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International Program – Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

International Program – Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. Catherine Duverger Academic Coordinator – Economics Matthieu Gilson Academic Coordinator – Management. Our job. What is the role of the Academic Coordinators? Help exchange students to create their course program

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International Program – Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

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  1. International Program – Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management Catherine Duverger Academic Coordinator – Economics Matthieu Gilson Academic Coordinator – Management

  2. Our job • What is the role of the Academic Coordinators? • Help exchange students to create their course program • Answer questions regarding the courses • Economics Courses: Catherine Duvergercatherine.duverger@ulb.ac.be • Management Courses: Matthieu Gilson matgilso@ulb.ac.be • Office hours • Collect and validate the “Registration Form “(pink sheet) and the “Learning Agreement” (only for Erasmus Students) • Deadline: by October 3rd at the latest! • Organize visiting hours 2 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  3. Visiting Hours: when Visiting hours (18th of September – 3rd of October 2014): • Mandatory: Thursday 18/09 and Friday 19/09 from 12 to 3 pm • Non mandatory: Wednesday 24/09 and Friday 26/09 from 12 to 2 pm • Non mandatory: Wednesday 01/10, Thursday 02/10 and Friday 03/10 from 12 to 2 pm • http://www.ulb.ac.be/facs/sbsem/exchangestudents/coursesinformation/hours.html

  4. Visiting Hours: where Room: AW.1.117 (next to Anne Georges’ office) 4 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  5. What’s you job? • Go to the mandatory visiting hours next week • Bring the « academic survival questionnaire » with you • To inquire about the courses you are interested in (content, schedule, prerequisites, etc.) • Make a course selection • Fill your registration form (and the learning agreement if necessary) • Give us these forms by October 3rd at the latest • Tell us if there is any problem, before it is too late…

  6. Programmes Open 6 | • Management – Bachelors • INGE1: 1st year of Bachelor: CLOSED • INGE2 : 2nd year of Bachelor: CLOSED • INGE3 : 3rd year of Bachelor: OPEN. Mostly in French. • Economics – Bachelors • ECON1: 1st year of Bachelor: CLOSED • ECON2: 2nd year of Bachelor: CLOSED • ECON3 : 3rd year of Bachelor: OPEN. Mostly in French. International Program – Welcome Presentation

  7. Programmes Open 7 | • Management – Masters • INGE4F1 & INGE5F1: Business Engineering: French & English • ECON4M & ECON5M: Master in Economics, “Management Science”: Full English • MBA Courses: Only for MBA students (or « special agreement ») • Economics – Masters • ECON4B & ECON5B : Business Economics: French & English • ECON4P1 & ECON5P1: Analysis, Policy and Consultancy: French & English • ECON4R1 & ECON5R: Advanced Economics: Full English • ECON4A & ECON5A: Advanced Economics: French & English International Program – Welcome Presentation

  8. Programmes Open 8 | • You have access to courses fromotherfaculties. But: • We have no specific information about them • They are often in French • If you are interested, youneed to find the information by yourselves: • Go to the general course catalogue of ULB ( http://banssbfr.ulb.ac.be/PROD_frFR/bzscrse.p_prog_catalog) • Go to the class and ask the professor for the permission to enroll (weneed a proof thatheaccepts in his course) • Put it on youforms (itistreated in the sameway as a SBS-EM course) International Program – Welcome Presentation

  9. Courses 9 | Basic Rules • At least 1 course • Maximum 30 ECTS • 60% of ECTS in the SBS-EM programs International Program – Welcome Presentation

  10. Courses 10 | Excel File http://www.ulb.ac.be/facs/sbsem/exchangestudents/coursesinformation/courses.html • Any courses offered within the SBS-EM programs (with limited exceptions) • Economics Seminars: One seminar per term • Other Exceptions: See Website or Excel File • Institute of European Studies: subject to a limited number of places (more information to be announced) => Courses outside the SBS-EM faculty: no information • Courses catalogue issubject to changes => check the website, monulb…! International Program – Welcome Presentation

  11. Courses • Master/Research courses: Prerequisites • English Course Titles • Course Language: some mistakes in the course catalogue • Contact us • English or French • English and French • Take the schedule into account (and check it regularly) • Go to the 1st session of each course that interests you • Some professors might not accept you afterwards • You might have to register during the first class • There could be important information that we are not aware of 11 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  12. Economic seminar • Special cases: these courses have a limited access! • ECON-S306 Questions Approfondie d'Economie du Travail • ECON-S312 Questions Approfondies de Socio-économie • ECON-S304 Questions Approfondies d'Economie et Gestion de la Santé • ECON-S305 Questions Approfondies d'Economie Européenne • ECON-S420 Questions Approfondies d'Economie Industrielle • ECON-S319 Topics Economic Integration • Only 3 exchange students for each of these economic seminars. • If you want to take one of these courses, you have to: • 1) Complete the form given during the academic coordinators' presentation and give it completed to your academic coordinators before the 19th of September 2014 (first come first served). • 2) Go to the first course and follow the instructions given by the professor. 12 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  13. Course schedule • Go to Gehol http://gehol.ulb.ac.be/gehol/ • Schedule/classrooms might change  always check Gehol before attending a course (especially the first class) • Classroom  ex.: R42.5.503  Building(R42).Floor(Fifth floor).Room (503) 13 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  14. Courses • Courses Information: • International Program’s Website • Course Catalogue • MonULB • Université Virtuelle • Professors’ Website • Timetable • Course Catalogue • MonULB • Gehol • Example 14 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  15. Final remark Stay connected !!! MonUlb, https://mon-ulb.ulb.ac.be/cp/home/displaylogin or your ULB mailbox, https://roundcube.ulb.ac.be/ 15 | International Program – Welcome Presentation

  16. Any Questions?

  17. Latest updates • Institutions and development taught during the whole year • Game Theory will be taught during Term 1 • Behavioral economics will be taught during Term 2

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