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Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems

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  1. Management Information System (MIS) MIS being incorporated with starting a business Dr. Lauren Talia, DBA

  2. These slides will present the history of MIS and how MIS has evolved into the 21st century. There is also YouTube clips provided throughout the presentation to help by elaborating the details on how MIS is being utilized in the year 2013.

  3. Computer • Is electronic device capable of processing data, and capable of storing software programs. (Simpson, 2013)

  4. Computer Models What type of computer system will your company utilized? • Apple • Dell • Gateway • IBM • HP Now, lets build a computer for your organization!

  5. Management • Management is the organizational process that includes strategic planning, setting; objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets needed to achieve objectives, and measuring results. (Management Study Guide, 2013)

  6. Management team? • How will you recruit for a staff? • What type of skillsets are you looking for? • Who will you hire? • How will you align specific personnel's against roles within your company?

  7. Creating an Org Chart (Edraw, 2013)

  8. Managing People Managing people from a management standpoint. YouTube Video link: Steve Jobs philosophy on managing people

  9. Questions (EPA, 2013)

  10. Information Data is organized and presented at a time, and place so that the decision-maker may take necessary action. (Shajahan, S. & Priyadharshini, R. 2004) (Termale , 2013)

  11. What is the purpose for your company? • Which city, state, and country will the company be launched? • What type of service or products will your company offer? • What type of employees are needed to make your company successful? • Who are your vendors, suppliers, and distributors? • How much capital is required to launch your company?

  12. Receiving Information (Search Inform, 2013)

  13. Who are the Point of Contacts (Poc) What are your employees job descriptions and responsibilities? • Help Desk • Customer Service • Manager • Professor • Subject Matter Expert (SME)

  14. (Information Fluency, 2011)

  15. System • A System converts data from internal and external sources into information and to communicate that information, in appropriate form, to managers at all functions to enable the managers to make timely and effective decisions for planning, directing, and controlling for the activities which they are responsible. (Lucey, 2004) (Pidwirny, 2006)

  16. (Quinstreet Enterprise, 2013)

  17. Bill Gates Bill Gates, lives in a smart home. His home is operated by a computer system. The link below, is a computer model/tour of the Gates house and some of the technology in it. YouTube Link: Bill Gates Home

  18. History of MIS 1642 • MIS started with simple manual system such as customer database on index cards. In the 21st century, we use databases as MS Excel, MS Access, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Project Management applications. (Reitz, 2013) (Pankajakshi, R., & Shailaja, M. L. (2012)

  19. MIS in the 1970’s Hobbyists began to build personal computers from kits and commercially available microprocessors and floppy disks in early 1970s. Floppy Disk (Amiga Store, 2013) (Wikipedia, 2013) (McClellan & Dorn, 2006)

  20. Oldcomputers.net, 2013)

  21. MIS in the 1990’s In 1990 the card catalog was not yet computerized, and the massive wooden filing cabinet that housed the thousands and thousands of alphabetized index cards itemizing the book collection stood in the center of the main room. (Broyard, 2007) (Holley, 2009)

  22. (Annenberg, 2013)

  23. MIS in 2013 Almost every MIS resolves around some kind of computer hardware and software. (Gupta, 2011) (Alsyad, 2013)

  24. Information System Introduces the concept of an Information System for the Information Systems Design and Development Unit. YouTube Link:What is Information System

  25. (Electronics For Imaging, Inc., 2013)

  26. (McCombs, 2011)

  27. (Essemtec, 2008)

  28. Future of MIS: Data Mining An important trend in MIS is the ability for companies to use data mining tools to collect information regarding consumer purchases and other economic trends. YouTube Link:How Data Mining Works YouTube Link:Predictive Data Mining (Vitez, 2013)

  29. (Lämmel, 2011)

  30. Future: Automation Material handing operation should be mechanized and/or automated where feasible to improve operational efficiently eliminate repetitive or potentially unsafe manual labor. (Singh, 2008)

  31. Manufacturing ( (Burtynsky, 2004)

  32. How Bike Tires are Manufactured YouTube Link:Themanufacturing process of bicycle tyres

  33. Automation (Lavlados, 2013)

  34. Robotics (Ackerman , 2012)

  35. Kiva Systems YouTube Link: Kiva Systems: A Robotic System for Automagically Fulfilling Orders in Warehouses Robotics operate the Warehouse

  36. What is the Importance of Management Information Systems (MIS)?

  37. Advantages for MIS Managers are able to make quick informed strategic decisions. From evaluating historical data, current information, and forecasted information. For MIS to be effective an organization MUST maintain all data for reporting to stay updated. To all Managers to access the latest information.

  38. Disadvantages for MIS • If an organization ability to track information, such as financial reporting for projects is not updated. • This will not benefit the Managers of the organization. • Lost Data • No electricity, no access to files or data • System being hacked • System bugs as virus’s, Trojans, and worms

  39. Who benefits from MIS College and Graduate Students • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the growth rate for jobs in the MIS field is expected to grow 21% or more from 2006 to 2016. Incomes can range from $83,000 to $109,000 depending on the industry or position, according to the BLS. Professionals • Streamlines the workplace • Almost everything is completed through computer, tablet, and smart phone. (BLS, 2013)

  40. Technology Benefits From Warren Buffett's bodyguard to a high-tech panic room in a Hollywood mansion and on board a mega yacht in Miami, CNBC goes behind the scenes with the men and women who protect the super-rich. These are nervous times for billionaires around the globe and an entire industry is on call ready to sell the ultra-rich super security. YouTube Links Dangerously Rich Billionaire Super Security 2012 (Part 1/2) Dangerously Rich Billionaire Super Security 2012 (Part 2/2)

  41. Jobs in Management Information Systems (MIS) System Administrator Network Administrator Support Analyst Support Technician Project Coordinator Project Manager Technical Support Specialist IT User Liaison Database Administrator Systems Developer Computer Systems Analyst Consultant Business Analyst Business System Analyst Manager of Information Systems System Analyst IT Consultant IT Development Project Leader IT User Liaison Business Intelligence Analyst   Operations Research Analysis Sales Engineer Technical Support Network Analyst

  42. References • Ackerman, E. (2012, October 24). Meet the amazing robots that will compete in the darpa robotics challenge. Retrieved from http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/humanoids/meet-the-amazing-robots-that-will-compete-in-the-darpa-robotics-challenge • Amiga Store. (2013). 0 x amiga formatted floppy disks dsdd. Retrieved from http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=83 • Annenberg. (2013). Card catalog. Retrieved from http://50.asc.upenn.edu/drupal/content/card-catalog • Alsyad, G. A. J. (2010). MIS homepage. Retrieved from http://mis-sust.webs.com/ • Burtynsky, E. (2004). Hongqingting shoe factory. Retrieved from http://www.mascontext.com/issues/16-production-winter-12/manufactured-landscapes/

  43. References • Broyard, B. (2007). One drop: My father's hidden life--a story of race and family secrets. New York, NY: Hachette Digital, Inc. • Edraw. (2013). Management organizational chart. Retrieved from http://www.edrawsoft.com/managementorgchart.php • Electronics For Imaging, Inc. (2013). Efi pace. Retrieved from http://w3.efi.com/MIS_ERP/Print-MIS-ERP-Software/EFI-Pace • Essemtec. (2008). Mis. Retrieved from http://www.essemtec.com/products.asp?setCountry=IN.en&SelectedCountry=20&ArtNr=MIS

  44. References • Gupta, H. (2011). Management information system . New Delhi, India: International Book House PVT. LTD. • Holley, M. (2009, April 30). File: copyright card catalog drawer. Retrieved from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Copyright_Card_Catalog_Drawer.jpg • Information Fluency. (2011, October 09). Our model. http://21cif.com/ • Jha, D. G. (2007). Computer concepts & management info systems . New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall of India. • Lämmel, U. (2011, July 01). Data mining. Retrieved from http://www.wi.hs-wismar.de/~laemmel/en/course-dm-en.html

  45. References • Lavlados. (2013, January 09). Industrial automation. Retrieved from http://www.lavlado.com/industrial-automation/ • Lucey, T. R. (2004). Management information system . (9th ed.). Bedford Row, London: Cengage Learning EMEA. • Management Study Guide. (2013). Levels of management. Retrieved from http://www.managementstudyguide.com/management_levels.htm • McCombs. (2011, February 10). Mis bridge team & history. Retrieved from http://misbridge.mccombs.utexas.edu/bridgeteam.asp

  46. References • Old Computers.net. (2013). Computer data storage - floppy disks. Retrieved from http://oldcomputers.net/floppydisks.html • Pankajakshi, R., & Shailaja, M. L. (2012). The role of information and communication technologies (icts) in service sector. World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, , 2(5), 66-70. doi: 2231 – 2587 • Pidwirny, M. (2006). "Introduction to Geographic Information Systems". Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition. Date Viewed. http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/2f.html • Quinstreet Enterprise. (2013). Operating system (OS). Retrieved from http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/O/operating_system.html

  47. References • McClellan, J. E., & Dorn, H. (2006). Science and technology in world history: An introduction . (2nd ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: The John Hopkins University Press. • Reitz, J. (2013). Online dictionary for library and information science. Retrieved from http://www.abc-clio.com/ODLIS/odlis_i.aspx • Search Inform. (2013). Information security. Retrieved from http://searchinform.ru/ • Shajahan, S. & Priyadharshini, R. (2004). Management information systems . Delhi, India: New Age International Publishers. • Simpson, A. (2013). what is hardware?. Retrieved from http://www.coolnerds.com/Newbies/Hardware/hardware.htm

  48. References • Singh, A. K. (2008). Materials management . Laxmi Publications LP LTD: New Delhi, India. • Stuhlman, D. G. (2012, December 12). Knowledge management terms . Retrieved from http://home.earthlink.net/~ddstuhlman/defin1.htm • Termale , D. (2013, September 04). Can your business benefit from a document management system?. Retrieved from http://www.amsimaging.com/blog/bid/152063/Can-Your-Business-Benefit-From-a-Document-Management-System • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2013, September 20). Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/tsd/permit/epmt/comm.htm

  49. References • Vitez, O. (2013). Trends in management information systems. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/about_5623380_trends-management-information-systems.html • Wikipedia. (2013). Floppy disk. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floppy_disk

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