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Explore the function of the endocrine system, its associated terms, glands, and hormones. Learn how it maintains homeostasis and cooperates with the nervous system. Discover the major endocrine glands and their secretions. Dive into diagnostic tests, pathologies, and treatments.
Chapter 17 Endocrine System
Lesson 17.1 State the function of the endocrine system and analyze associated terms. Write the meanings of the word parts for the endocrine system and use them to build and analyze terms. Define homeostasis and describe two ways in which the pituitary gland cooperates with the nervous system to maintain it. Write the names of the other glands of the endocrine system, describe their functions, and define the terms associated with these structures. Recognize the hormones associated with the major endocrine organs and their target organs or functions.
Terminology: Anatomy & Physiology endocrine system homeostasis endocrine glands
Terminology: Anatomy & Physiology (cont.) glands, hormones (proteins or steroids) hypersecretion, hyposecretion target organ
Modified from Thibodeau GA, Patton KT: Anatomy & physiology, ed 5, St Louis, 2003, Mosby.
Photomicrograph by Bodansky HJ: Pocket picture guide to diabetes, London, 1989, Gower Medical Publishing.
Word Parts: Anatomy & Physiology aden(o) gland adren(o), adrenal(o) adrenal gland gonad(o) gonad mamm(o), mast(o) breast
Word Parts: Anatomy & Physiology (cont.) pancreat(o) pancreas parathyroid(o) parathyroid glands thyr(o), thyroid(o) thyroid gland pituitar(o) pituitary gland
Hormones of the Neurohypophysis: Target Organs antidiuretic hormone: kidneys oxytocin: uterus, breasts
Hormones of the Adenohypophysis: Target Organs growth hormone/somatotropic hormone: all cells melanocyte-stimulating hormone: melanocytes gonadotropic hormones: gonads follicle-stimulating hormone: testes and ovaries luteinizing hormone: testes and ovaries interstitial cell–stimulating hormone: testes
Hormones of the Adenohypophysis: Target Organs (cont.) thyroid-stimulating hormone: thyroid gland adrenocorticotropic hormone: adrenal cortex lactogenic hormone: mammary glands
Actions of Hormones on Target Organs These 3 hormones regulate metabolism, normal growth and development, and storage of calcium within bone: TSH: tetraiodothyronine/thyroxine (T4); triiodothyronine (T3); and Thyrocalcitonin.
Other Endocrine Tissues and Hormones pineal gland: melatonin pancreas: insulin and glucagon parathyroid gland: parathyroid hormone (parathormone)
Pancreatic Hormones and Blood Glucose From Herlihy B: The human body in health and illness, ed 3, 2007, St. Louis, Saunders.
Other Endocrine Tissues and Hormones (cont.) stomach lining: gastrin small intestines thymus: thymosin heart: atriopeptin placenta: human chorionic gonadotropin most tissues: prostaglandins
Quick Quiz! Which hormone is T3 and which gland secretes it? tetraiodothyronine, thymus triiodothyronine, thymus tetraiodothyronine, thyroid triiodothyronine, thyroid
Lesson 17.2 Write the names of the diagnostic tests and procedures used for assessment of the endocrine system when given descriptions of the procedures, or match the procedures with their descriptions. Write the names of endocrine system pathologies when given their descriptions, or match the pathologies with their descriptions. Match the terms for endocrine system surgical and therapeutic interventions with their descriptions, or write the names of the interventions when given their descriptions. Use word parts from this chapter to determine meanings of terms to answer questions about the terms in a health care report. Spell the terms accurately. Pronounce the terms correctly. Write the meanings of the abbreviations. Categorize terms as anatomy, a diagnostic test or procedure, pathology, surgery, or therapy.
Word Parts: Function trop(o) to stimulate andr(o) male or masculine gluc(o) glucose glyc(o), glycos(o) sugar insulin(o) insulin
Word Parts: Function (cont.) calc(i) calcium iod(o) iodine ket(o) ketone lact(o) milk gigant(o) large
Word Parts: Function (cont.) -crine secrete -dipsia thirst -physis growth -tropic stimulating -tropin that which stimulates
Thyroid Palpation, Goiter A From Thompson JM, Wilson SF: Healthassessment for nursing practice, St Louis, 1996, Mosby. B From Swartz MH: Textbook of physical diagnosis, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2006, Saunders.
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures palpation (thyroid and testicles) MRI blood and urine tests: GH, gonadotropins, pituitary hormones, TSH, thyroxine, T3 radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) and thyroid scans
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures (cont.) blood tests: PTH, calcium, phosphate, ACTH, adrenal hormones computed tomography blood tests for pancreatic function: fasting blood sugar oral glucose tolerance test Hb A1C = glycosylated hemoglobin
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures (cont.) urine studies for pancreatic function: glucose (glycosuria) ketones (ketonuria)
Mammography From Svane G, Potchen EJ, Sierra A, Azavedo E: Screening mammography, breast cancer diagnosis in asymptomatic women, St Louis, 1993, Mosby.
Terminology: Pathology adenopathy adenoma versus adenocarcinoma
Pituitary, Thyroid, and Parathyroid Disorders pituitary dysfunction: hyposecretion hypersecretion diabetes insipidus (ADH deficiency) SIADH
From Zitelli BJ, Davis HW: Atlas of pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 5, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) insufficient GH: dwarfism pituitary cachexia, cachexia hypopituitarism hyperpituitarism: gigantism, acromegaly
Acromegaly From Mendeloff AI, Smith DE, eds: Acromegaly, diabetes, hypermetabolism, proteinuria and heart failure. Clin Pathol Conf Am J Med 20:133, 1956.
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) thyropathy, thyroiditis hyperthyroidism, exophthalmos, goiter, Graves’ disease thyrotoxicosis hypothyroidism, cretinism, myxedema
From Ignatavicius DD, Workman ML, Mishler MA: Medical-surgical nursing across the health care continuum, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1999, Saunders.
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia pituitary hypogonadism
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) adrenal, pancreas, and breast adrenopathy, adrenomegaly hyperadrenalism: Cushing syndrome adrenogenital syndrome hirsutism, gynecomastia, andropathy hypoadrenalism, adrenocortical, Addison disease
A From Hordinsky MK, Sawaya ME, Scher RK: Atlas ofhair and nails, 2000, Churchill Livingstone. B From Evans A et al: Atlasof breast disease management, Philadelphia, 1998, Saunders.
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) diabetes mellitus: resistance to insulin deficiency or lack of insulin secretion = hypoinsulinism symptoms: hyperglycemia, polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) types of diabetes: type I type II gestational diabetes mellitus
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) diabetic complications: diabetic nephropathy diabetic retinopathy diabetic neuropathy peripheral vascular disease From Belchez PE and Hammond P: Diabetes and Endocrinology, London, 2003, Mosby Ltd.
Terminology: Pathology (cont.) hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia mammalgia, mastodynia, mastalgia fibrocystic breast disease mastitis mastocarcinoma
Terminology: Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions surgery, hypophysectomy radiation, administration of deficient hormones suppressive therapy radioactive materials, antithyroid drugs, thyroidectomy adrenalectomy