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Reflect on assessment practices, understand assessment standards, and improve instruction through varied assessment methods and techniques. Explore the role of learning targets and cognitive complexity in assessment.
Assessment FOR Learning Student Progress Monitoring
Assessment FOR Learning Your Office of Assessment and Personalized Learning Welcomes YOU! Please visit the posters with the Teaching Standards for Assessment. Reflect on your practices this past year and the feedback received from your Summative Assessment and place your dot on the indicator that best describes you. NEW TEACHERS, consider your understanding/knowledge of these indicators and place your dot accordingly.
Assessment FOR Learning Why revisit now? Turn and Talk …strengthening the practice of formative assessment produces significant, and often substantial, learning gains. (Wiliam and Black)
Standard 5: Assessment Strategies Standard 6: Assessment Uses Let’s Get In the Weeds
Milling to the Music of Assessment • Put your name on the back of the paper in the first blank. • When the music begins, turn it over and respond to as many of the questions as possible. • When the music ends, turn the paper over and move to another seat. • Write your name on the back of the next paper in the second blank. • When the music begins, add to or answer questions, and review the previous answers. Add additional comments. When the music stops, turn the paper over. • Repeat • Return to your original seat.
What does Balanced Assessment mean to you? • Use varied assessment methods (selected response, fill-in-the-blank, constructed response, extended response and performance tasks)
How do you define Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessments? • Diagnostic- Assesses what the learner already knows and/or the nature of difficulties that the learner might have, which, if undiagnosed, might limit new learning. • Formative- Formal and informal processes teachers and students use to gather evidence for the purpose of improving learning. • Summative- Assessments that provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of making a judgment about student competence or program effectiveness.
What role do Learning Targets play in the assessment process? • What the student should know and be able to do • Deliberate use of learning targets helps teachers focus on what the student is learning rather than what they are doing • Ensure that assessments match the content standards
What is the importance of using multiple assessment techniques that are appropriate for the developmental level of students? • Student progress monitoring • Respond to the needs of the student (accelerated intervention and extension and refinement) • Provide targeted, purposeful and timely feedback (rubrics, conferences, commentary, feedback, etc.)
How do you use assessment to improve instruction? • To identify students in need of additional or different forms of instruction • To enhance instructional decision-making by assessing the adequacy of student progress. • To determine when instructional modifications are necessary • To empower students to take charge of their own learning.
Depth of Knowledge • Refers to the cognitive complexity (or cognitive demand) related to a specific task • Adapted from the model created by Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin, to align state standards with assessments • Focuses on the content of the standard and the depth to which a student needs to know the content • The kindandlevel of thinkingrequired of students to successfully engage with and solve a task • Ways in which students interact with content • Cognitive Complexity is NOT the same as difficulty
A Note About Verbs The verb(s) included in an item may give an initial clue to the DOK level, but DOK level is ultimately based on what comes after the verb.
Examples of DOK 1 • Recall elements and details of story structure, such as sequence of events, character, plot, and setting. • Conduct basic mathematical calculations. • Label locations on a map. • Perform routine procedures like measuring length or using punctuation marks correctly. • Recall the features of a place or people.
DOK 1 ELA Which of the following is a compound sentence? • The group will leave this coming Saturday at 9:00 a.m. from the main entrance to Canyon Lake State Park. • Tour guides will be on hand to answer any questions about nesting, feeding, or migratory habits. • If there is enough interest, perhaps a second tour of the lake can be arranged in the future. • After a general introduction, the guides will go over the safety rules, and then the students will break into pairs.*
Examples of DOK 2 • Identify and summarize the major events in a narrative. • Describe the cause/effect of a particular event. • Identify patterns in events or behavior. • Formulate a problem given data and conditions. • Organize, represent, and interpret data.
DOK 2 Social Studies How did the shortage of imported goods affect economic activity during the Revolutionary War? A. Farmers and shopkeepers lowered their prices. B. People were allowed to store large amounts of goods. C. States were required to contribute money to pay for the war. D. The prices began to rise and the value of the paper money decreased.*
Examples of DOK 3 • Support ideas with details and examples. • Identify research questions and design investigations for a scientific problem. • Develop a scientific model for a complex situation. • Determine the author’s purpose and describe how it affects the interpretation of a reading selection. • Apply a concept in other contexts.
Examples of DOK 4 • Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts • Writing and/or research tasks that involve formulating and testing hypotheses over time • Design a mathematical model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation • Conduct a project that specifies a problem, identifies solution paths, solves the problem, and reports results
DOK 4 Math Come up with a model to estimate how many teeth are lost by 2nd grade students in the United States in one year. Include the type of data you would need to collect and explain how your model works.
Creating Selected Response Items • Prioritize instructional targets • Verify that the target/question matches the standard • Develop a test blueprint in terms of DOK, emphasis on targets, and number of questions per target to determine understanding • Ask a direct question or set a specific problem
Put the Alternatives at the End • Before the Civil War, the South’s ____________ was one of the major reasons manufacturing developed more slowly than in the North. • Before the Civil War, why did manufacturing develop more slowly in the South than it did in the North?
Avoid Textbook Wording What force of nature did the ancient Egyptians associate with the scarab? A. moon. B. stars. C. sun.* A scarab is an ancient Egyptian seal or amulet made of stone or faience in the shape of a dung beetle and is associated with the ___. • moon • stars • sun*
Use Clear Sentence Structure Which of the following did Garrett Morgan invent? • Automobile safety belts • Crosswalk markers • Traffic lights* • Vulcanized rubber tires Given the present day utilization of the automobile in urban settings, which of the following represents an important contribution of Garret A. Morgan’s genius? • Automobile safety belts • Crosswalk markers • Traffic lights* • Vulcanized rubber tires
Plausible and Homogenous Alternatives What is the official state bird of Pennsylvania? • Goldfinch • Robin • Ruffed grouse* • Wild turkey What is the official state bird of Pennsylvania? • Mountain laurel • Philadelphia • Ruffed grouse* • Susquehanna river
Have ONE Correct Answer A linear function is______________ • related to the y-intercept • B. can be determined if one point • is known • can be represented by a curved • line • D. has a constant rate of change A linear function is ______________ A. related to the y-intercept B. does not have a constant rate of change C. can be represented by a curved line D. can be determined if one point is known
Have ONE Correct Answer At a basketball game, Team A scored 47 points and Team B scored 23 points. About how many more points did Team A score than Team B? A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 70 • At a basketball game, Team A scored 47 points and Team B scored 23 points. About how many more points did Team A score than Team B? A. 20 B. 24 C. 30 D. 70
“All of the Above” and “None of the Above” • “All of the Above” risks student finding one right answer, selecting it, and moving on. • If you use “None of the Above”, it should sometimes be the correct answer.
Constructed-response questions apply knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities address real-world, standards-driven performance tasks Constructed Response Items
Reasons Students Struggle with Constructed Response • Many students are overwhelmed and don’t answer the question (IDK). • Some responses are very shallow and need more details. • Some students get off topic. • Students don’t understand what the question is asking. • Spelling and handwriting may impact score.
The IMPORTANT THING Balanced Assessment Practice with Constructed Response, Extended Constructed Response and Extended Response Items Practice with Higher DOK Selected Response Questions
Biggest Change Agents Provide feedback that requires students to think. (DylanWiliam)
Reflect on the current status of effective assessment practices in your classroom. Determine two next steps for you to improve your assessment practices.