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San Diego Unified School District. Early Childhood Education Program 2013/2014. COGNITIVE Students have the necessary foundational concepts and strategies to confidently and enthusiastically approach new learning tasks. PHYSICAL
San Diego Unified School District Early Childhood Education Program 2013/2014 EH rev. 8.15.13
COGNITIVE Students have the necessary foundational concepts and strategies to confidently and enthusiastically approach new learning tasks. PHYSICAL Students successfully use fine and gross motor skills in manipulating the tools and navigating the structures and processes of school. SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL Students self-regulate their behavior to interact successfully with all peers, adults, and their environment. LANGUAGE Students competently use and understand conventional language in a variety of social and school contexts. HEALTHY/WELL BEING Students receive physical and mental health supports and resources to assure their well-being. Students practice safe and healthy behaviors. HOME/SCHOOL Parents have the tools and confidence to support their child’s success in partnership with all school staff and the community. Vision Statement Mission Statement:The Early Childhood Education Program experience provides children with the critical foundational skills, strategies, and experiences that promote success in school and beyond. EH rev. 8.15.13
Department Organization Chart EH rev. 8.15.13
Early Childhood Education Program Organizational Chart EH rev. 8.15.13
ECE Management Acting Director- Virginia Eves EH rev. 8.15.13
Early Childhood Education Program Background State Preschool Program Description State preschool program provides a 3-hour academic program. The State requires 175 minimum days of operation. State preschool serves children ages 3-4. Families qualify for services based on income eligibility. State preschools operate on a modified traditional or year-round calendar Most state preschool classrooms are housed on elementary campuses. EH rev. 8.15.13
Early Childhood Education Program Background Continued………. Most state preschools operate two sessions per classroom; one a.m. session and one p.m. session. Children receive either breakfast or lunch depending on the session they attend. State preschools are licensed by the State of CA and must maintain an 8 – 1 child to staff ratio. Ratios are maintained by having one state preschool teacher and two child development assistants in the classroom at all times. Principals serve as the site supervisor, the elementary custodial staff provides custodial services and the school cafeteria provides food services. EH rev. 8.15.13
Early Childhood Education Program Background Child Development Center Program Description Child Development Centers are licensed facilities that serve preschool aged children ages 2-5. Families qualify for services based on family income and qualifying need (i.e., child at risk of abuse/neglect, working, attending school, or parent incapacitation). Service hours range between 4.0 -10.5 hours/day depending on family need. State contract requires a minimum of 237 days of operation. CDCs operate July 1 - June 30 with the exception of winter, spring, and Thanksgiving breaks. EH rev. 8.15.13
Early Childhood Education Program Background Continued………. Most CDCs are near or adjacent to elementary campuses independent of the school site. CDCs are licensed facilities and must maintain an 8 – 1 child to staff ratio for children ages 3-5 and a 4 - 1 child to staff for children age 2. CDCs provide breakfast, lunch, and p.m. snack to children for classrooms open more than 7 hours. Child Development Center Administrators serve as the site supervisor. Custodial support and food services are provided by a Child Development Center Attendant with food preparation provided by Food Services. Each CDC is assigned a part-time Child Development Center Clerk to record child attendance, maintain financial records of fee paying parents, and record staff payroll. EH rev. 8.15.13
Preschool and Child Development Center Sites2013-14 EH rev. 8.15.13
Head Start Expectations Head Start provides the health and social services supports in the State Preschool classroom. (Extended Day Services.) State Preschool Extended Day: Provides additional 3.5 hours of service each day. Head Start provides wrap around health and social services at the child development centers. Child Development Centers: Provides health, social, and supportive services to CDC children. EH rev. 8.15.13
Quality Preschool Initiative (QPI) Expectations Funding through First 5 San Diego, QPI provides: Stipends for teachers and assistants who complete professional development requirements Educational support staff to work with individual teachers to improve instructional techniques Developmental screenings for all children in QPI classrooms Supplemental funding to qualified sessions to improve instructional materials, health and safety to the classroom environment EH rev. 8.15.13
Special Education Early Childhood(SEEC) Expectations • Through the collaboration with the San Diego Unified SEEC Department, children with special needs are included in 13 Early Childhood Education classrooms. • These classrooms include: • Early Childhood Education teacher • Special Education Teacher • Early Childhood Education Assistants • Special Education Assistants • All children receive a developmentally appropriate instructional program and children with special needs are provided the supports identified in their IEPs. EH rev. 8.15.13
California School Age Families Education(Cal-SAFE) Expectations Cal-SAFE provides: • Support services to expectant and parenting students which includes: • Academic support • Counseling and guidance • Career planning • Case management • Pre-natal education • Parenting education • Life skills • Child Development career pathways • Childcare services • Transportation (compass cards) to students who qualify under our attendance requirements on a monthly basis • Health and safety education • Second pregnancy prevention-depending on student needs • We assess and refer to according agencies to meet their needs EH rev. 8.15.13
Estimated 2013/2014 ECE Program Funding CCTR (2 year olds) – California Department of Education $908,501 • Provides service to 34 children and working families. • Full-day service that ranges from 4 to 7 hours depending on need. CSPP (3 &4 year olds) – California Department of Education $18,019,341 • Provides service to approximately 3,700 children and working families. • 3 hours/day in the State Preschools & 4+ hours at the Child Development Centers. NHA (Wraparound) – Head Start $4,480,000 • Provides Head Start services for 1,600 children. • Extends the day by 3.5 hours in state preschools classrooms. • Provides materials, curriculum, health, nutrition, and emotional support to CDC children. Cal-Safe (Pregnant & Teen Minors) – District and County Funds $986,652 • Drop-out prevention program to support pregnant and parenting minors that includes parenting skills, counseling support and day care for 48 babies of parenting students who attend high school classes. Quality Preschool Initiative (QPI) $399,560 • Provides grant funds for professional development and enhancement of classroom environment. 2013/2014 Estimated Program Total $25,177,737 Estimated 2013/14 Funding Reduction from 2012/2013 $1,704,360 EH rev. 8.15.13
“A Window of Opportunity” • Quality Early Learning is a Proven Investment in School Success Early childhood education gets kids ready to learn during their most formative years. National research shows that children who attend high quality preschool programs: Perform better on standardized tests in reading and math. Are less likely to be placed in special education: 14% for preschool participants 25% for non-preschool participants Are less likely to be held back a grade: 23% for preschool participants 38% for non-preschool participants Are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college: 50% for preschool participants 39% for non-preschool participants Source: Long-term Effects of an Early Childhood Intervention on Educational Achievement and Juvenile Arrest (2001) EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional Kindergarten • Transitional Kindergarten classrooms are located on elementary school sites. • Not every elementary school has opted to offer the program. • First year of a two-year kindergarten to age-eligible children. • Will be offered at 74 elementary sites in the 13-14 school year. EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional Kindergarten EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional Kindergarten EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional KindergartenCurriculum • May not be a preschool or kindergarten curriculum for Year 1 of the program • Developmentally appropriate • Children in Year 1 (TK) would be exposed to the Kindergarten Standards • Focus on: • developing kindergarten readiness skills • language development, social-emotional, and other foundation skills (fine motor skills, etc.) • Year 2 curriculum will be the traditional kindergarten curriculum. • children in Year 2 (Traditional Kinder) would be expected to master the Kindergarten Standards EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional Kindergarten • “Students should engage in active, playful activities that are focused and integrated.” • Instruction should include: • Social-Emotional Development • Language & Literacy • Mathematics & Manipulatives • History/Social Science • Science • Physical Education • Visual & Performing Arts • Technology & Computer Use • “Transitional kindergarten (TK) Planning Guide: A Resource for Administrators of California Public School District”, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional KindergartenAdditional Materials • Dramatic Play Furniture & Materials (dress-up clothing, theme-based props, real-life objects that represent diverse ethnic groups, etc.) • Creative Arts Materials (easels, paints, markers, assortment of papers, etc.) • Hardwood Unit Blocks & Accessories (community vehicles, play people, animal collections, etc. EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional KindergartenDesired Outcomes “Young fives” will have a developmentally appropriate curriculum in Year 1 Students will be ready for a rigorous kindergarten curriculum in Year 2 Students enrolled in traditional, one year kindergarten programs will be older, and more prepared to meet rigorous kindergarten standards EH rev. 8.15.13
Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, & Kindergarten Where do children go next fall, 2013? * Parents may request Transitional Kindergarten, instead, if they feel that their children would benefit from an additional readiness year. EH rev. 8.15.13
Transitional Kindergarten Sites 2013-14 EH rev. 8.15.13