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Explore the essential elements of the church, from its definition as a gathering of believers to the role of leaders, such as elders and deacons. Learn about the church's functions, including worship, fellowship, and ministry, as well as its government and ordinances. Discover the purpose of the church in both gathered and scattered settings, along with valuable lessons for believers on spiritual gifts, fellowship, and unity. Uncover the characteristics of a God-centered church and the importance of faithful adherence to the Word of God.
Ecclesiology — What in the World Does the Church Do? A Study of the Doctrine of the Church
A DEFINITION OF THE CHURCH • The church is a gathering of people in this age (not OT believers) who have been called by God out of the world (and from sin) to become a chosen people of God to worship Him, by being His servants in spreading the good news of His glory. • It is an organism of active people, not an institution (or building) of passive observers. “…individual people functioning as one group, ministering to and caring for one another.” MacArthur, The Body Dynamic.
DEFINITION OF THE CHURCH • The church is a gathering of people in this age. • The church is a local assembly of believers • The church is the universal body of believers
THE FUNCTION OF THE LOCAL CHURCH • The church meets for worship • The church practices fellowship • The church provides instruction • The church has ministry • The church has organization
LEADERS OF THE CHURCH: Elders • Elder, pastor, and overseer are synonymous • Generally, elders serve in a plurality • There are clear qualifications for elders • Elders care for the flock primarily through preaching and teaching. • The goal of the elders’ ministry is to equip the church body for ministry. • There is an accountability for elders to God.
LEADERS OF THE CHURCH: Deacons • The origin of the office is in Acts 6:1-7 • There are qualifications (1 Tim. 3:8-13) • What is the difference between elders and deacons? • What about deaconesses (1 Tim. 3:11)?
THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH • Episcopalianism • Presbyterianism • Congregationalism
ORDINANCES OF THE CHURCH • The Lord’s Supper • Transubstantiation • Consubstantiation • Meritorious grace • Memorial • Baptism
THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH • Gathered, ministering to the Body • Scattered, ministering to the world
LESSONS FOR BELIEVERS • There must be a renewed emphasis in the local church on each believer exercising his spiritual gifts. • We must recognize that being part of a church involves much more than simply attending public worship services. • The church requires the involvement of every believer. • We must work hard to cultivate genuine sense of fellowship that is sacrificial and giving. • The church must remain the primary place for the carrying out of our disciplines and gifts. • We must individually cultivate the godly attributes of humility and love to protect the unity of the body.
What are the Characteristics of a God-centered church? A God-sensitive, faithful, loving, Word-loyal shepherd who tends/oversees a doctrinally sound, anchored in Scripture (doctrine matters!) loving, compassionate congregation of born-again people, who are growing spiritually and numerically, who together are ministering/laboring for the gospel, being empowered through Spirit-dependency and effectual prayer whose lives/conduct also witness to the power of the gospel (talk is cheap!) who, at times, upset/anger the world (or other religious people) because of these characteristics. P.S. If your church never upsets the world for its faithful adherence to the Word of God and fervent testimony regarding Jesus Christ, you may not have a God-centered (Christ-honoring) congregation!