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Blood borne viral hepatitis action in Wales

Blood borne viral hepatitis action in Wales. Presenter: Dr Marion Lyons, Josie Smith Health Protection. Background. A long, long time ago ….. 2005 - 2007 Extensive research across Wales Summary evidence reports Available at: http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/page.cfm?orgid=457&pid=25483.

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Blood borne viral hepatitis action in Wales

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  1. Blood borne viral hepatitis action in Wales Presenter: Dr Marion Lyons, Josie Smith Health Protection

  2. Background A long, long time ago ….. 2005 - 2007 Extensive research across Wales Summary evidence reports Available at: http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/page.cfm?orgid=457&pid=25483

  3. Minister for Health announces £1.377 recurrent funding for Blood borne viral Hepatitis Action Plan for Wales 2010

  4. Contributors • Welsh Assembly Government • Health Service Planners • Health Boards - NSE and health promotion • Health Boards - Primary Care • Health Boards – Treatment and care • Local Authorities • The National Offender Management Service • Non statutory organisations including patient groups • Public Health Wales

  5. Public Health Wales Roles and responsibilities • Supporting developments aimed at increasing awareness, development of training and education programmes • Development of communications plan • Implementation of national data collection system for needle and syringe programmes • Development of diagnosis via dried blood spot testing • Supporting and monitoring Health Boards in delivery of local action plans • Supporting sub and task/finish groups • Supporting Welsh Assembly Government

  6. Structures

  7. Prevention, education and awareness raising Harm reduction database • Lack of evidence re. prevalence of injecting drug use in Wales  denominator data required for incidence and modelling potential burden of disease • Evidence of ‘patchy’ NSP provision across Wales • Primary means of accessing, informing and preventing onward transmission amongst most at risk groups • System live in statutory and voluntary sector needle exchange services (including mobile services) 1st September 2010 • To date over 2000 injectors registered • Next steps – roll out in community pharmacy based services

  8. Prevention, education and awareness raising • Development of endorsed BBV training programmes: • Level 1 – all individuals working with those currently or potentially at risk of infection with blood borne viruses (HBV, HCV and HIV) • Level 2 – all individuals responsible for diagnosing and treating individuals for blood borne viruses

  9. Prevention, education and awareness raising • Ongoing work focusing on: • Improving BBV services for offender populations in Wales • Research project – ‘How best to deliver health care messages re. BBVs’ • Targeted and generic awareness raising programme

  10. Diagnosis & Surveillance Dried blood spot testing (DBS) • Pilot study in North West Wales CDT • Means of testing for BBVs without need for venepuncture (in first instance) • Same protocol as utilised in prevalence and incidence study 2005-2007 (700+ current IDUs) • Improved uptake of testing amongst most high risk groups • Behavioural / risk behaviour questionnaire to support evidence of transmission UK wide

  11. Diagnosis & Surveillance • Strengthening of existing surveillance systems – e.g. Co-surv • Development of new patient management tools • Active case finding tools in primary care • Data matrix available at: http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/page.cfm?orgid=457&pid=25483

  12. Treatment and care pathways • Each of seven treatment centres in Wales develop local action plan • Establishment of testing and treatment in Community settings e.g. Drug services, primary care • Development of clinical networks and consensus on treatment for HBV and HCV

  13. Stakeholder engagement and events • BBV workshop – 18th Nov 2010 • Aimed to identify existing best practice and areas for improvement • Opportunity to achieve consensus on treatment for BBV hepatitis in Wales • Lead clinicians from all treatment centres in Wales • BBV nurse specialists • BBV Leads from all drug services

  14. Stakeholder engagement and events • BBV Action in Wales Conference on World Hepatitis Day July 2011 Open to all stakeholders and interested parties • Progress to date • Areas for improvement • Evaluation of interventions • Next steps

  15. Contact details Marion.lyons@wales.nhs.uk Josie.smith@wales.nhs.uk Noel.craine@wales.nhs.uk Jane.salmon@wales.nhs.uk Copy of Action Plan available at: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/phhs/publications/100226actionplanen.pdf

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