1. CRCT unit Meeting the CRCT Monster
First of all, what is a standardized test?
Schools, colleges, even the army have standardized tests
you even have to pass a standardized test to get your drivers license. Why do you think these tests are so important?
4. What is the CRCT? The CRCT stands for Criterion Referenced Competency test
The CRCT is a standardized test to ensure that middle schoolers are ready to live the grade that they are in (in other words, it checks to see if they meet standards
5. What does the CRCT cover? Language Arts
Social Studies
6. What type of questions are on the CRCT? There are THREE main types of questions on the CRCT
Critical analysis
7. EXPLICIT Explicit questions have the answer RIGHT on the page
You can mark an X (get itlike as in eXplicit) on the answer
8. IMPLICIT Implicit questions have the answer, but you must piece together information to answer implicit questions
This is like reading between the lines
9. Thanksgiving Celebration Last spring, the Frace family decided to take one of the turkeys home for the hardware home and raise it for their Thanksgiving dinner. They chose one of the largest, put it in a box, bought it some food, and kept it in the backyard all summer. At first, it was so small that they worried about the neighborhood cats eating him. As the summer passed, however, he got so big that they worried about him attacking the neighborhood cats. By the end of September, the turkey weighed 22 pounds, and was king of the yard. Whenever cats or birds entered the yard, he scared them away.
Late one night, the turkey made such a disturbance that it woke everyone up. Thinking that a cat must have come into the yard, Mr. Frace went into the back yard to quiet the turkey. He was worried about it disturbing the neighbors. To his surprise, it was not the cat that raced across the yard and scrambled over the fence. It was a man!
Then, Mr. Frace noticed the burglars tools on the ground. The turkey suddenly got quiet. Mr. Frace realized the turkey had saved the day.
The Fraces will be having chicken this Thanksgiving, and the turkey will continue to enjoy his food, water, and getting to bully the occasional cat.
10. How much did the turkey weigh?
25 lbs.
22 lbs.
13 lbs
What kind of animal was spared by the Frace family?
Why did the Frace family spare the animal?
It was cute
It alerted them of an intruder
It wasnt going to be good to eat
Why are the Fraces eating chicken this Thanksgiving?
It is their favorite
They are vegetarians
They chose to spare their Thanksgiving turkey
11. To review
What is the CRCT?
Why are standardized tests important?
What is the difference between explicit and implicit questions?
12. Read this passage. Make up 2 explicit questions and 1 implicit question: SECONDHAND SMOKE
Scientists have found that non-smokers who live or work with smokers have a higher risk for lung cancer than nonsmokers who do not have this type of exposure. Furthermore, secondhand smoke greatly affects children. Infants of smoking mothers are three times as likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to get ear infections, and other health related problems.