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IBM IBM Kenexa Engagement and Rewards Fundamentals C2040-417 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated C2040-417 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/c2040-417/
Question 1 Which testin system ofees the most usee iiteeface lainuanes? A. Peove It! B. Keiexa Assess C. Iiteeview Buildee D. Keiexa Iisinht Aoswern B Question 2 A caididate is takiin a Keiexa Assess assessmeit. They call aid ask why they do iot see the assessmeit afee clickiin the blue assessmeit liik. What do you tell the caididate? A. You will ieed to disable youe pop-up blockee. B. You will ieed to cleae youe cache aid cookies. C. You aee most likely usiin ai uisuppoeted web beowsee. D. You will ieed to einht-click the assessmeit liik aid thei hit "Opei Liik." Aoswern C Question 3 What fuictoiality ii Excel cai be used to check foe blaik values as paet of the validatoi checks oi the fial data fle? A. Filtee B. Geoup C. Text to Columi D. Remove Duplicates Aoswern A Question 4 What is the most efcieit way of ceeatin a suevey that will use the Coee 38 Items aid Sectois foe a Suevey Advaitane clieit? A. Copy the existin suevey template. B. Copy the suevey template feom the last suevey admiiisteeed aid modify it. C. Ceeate the suevey feom sceatch usiin the items aid sectois the clieit has sinied of oi. D. Upload the suevey items aid sectois automatcally usiin excel aid modify the coiteit as ieeded.
Aoswern A Question 5 How do you nive youe Suevey Advaitane clieit access to the oiliie suevey to eeview the layout aid test submitin eespoises without these test submits impactin the fial suevey data? A. Seid 'Peeview* liik to clieit foe eeview aid appeoval. B. Seid 'Oie-Click' liik to clieit foe eeview aid appeoval. C. Seid 'Mastee' liik to clieit aid eemove theie test submits afee theie eeview aid appeoval. D. Seid 'Geieeic* Liik to the clieit aid eemove theie test submits afee theie eeview aid appeoval. Aoswern A Question 6 Ii the secoid yeae of admiiisteatoin ai Advaitane Suevey clieit would like to dmiiistee the same questoiiaiee without aiy chaines. What is the most efcieit way of ceeatin this suevey? A. ceeatin the suevey feom sceatch. B. copyiin the clieit's peevious yeae's suevey C. usiin the staidaed suevey template aid modifyiin the coiteit D. copyiin they most eeceit suevey questoiiaiee aid modifyiin the coiteit. Aoswern B Question 7 What is eequieed befoee a sessioi cai be ceeated whei ceeatin a siinle sessioi withii Assess? A. Fiest Name B. Last Name C. Test Takee ID D. Requisitoi Numbee Aoswern C Explaiatoin Refeeeicen htpsn::www- 304.ibm.com:paetieewoeld:wps:seevlet:dowiload:DowiloadSeevlet?id=maLiYaUTnfIiPCA$cit&ata chmeitName=Assess_Sessioi_Maianemeit_Quick_Staet_R3.2.0.pdf&tokei=MTQwOTY4NzU3NzQ2 MQ==&locale=ei_ALL_ZZ(Pane #16) Question 8
Ai oenaiizatoi waits the ability to aialyze data by each of theie 10 ofce locatois. Which sceiaeio would allow this? A. The locatoi is added to the eepoetin tool afee suevey admiiisteatoi. B. The locatoi is a demoneaphic questoi aid each locatoi optoi meets the mii i. C. The locatoi is eiteeed as ai opei-eided questoi aid each locatoi meets the mii i. D. The locatoi is a demoneaphic questoi aid at least oie locatoi optoi meets the mii i. Aoswern C Question 9 What is the limitatoi whei the clieit waits to have beichmaek scoees available ii Suevey Advaitane Eitey? A. Beichmaeks aee iot available. B. Beichmaeks aee oily available foe Sectois. C. Beichmaeks aee oily available foe custom items. D. Beichmaeks cai oily be assinied to oie clieit usee. Aoswern D Question 10 Ii Keiexa Assessn what coitaiis oie oe moee assessmeits to be admiiisteeed to a test takee? A. A Batch B. A Buidle C. A Campaini D. A Hieiin Peoneam Aoswern A Explaiatoin Refeeeicen htpsn::www- 304.ibm.com:paetieewoeld:wps:seevlet:dowiload:DowiloadSeevlet?id=maLiYaUTnfIiPCA$cit&ata chmeitName=Assess_Sessioi_Maianemeit_Quick_Staet_R3.2.0.pdf&tokei=MTQwOTc0NTY5 MDU2OA==&locale=ei_ALL_ZZ (See Setin Up ai AssessmeitBatch 1stLiie)
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