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Boundless Teaching Platform: Engage Students with Customizable Textbooks

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Boundless Teaching Platform: Engage Students with Customizable Textbooks

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  1. Boundless Lecture Slides Available on the Boundless Teaching Platform Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  2. Using Boundless Presentations Boundless Teaching Platform Boundless empowers educators to engage their students with affordable, customizable textbooks and intuitive teaching tools. The free Boundless Teaching Platform gives educators the ability to customize textbooks in more than 20 subjects that align to hundreds of popular titles. Get started by using high quality Boundless books, or make switching to our platform easier by building from Boundless content pre-organized to match the assigned textbook. This platform gives educators the tools they need to assign readings and assessments, monitor student activity, and lead their classes with pre-made teaching resources. Get started now at: • The Appendix The appendix is for you to use to add depth and breadth to your lectures. You can simply drag and drop slides from the appendix into the main presentation to make for a richer lecture experience. http://boundless.com/teaching-platform • Free to edit, share, and copy Feel free to edit, share, and make as many copies of the Boundless presentations as you like. We encourage you to take these presentations and make them your own. If you have any questions or problems please email: educators@boundless.com Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  3. About Boundless • Boundless is an innovative technology company making education more affordable and accessible for students everywhere. The company creates the world’s best open educational content in 20+ subjects that align to more than 1,000 popular college textbooks. Boundless integrates learning technology into all its premium books to help students study more efficiently at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbooks. The company also empowers educators to engage their students more effectively through customizable books and intuitive teaching tools as part of the Boundless Teaching Platform. More than 2 million learners access Boundless free and premium content each month across the company’s wide distribution platforms, including its website, iOS apps, Kindle books, and iBooks. To get started learning or teaching with Boundless, visit boundless.com. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  4. Diversity in Organizations Diversity in a Global Business World Creating a Diverse Workforce Challenges to Achieving Diversity ] Diversity in a Global Business World Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  5. Diversity in a Global Business World > Diversity in Organizations Diversity in Organizations • The Importance of Organizational Diversity • The Inclusive Workplace • Cultural Intelligence • Trends in Organizational Diversity Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com www.boundless.com/management/textbooks/boundless-management-textbook/diversity-in-a-global-business-world-15/diversity-in-organizations-108/

  6. Diversity in a Global Business World > Creating a Diverse Workforce Creating a Diverse Workforce • Considering Cultural and Interpersonal Differences • Building a Diverse Workforce • Managing Organizational Diversity Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com www.boundless.com/management/textbooks/boundless-management-textbook/diversity-in-a-global-business-world-15/creating-a-diverse-workforce-109/

  7. Diversity in a Global Business World > Challenges to Achieving Diversity Challenges to Achieving Diversity • Barriers to Organizational Diversity • Challenges to Achieving Organizational Diversity • Diversity Bias Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com www.boundless.com/management/textbooks/boundless-management-textbook/diversity-in-a-global-business-world-15/challenges-to-achieving-diversity-110/

  8. Appendix Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  9. Diversity in a Global Business World Key terms • affirmative actionAdvantages for traditionally discriminated against minority groups, with the aim of creating a more equal society through preferential access to education, employment, health care, social welfare. • assimilationThe absorption of new ideas into an existing cognitive structure. • biasAn inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. • corporate scoutingSeeking new talent for a business; isolating new employee potential. • crowdsourcingDelegating a task to a large, diffuse group, usually without substantial monetary compensation. • cultural quotientA measurement (similar to IQ) of cultural intelligence. • cultureThe beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that constitute a people's way of life. • discriminationDistinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage; treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality; prejudice; bigotry. • diverseConsisting of many different elements; various. • diverseConsisting of many different elements; various. • DiversityThe quality of being different. • DiversityThe state of being different; achieving variability. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  10. Diversity in a Global Business World • glass ceilingAn unwritten, uncodified barrier to further promotion or progression for a member of a specific demographic group. • groupthinkA process of reasoning or decision-making by a group, especially one characterized by uncritical acceptance of or conformity to a perceived majority view. • HomogeneousHaving a uniform make up, or the same composition throughout. • homophilyA tendency towards similarity in groups. • ImmersionBeing completely surrounded by another culture (including language, geography, customs, etc.). • inclusionThe act of including someone or something in a group, set, or total. • Intercultural CompetenceThe ability to communicate effectively with people of other cultures. • Intercultural CompetenceThe ability to communicate effectively with people of other cultures. • multiculturalismThe characteristics of a society, city, or organization that has many different ethnic or national cultures mingling freely; political or social policies that support or encourage such coexistence. • predispositionAn intrinsic personal characteristic or susceptibility. • retentionThe act of maintaining an employee (or customer) through effectively filling that individual's needs. • stereotypeA conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

  11. Diversity in a Global Business World Diversity worldwide This picture illustrates diversity in populations by country, underlining the growing diversity mix. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikimedia.CC BY-SAhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Ethnic_diversity.jpgView on Boundless.com

  12. Diversity in a Global Business World Globalizing and non-globalizing countries' GDP growth As noted in the chart above, globalizing organizations capture significantly better revenues in modern markets. "Nonglobalizing" countries averaged around 1.5% GDP growth in the 1990s, while globalizing countries averaged around 5% GDP growth. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikipedia."Globalizer Growth Rates."CC BY-SA 3.0http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Newest_one_growth_rate.pngView on Boundless.com

  13. Diversity in a Global Business World Gender wage trend This chart illustrates that while gender wage inequality is diminishing, further efforts are necessary to promote parity. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikimedia.CC BY-SAhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/US_womens_earnings_as_a_percentage_of_mens_1979-2005.gifView on Boundless.com

  14. Diversity in a Global Business World Operating globally Global business demands management that can work in a diverse environment. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Flickr."Mohamed Alabbar, Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum Summit on the Global Agenda 2008 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!."CC BY-SAhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/3009332157/in/set-72157608673804826View on Boundless.com

  15. Diversity in a Global Business World Inclusive cultures Inclusive cultures accommodate a variety of perspectives. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Flickr."India - Sights and Culture - 024 - Epitome of painted public space | Flickr - Photo Sharing!."CC BYhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/mckaysavage/1981186788/View on Boundless.com

  16. Diversity in a Global Business World U.S. male/female wage comparison 1979–2005 Women consistently make less than men in the workplace. It is likely a result, at least in part, of in-group favoritism. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikipedia."U.S. Women Wage Equity."CC BY-SA 3.0http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/US_womens_earnings_as_a_percentage_of_mens_1979-2005.gifView on Boundless.com

  17. Diversity in a Global Business World Intercultural competence This diagram illustrates the three factors that constitute an effectively intercultural understanding for management: Regional Expertise, Language Proficiency, and Cross-Cultural Competence. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikipedia."Intercultural competence."CC BY-SAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Intercultural_competence.jpgView on Boundless.com

  18. Diversity in a Global Business World Managing diversity This chart illustrates the three steps necessary to manage a diverse workforce: Attracting a Diverse Workforce, Training a Diverse Workforce, and Retaining a Diverse Workforce. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Amazon Web Services."Boundless."CC BYhttp://s3.amazonaws.com/figures.boundless.com/50b25198e4b0c605c0e91582/Managing+Diversity.jpgView on Boundless.com

  19. Diversity in a Global Business World Intercultural competence This chart illustrates the three factors that constitute an effectively intercultural understanding for management: Regional Expertise, Language Proficiency, and Cross-Cultural Competence Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikipedia."Intercultural competence."CC BY-SAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Intercultural_competence.jpgView on Boundless.com

  20. Diversity in a Global Business World Average Earnings by Educational Attainment in 2006 Wages grouped by gender and education reveal a "glass ceiling" for women in the workplace, and the wage gap between men and women only grows as educational attainment increases. Men with doctorate degrees earned an average of $125k and women with doctorate degrees only $92k in 2006. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com Wikimedia."Average earnings of workers by education and sex - 2006."CC BYhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Average_earnings_of_workers_by_education_and_sex_-_2006.pngView on Boundless.com

  21. Diversity in a Global Business World Attribution • Wiktionary."glass ceiling."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/glass_ceiling • Wiktionary."Marginalized."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Marginalized • Wiktionary."Hegemony."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Hegemony • Wiktionary."assimilation."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/assimilation • Wikipedia."Glass ceiling."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_ceiling • Wikipedia."Diversity (business)."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(business) • Wiktionary."affirmative action."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/affirmative_action • Wiktionary."Homogeneous."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Homogeneous • Wiktionary."Diversity."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Diversity • Wikipedia."Diversity (business)."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(business) • Wiktionary."predisposition."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/predisposition • Wiktionary."Immersion."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Immersion • Wikipedia."Intercultural Competence."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercultural%20Competence • Wikipedia."Intercultural competence."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercultural_competence • Wikiversty."Workplace Diversity."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Workplace_diversity • Wiktionary."culture."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/culture • Wiktionary."multiculturalism."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/multiculturalism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

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  23. Diversity in a Global Business World • Wikipedia."Bias."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias • Wikipedia."Status quo bias."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status_quo_bias • Wikipedia."Inclusiveness."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusiveness • Wikipedia."Stereotyping."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotyping • Wiktionary."Diversity."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Diversity • Wikibooks."Managing Groups and Teams/Working in International Teams."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Managing_Groups_and_Teams/Working_in_International_Teams • Wikipedia."High Performance Teams."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Performance_Teams • Wikipedia."Inclusiveness."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusiveness • Wikipedia."Bias."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias • Wikibooks."Managing Groups and Teams/Diversity."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Managing_Groups_and_Teams/Diversity • Wikipedia."Homophily."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophily • Wikipedia."Inclusive business."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusive_business • Wikipedia."Organizational culture."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_culture • Wikipedia."Discrimination."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination • Wikipedia."Diversity training."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_training • Wikipedia."Diversity (business)."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(business) • Wikipedia."Human resource management."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_resource_management • Wikipedia."Multicultural."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicultural • Wiktionary."discrimination."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/discrimination Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

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  25. Diversity in a Global Business World • Wikipedia."Diversity (business)."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(business) • Wikipedia."Human resource management."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_resource_management • Wikipedia."Diversity training."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_training • Wiktionary."crowdsourcing."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/crowdsourcing • Wikipedia."Intercultural Competence."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercultural%20Competence • Boundless Learning."Boundless."CC BY-SA 3.0http://www.boundless.com//management/definition/cultural-quotient • Wikipedia."Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstede's_cultural_dimensions_theory • Wikipedia."Cultural intelligence."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_intelligence • Wikipedia."GLOBE Program."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLOBE_Program • Wiktionary."SG&A."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/SG&A • Wiktionary."corporate scouting."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/corporate+scouting • Wiktionary."retention."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/retention • Wikipedia."Diversity training."CC BY-SA 3.0http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_training • Wikiversity."Workplace diversity."CC BY-SAhttp://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Workplace_diversity Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.com

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