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Join us for a session on how GS1 standards can enhance your business value through efficient supply chain management. Speaker: Charlotte Michaels
GS1 Standards Autumn Event8-12 October 2012 – Dublin, IrelandBuilding Standards to Deliver Business Value Name of Session: New Attendee Breakfast Time of Session: 07:45 – 08:45 Who May Attend: Everyone Speaker name: Charlotte Michaels
Anti-Trust Caution GS1 and the GSMP operate under the GS1 anti-trust caution. Strict compliance with anti-trust laws is and always has been the policy of GS1. The best way to avoid problems is to remember that the purpose of the committee is to enhance the ability of all industry members to compete more efficiently. This means: • There shall be no discussion of prices, allocation of customers, or products, etc. • If any participant believes the group is drifting towards an impermissible discussion, the topic shall be tabled until the opinion of counsel can be obtained. • The full anti-trust caution is available in the Community Room if you would like to read it in its entirety.
Meeting Etiquette Meetings will begin promptly at designated start times Avoid distracting behavior: • Place all mobile devices on silent mode • Avoid cell phones • Avoid sidebar conversations Speak in turn and be respectful of others Be collaborative in support of the meeting objectives
GSMP Global Standards Management Process (GSMP) This is WHO we are The is WHAT we do This is HOW it happens peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are GSMP Team The GSMP team is the core group within GS1 that develops the world’s most widely used supply chain standards system. GSMP Process GSMP provides a comprehensive set of methods and rules allowing the user community and affected industry groups to submit their needs and lead in the creation of globally agreed standards and guidelines the global forum where users bring business needs that require standard based solutions for a more efficient supply chain. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are GSMPParticipants Community Governance Groups Global Community GSMP Staff peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are Community Governance Groups Governance groups consist of the following bodies: GS1 Management Board Board Committee for Standards (BCS) Architecture Group (AG) Process Oversight Committee (POC) peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are The Global Community is You Users from member organisations, academia, and industry that form working groups in: Transportation and Logistics Retail and eTailers Healthcare and Aerospace Finance and Food Service (new sectors) peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are The GSMP Staff Central Operations Standards Development Leaders Technical Developers Publications and Control peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are – The Team Central Operations Eileen Harpell, Central Operations Eddie Merrill, Operations Coordinator The GSMP central operations process (COPS) team manages the entry portal where formal requests are submitted by the community and assessed for routing. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are – The Team Standards Development Leaders (SDL) Justin Childs John Ryu Jean-Luc Champion Michael Mowad Mark Frey Michael Sarachman Actively facilitates and leads the community through the standards development process. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are – The Team Technical Team Eric Kauz, Team Manager John Ryu, Standards Content Lead Coen Janssen, Standards Content Lead Mark Van Eeghem, Standards Content Lead Charlotte Michaels, Publisher, Content Mgt. Design and publish standards. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHOwe are – The Team Communications and Control Eddie Merrill, Publications Kelly Rhoades, Communications and Events Charlotte Michaels, Publications, Technical Communications and Control Publish standards and guidelines, organise GSMP events Communicate publications, and notify GSMP community on new initiatives and development peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is WHAT we do Under our leadership, companies from all parts of the supply chain collaborate to create multi-sectorial global standards. We are dedicated to the design of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOW it happens GSMP isn’t looking to deliver the “wow” just now, We’re looking to deliver the “wow” every time. Our Best in Class approach synchronizes the request, requirements, standards development, and publishing evolution through a four-step process. Here is the GSMP 4 Step Process peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOWit happens GSMP follows a flexible 4-step process to build standards. 1. Identify business need 2. Define and develop business requirements 3. Develop standards and or solutions 4. Publish standard GSMP built a standard enabling pharmacy and healthcare facilities to obtain accurate data about products they use. peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP 4 Step Process 1 Statement of BusinessNeed 2 4 GSMP Simplified Requirements Analysis Deployment 3 System Development peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP 1 4 2 3 Statement of business need • Business need (work request) submitted to COPS • Maintenance routed to standards maintenance group (SMG) • Processed to Industry Engagement (IE) for statement of business need Central Operations Industry Engagement Central Operations & POC Work Groups Charter Development WR WR Standards Maintenance Groups Maintenance WR peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP 1 4 2 3 Requirements analysis • Gather and analyze requirements against GS1 suite of standards • Business Requirements Analysis Document (BRAD) is developed • Community Review Gather and Analyze Requirements eBallot BRAD Complex WO • Public Review: • Community • SMG • Architecture peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP 1 4 2 3 System Development • Work Group develops the standard • Community Review and eBallot Development eBallot Draft Standards Prototype or Pilot (Optional) • Community Review: • Community • SMG • Architecture IP Review peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP 1 4 2 3 Deployment • Collateral materials (webinars, training, newsletters, bulletins) • Conformance and Certification • Impact Analysis • Ratification and Publication Standards Ratification Confirm Additional Collateral Implementation Plan and Impact Analysis Conformance And Certification Collateral Material BCS POC peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOWit happens GSMP manages community interaction participation through its GSMP Delivers model. Enroll Engage InSight peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOWit happens ENROLL Onboarding process to join GSMP We welcome and ENROLL prospective and new members by providing education resources on: Knowledge Center IP Process Industry Engagement InSight Access Events peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOWit happens ENGAGE Tools and processes to expand global participationin the standards development process. We ENGAGE user and MO participants through “live” events and virtual web conferencing tools such as: video conferencing chat rooms recorded calls message boards online voting simplified meeting minutesevents peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP IMPLEMENTED! This is HOWit happens InSight GSMP’s initiative to provide transparency to work group activities, measures and progress to a standard during the development process. Project level, monthly Management level, quarterly Executive level, quarterly www.gs1.org/gsmp/insight peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP This is HOWit happens Through standards development GSMP helps to: • improve food and patient safety through traceability • ensure accurate nutritional data to consumers • reduce waste and spoilage through real-time inventory • enhance sales through better mobile product data • produce a smaller carbon footprint peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP Global Standards Management Process (GSMP) This is WHO we are The is WHAT we do This is HOW it happens peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
GSMP To join GSMP go to gs1.org/gsmp GS1 Global Office Avenue Louise 326, bte 10 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium T + 32 2 788 78 00 W www.gs1.org peoplebehindtheprocessgsmp
Community feedback drives our continual improvement! There are three types surveys: • 1. Individual Session Surveys - Please complete the hard copy satisfaction survey at the end of each working group session. Your group leader will provide it to you. • You might with a Kindle eReader! • 2. Overall Event Survey – All attendees will receive an email on Friday to rate your overall satisfaction of the event. • You might with a Kindle eReader! • 3. Knowledge Center Usability Test • Visit the GS1 Registration Desk to participate • You might win a Google Nexus Tablet! 31
Save the date! 18-22 March 2013 GS1 Standards Spring EventDallas, TX, USA Hosted by