know which door it is.) • Pass thesalt, please. • Did you read thebook I gave yesterday? • Have you heard thenews about them?

  9. 3. Before a noun mentioned for the second time: • Abird flew into the classroom. • Thebird sat on my desk. • 4. Before superlative adjectives: • Thebiggest island is Greenland. • Themost beautiful coral island is very small.

  10. 5. Before names of musical instruments • He plays the piano • I can’t playtheguitar • 6.Before decades and centuries: • The1800s, thetwenties, thetwentiethcentury

  11. 7.Before expressions of time and place: • The morning the future • theNorth the top • The afternoon the present • theSouth the front • The evening the past • theEast the back • TheWestthe bottom

  12. 8.Before ordinal numbers (the definite article is not used with cardinal numbers.) • Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers • The first chapter Chapter One • The second day Day Two • The sixth lesson Lesson six • 9.When speaking about a specific noun: • Coffee originated in Ethiopia (general) • Thecoffee I had this morning was Brazillian (specific) • Sugar costs 50 cents a pound(general) • Thesugar that he bought last night was covered with ants.

  13. ** If the noncountable noun is followed by a descriptive adjective clause or phrase, we use the article ‘the’. • 10.Before names of countries, states, cities, universities colleges, and schools that contain the word ‘of’ and before conutries that have a plural name or have an adjective in the name, except for Great Britain: • The United States of America • The state of Florida / The Netherlands • The city of Boston / The Philippines • The University of Texas / Texas University • The United Kingdom

  14. 11.When a proper noun is used as a modifier for another noun, the always precedes the proper noun. • The Simiths’ house • The Egyptian pharaohs • The European Community

  15. 12.The always precedes ‘same’ and ‘only’ • This story is almost exactlythesameas a story I read last year by a different author. • He istheonlyperson in the office who smokes. • 13.Articles are usually not used with parts of the body or clothing when the owner of the parts of the body or clothing is known. In these cases a possesive adjective is usually used. • Julia cutherhair • I woremybest pants.

  16. . • 14.National groups • TheBritishdrink far too much tea. • TheTurkishare known to be very brave. • 15.Classes of people • The rich / the old / the educated • The poor / the young / the accused • 16. Before geographical areas, but not before names of the continents: • The Middle East Asia • The Orient Europe • 17.Before names of oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, and plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes. • The Pacific Ocean The Gulf of Mexio • The Appalachian Mountains

  17. The Hawaiian Islands • The Great Lakes • The Mississippi River • The Black Sea • x Mount Everest • x Manhattan Island • x Lake Michigan • 18. Before the names of ships, trains, planes, and people’s family names (the definite article isn’t used with the names of people and names of magazines.) • The Browns The Mayflower Micheal Keaten • The Orient Express The Titanic Newsweek

  18. SUMMARY • ARTICLE • 1. On the radio • 2. Newspapers(theTimes) • 3. The whole family (theSmiths) • 4.Title without name • TheQueen • ThePresident • 5.Plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes; • TheCanaryIslands • TheHimalayas • TheGreatLakes • 6.Well – known buildings • TheEiffel Tower • TheWorld Trade Center

  19. 7.Well – known buildings • TheEiffel Tower • TheWorld Trade Center • 8.Zoos • TheLondon 200

  20. 9.Names of fields of study when they contain the word ‘of ’ • Thehistory of the United States • Theliterature of the Sixties • 10.The ---------- language • TheEnglish language • 11.The / university , college / of ------ • Theuniversity of Michigan • Theuniversity of London • 12.Names of meals in a specific sense • Thedinner was delicious.

  21. NO ARTICLE (x) • There is no article: • 1.before plural and uncountable nouns when talking about things in general. (plurals not previously mentioned and not post-modified) • I like x orange juice / Givex peace a chance • XMilk is good for you • 2.before most proper names • We live inx France • I will see you in xJanuary • 3.before names of meals • It’s time forxlunch • What is for xdinner?

  22. 4.With prepositions of place, when the place plays an important role; • Sally is inxprison (She’s a prisoner) • Sally is in theprison (A visitor to the building) • Similar are; church, hospital, school, university, home, work, bed • 5.Before general means of transportations: • We went there by /xcar, x train , x bus

  23. 6. before countries, towns, streets, languages, magazines, airports, stations: • I bought xCosmopolitan at xHaydarpaşaStation. • XSpain is a Mediterrean country. • XTurkish isn’t easy to learn.

  24. NO ARTICLE • 1. Onx TV • 2.Maganizes (x Fountain,x Newsweek) • 3.Personal names (xMike Harrison) • 4.Title and name • XQueen Elizabeth • XPresident Clinton • 5.Singular mountains, islands, lakes • X Mount Ağrı • XConey Island • XLake Van

  25. 6.Streets and Avenues • XMadison Avenue • XWall Street • 7.Parks • XCentral Park • 8.School Subjects • XHistory, • XBiology • 9.Languages • XEnglish • xFrench • 10.Name + college / university • XLondon University • XBoston College • 11.Names of meals in a general sense • XDinner is my favourite meal

  26. Exercises • Fill in the blanks with the correct articlea, an, theorx (nothing) • Islands make up ...... entire land area of some countries, including ....... Japan and ...... Philippines. • The, x , the • ....... Florida Keys are coastal islands built on coral reefs. • .The • ...... Mackinac Island in ....... Lake Michigan is ..... lake island. • .x, x, a

  27. .... City of Montreal, in ...... Canada,is built on ...... large river island. • The, x, a • .... Aleutian Islands, part of .....Alaska,are ..... string of coastal islands that were built by ..... volcanoes. • The, x, a, x • On ..... big island of Hawai is one of ...... World’s greatest volcanoes, ....... Manua Loa. • .the, the, x • Kilauea is ..... most active volcano in .....state of........Hawai. • .the, the, x

  28. The early settlers of ...... Pacific Islands, ..... Polynesians, always carried ......coconuts with them in their canoes. • .the, the, x • In ......... Indonesia is .......huge lizard, ...... Komondo Dragon, that eats deer and attacks people. • .x, a, the • ......dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on ......island of Mauritius, in ..... Indian Ocean. • .the, the, the • ......watt is named after James Watt, ....... British engineer who developed ........steam engine in …... 1760s. • .the, the,the, the

  29. .....Methane is ..... Odorless burning gas and is ........main ingredient of .......natural gas. • .x, x, the, x • .....alcohol acts as .......narcotic on ......nervous system and ......brain. • .x, a, the, the • Zachary Taylor was .....first president to be elected from a state west of .....Mississippi River. • .the, the • ......barnacles, which are related to ......lobsters, ......shrimp, and ......crabs, make .......strongest glue. • .x, x, x, x, the

  30. In ...... 1860s Louis Pasteur discovered that .......bacteria in air caused ......perishable food to go ...... bad. • .the, the, the,x • It is ..... interesting book. It gives ..... wonderful picture of what..... life was like in ..... Victorian times. • an , a , x ,x 18. I have noticed that ..... English people do not seem to shake ..... hands as much as people do in ..... Turkey. • x, x, x

  31. 19. As soon as J’m got home from .......... school he went straight to ........... since he felt as if he had ......... flu. • x, x, the • 20. On ......... thirty-first of December, thousands of people gather in.......... Times Square,New York, to celebrate ............ coming of ........ New Year. • the, x, the, the • 21. ............. universities of Oxford and Cambridge are two of .......... most famous universities in ............ Europe. • the, the, x

  32. 22. In ......... office where I work ......... most people have a degree in .......... English,but my boss, who is ........... nicest person I’ve worked for, has a PhD in .......... astronomy. • the, x, x, the, x 23. Stephen has ......... seminer on ......... Saturday morning, so we are not able to go to .......... ski-slopes until ........ Sunday. • a, x, the, x 24. ........ Detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, ......... Doctor Watson, solved ......... number of mysteries. • x, x, a

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