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CTE Working in Harmony. Christy Cheek Kathy Reese. NC Wise Playbook. NC Wise Career and Technical Education Playbook “CTE Working in Harmony” A look into the world of NC Wise via football Presented by: Kathy Reese Career Development Coordinator North Buncombe High School
CTE Working in Harmony Christy Cheek Kathy Reese
NC Wise Playbook • NC Wise Career and Technical Education Playbook • “CTE Working in Harmony” • A look into the world of NC Wise via football • Presented by: • Kathy Reese Career Development Coordinator North Buncombe High School • Christy Cheek Career Instructional Coordinator Buncombe County Schools
Pregame • Getting Around in eSIS Instructions Guides can be found at http://www.ncwise.org Select Library >NCWise Technical Library >NCWise Guides
Plays • CDC Team Structure • DPI- Team Owners • LEAs- General Managers • Head Coaching Staff- County Office NC Wise Data Team • Offensive Coordinator- High School Data Managers • Defensive Coordinator- Middle School Data Managers • Recruiters- Elementary School Data Managers • Players- CDCs/Special Pops/VoCATS Coordinators
Coaching Tip • In order for a team to be successful, each level of the organization must understand the importance of the other. Balance and strategic alignment are essential to achieve the end result. Think about this when organizing your team.
Job Responsibilities • In our county, CDCs serve as VoCATS Coordinators, Special Populations Coordinators, work with Tech Prep, VEIS, Enrollment, Career Counseling, Work-based learning, middle schools, and use NC Wise every day. • NC Wise is an integral part of our lives.
1st Quarter • Enrollment and Registration Information • Reports that can help you when working with registration • Enrollment Summary by Section by Department • Student Detail Report
Enrollment Summary by Section by Department To assist in scheduling and teacher overloads Log on to ESIS Select School Select Reports Icon Select Specify Extract Criteria Select School Select Clear Extract Criteria Select Run Extract Select Go Back Close the Door Select Enrollment/Registration folder Select Enrollment Summary by Section Select Semester or All Select By Department Select Printer Icon View, Print, or Save Adobe file Select File>close
How can this report help you? • See handout for example of Enrollment Summary by Section by Period • Ways it can help you • Look at male to female ratio • Look at the number of SPED students in classes • Enrollment (What made, what is low) • Use to complete testing materials on county level • Use to create matrix of county teachers (planning periods)
Student Detail Report (We do this to verify Course of Study and Career Pathway. It is like looking at a condensed transcript) Select School Select Reports Icon Select Specify Extract Criteria Select School Select Clear Extract Criteria Select Run Extract Select Go Back Close the Door Select Course Credit and Diploma Select Student Diploma Detail Select Run Report Select Grade Level and Student Name, Details by Diploma Category and Potential Select Printer Icon View, Print, or Save Adobe File To print on 1 page select multiple pages, 2 pages per sheet, horizontal reversed, auto rotate. Select File> Close
Student Detail Report • Please see sample in handout. • This will allow you to see how students are doing. It is a quick look to see holes in schedules and to see if students are on track to complete COS and Pathway
2nd Quarter User Export and Ad/Hoc Reporting Diploma Type and Career Development
Course of Study and Career Pathways To correct errors and omissions from student records Log on to ESIS Select School Select Reports Icon Select Specify Extract Criteria Select School Select Clear Extract Criteria Select Run Extract Select Go Back Close the Door Select Export/Ad Hoc File Select Start Over Under Demographics Highlight the Following and “Arrow Over”: Grade AA Student Number Legal Name Legal Middle Name First Name Diploma Intended Career Program Select Create File Select Save As (I usually save to the desktop) In the File Name Box Type Your File “Title”.xls (This file will become an Excel file when you save it) Select Create Export Select O.K. for Warning Pop-up Select O.K. When Export is Complete Close Door Double-click File on Desktop to Use
Directions for Creating Ad/Hoc Reports can be found @the NC Wise Library.Sometimes, data needs to be corrected. In the NC Wise Library, look for the Career Development and Diploma TypesAdobe Download. This gives great instructions on what to do.
Half Time- Creating Form Letters • Creating Form Letters through NC Wise is very easy. Go to the NC Wise Library and look for the Creating Letter Adobe File. • You can copy and paste word documents in NC Wise and fill in the fields that you want.
«Brittany»«Allison», While high school can be a big adjustment, approach everything positively. Instead of just going through the motions, think not only about the present but the future as well. Whether you choose to attend a community college, four-year university, serve in the armed forces, or enter into the work world decisions made today will impact your tomorrow. One of the ways to accomplish this is by taking advantage of the opportunity to earn articulated college credit while you are in high school. This is a great way to build a post secondary transcript. Credit offered through this RAVE agreement is available at community colleges throughout North Carolina. Locally, Asheville-Buncombe Community College (AB Tech) and Blue Ridge Community College have recognized this program as a way to build a seamless transition between high school and college. Earning articulated credit is easy! Here’s how it works. You, Register for a Career-Technical class in high school. Earn an 80 or above (raw or normalized score*) on the CTE Post Assessment Make a B or better in the class Complete an application It’s that simple! How is this a benefit? Consider these scenarios. Scenarios #1- Just imagine, you are sitting in your Computer Applications I class as a freshman, and thinking, “What am I doing in here?” You could simply do your work and just get by or you could make a B in the class, score 80 or above on your end of course test, and be eligible for articulated college credit. (Not only are you gaining a skill, but also you have just saved your parents the cost of one college class. You do the math! Scenario #2- During your junior year you decide to take Carpentry I and II at your high school. Again, it’s up to you. Either sit around and get by or by making a B or better, scoring an 80 or above on your end of course test, you could be eligible for 9 credit hours at a community college. (Ex. If college tuition for each course cost $35.00 and the student earns 9 credit hours the savings would total around $315.00.) Now that’s a big savings! Ask me, an administrator, a counselors or your Career Development Coordinator for more information. Don’t let RAVE pass you by. <<Teacher’s Name>>
Letters using Mail Merge • Use pull out of NC Wise (Create through Export/AD HOC Pull) *Note: for this and the letter in NC Wise, in specify extract criteria, I chose just the CTE course I wanted the letter to go to. You could select as many of the CTE courses you wish, as long as they will fit into the criteria screen. • Open Word • Select Tools • Mail Merge • Word will ask you to set up the document either in a different screen or on the same page. • I used a previous letter and cut and paste in a new document. • Then selected from the mail merge options which categories I wanted and the proper order. • I typed the teacher’s name just like I did in the previous letter. (This could be a CDC or RAVE Coordinator) • Then I clicked merge and it will either merge into a separate document or print from the merge. • It’s that simple!
RAVE Letter used in Mail Merge Colleague ID ( office use only) _________ Application for RAVE CREDIT Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Short Application 340 Victoria Road, Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 254-1921, ext. 145, 144 or 887 website: www.abtech.edu PLEASE PRINT: NAME______Reese__________________Thomas______________________L_______ LAST FIRST MIDDLE 390 Clarks Chapel Rd_________Weaverville__________________NC_____________________28787______ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ______Buncombe__________________828-645-4221_____________________________________________0000000000000________ COUNTY HOME TELEPHONE CELL TELEPHONE(optional) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS: ______reesre@bcd.org________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE________10___/__21___/__1982______ GENDER: F M Month Day Year RACE (Circle One): 1. White (Non-Hispanic) 2.Black (Non-Hispanic) 3. American Indian/Alaskan 4. Hispanic 5. Pacific Islander or Asian 6. Other Emergency Contact Name _____________________________________Phone Number ______________________ High School Attend(ing)(ed): ___North Buncombe High School________________ Current Semester: Fall __X___ Spring ______ 2006 (year) Expected graduation date _______________________ Have you ever taken classes at A-B Tech CC ________ Student Signature Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent, Legal Guardian, or Holder of Legal Custody Date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAVE (Must be filled out completely) High School course number(s), name ___6622 Marketing Management_____________________ ABTCC course number(s), name _____________MKT 121________________________________ CTE Post Assessment Score _____________________________ Final Grade ___________________ CDC/Contact: ____Kathy Reese______________Phone no. __645-4221_________ *Upon graduating from high school and enrolling in a North Carolina Community College, a college admissions director may reevaluate articulated credit as appropriate for the student major. Perkins Disclaimer: College Tech Prep is funded through Carl Perkins Federal Legislation.
Third Quarter • Building Teams and Prepare for testing
Creating Teams Creating Teams To assist with test modifications and scheduling Select the School Tab On the Drop Down Select School Information Select Teams/Groups Select Add Fill in Team Code, Short Name, Name, and Faculty Assigned Select Authorized and Highlight YES Save Changes Highlight Team Name Select Members Select Add Team Members Type Last Name or Student Number Hit F8 on Your Keyboard Highlight Student and Select Repeat Until All Students Are Entered Save Close Door
Using Teams …Class Schedules for Testing Log on to ESIS Select School Select Reports Icon Select Specify Extract Criteria Select School Select Clear Extract Criteria Select Teams Choose Teams to Work With Select Run Extract Select Go Back Close the Door Select Export/Ad Hoc File Select Start Over Under Demographics Highlight the Following and “Arrow Over”: Grade AA Student Number Legal Name Legal Middle Name First Name Under Other Category Select Courses and “Arrow Over”: Semester Period Course Code Course Name Teacher Name Room Name Select Create File Click Tab and Export Field Titles First Select Save As (I usually save to the desktop) In the File Name Box Type Your File “Title”.xls (This file will become an Excel file when you save it) Select Create Export Select O.K. for Warning Pop-up Select O.K. when Export is Complete Close the Door Double-click file on Desktop
Fourth Quarter Getting Ready for the Big Play VEIS Upload
Gather Information for VIES To identify students for the Special Populations list for CTE Pulls and extracts that may be helpful include: WDE Reporting Hub Data Pull- available through your data manager UERS Screen WDE 3rd and 7th month report Testing Extract (reading and math competency, computer competency, and other EOC data) Absence List Special Services Extract ESL Extract 504 Extract Free and Reduced Lunch List (Obtained fro Child Nutrition Services or Principal) Sample Extract…Special Services Extract Log on to ESIS Select School Select Reports Icon Select Specify Extract Criteria Select School Select Clear Extract Criteria Select Misc 1 Select Special Education Drop-Down…YES Select Run Extract Select Go Back Close the Door Select Export/Ad Hoc File Select Start Over Under Demographics Highlight the Following and “Arrow Over”: Grade AA Student Number Legal Name Legal Middle Name First Name Under Other Category Select SPED and “Arrow Over”: Exceptionality Code Select Create File Click Tab and Export Field Titles First Select Save As (I usually save to the desktop) In the File Name Box Type Your File “Title”.xls (This file will become an Excel file when you save it) Select Create Export Select O.K. for Warning Pop-up Select O.K. when Export is Complete Close the Door Double-click file on Desktop
Example of Special Services Extract to Help Identify SPED Students
Getting Ready to Change VEIS Data • UERS CTE/WDE Reporting • Use this guide to see and example of the VEIS report from the Reporting Hub • Various Screens in VEIS • Accessing the VEIS Screen
Use Gib Warrick’s Materials • Pathways Program • CDP+ • Preslugging Bubble Sheets Custom School Reporting 610 Red Cedar Lane Monroe, NC 28110 1-800-304-7467 • rgwarrick@juno.com
Samples of Gib’s Report • See the attached reports in handout • Career Development Plan Plus • Shows all courses and students grades • Like a transcript • Has GPA on it • Shows students’ COS and Pathway • Serves as a CDP+ for CTE* • Assists in registration
Career Technical Education Pathways Details by Student • Report shows which pathway student has completed in and the courses he/she has taken • If the student has completed in more than one, it will show that also.
Game over! • Thank you for you time • Questions? • Email addresses • Kathy.reese@bcsemail.org • Crystal.cheek@bcsemail.org