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Unravelling Britain: ‘Thatcher and Thatcherism’ ( Dr Robert Saunders)

Unravelling Britain: ‘Thatcher and Thatcherism’ ( Dr Robert Saunders). ‘The kind people have a wonderful dream/ Margaret on the Guillotine. Because people like you make me feel so tired. When will you die? When will you die? Make the dream real’ (‘ Margaret on the Guillotine’, Morrissey).

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Unravelling Britain: ‘Thatcher and Thatcherism’ ( Dr Robert Saunders)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unravelling Britain: ‘Thatcher and Thatcherism’ (Dr Robert Saunders)

  2. ‘The kind people have a wonderful dream/ Margaret on the Guillotine. Because people like you make me feel so tired. When will you die? When will you die? Make the dream real’ (‘Margaret on the Guillotine’,Morrissey) ‘When they finally put you in the ground, I’ll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down’ (‘Tramp the Dirt Down’, Elvis Costello) ‘Stand Down Margaret’ (The Beat) ‘The Day that Thatcher Dies’ (Hefner) ‘Thatcher F***ed the Kids’ (Frank Turner)

  3. THE BRIGHTON BOMBING, 12 October 1984

  4. ‘I came into politics because of the conflict between good and evil’

  5. The Cold War: East v West Thatcher and Reagan

  6. Women’s Liberation

  7. ‘We do not intend to ask for anything. We intend to stand firm and assert our basic rights. If this involves violence, it will not be we who initiate this, but those who attempt to stand in our way to freedom’ (Gay Liberation Front Manifesto, 1971).

  8. Mary Whitehouse: Clean Up Television

  9. Race Relations

  10. The Three Day Week, 1974

  11. ‘The Winter of Discontent, 1978-79’

  12. Margaret Thatcher: The Housewife in Politics

  13. What’s wrong with Britain? 1. The state was too big 2. Trade Unions were too powerful 3. Something had gone wrong with the national character SOCIALISM!

  14. North Sea Oil Production

  15. The ‘Gang of Four’: Bill Rodgers, David Owen, Roy Jenkins and Shirley Williams

  16. What to do next? 1. Tax Cuts: Top rate of income tax halved (83p to 40p); basic rate down from 33p to 35p 2. Privatisation: British Gas, British Coal, British Telecom etc 3. Cuts in public spending – especially subsidies to industry 4. Reform of Trade Union law: 7 new Trade Union Acts

  17. The 1981 Riots

  18. Thatcher on Council Housing ‘council estates bring together people who are out of work but enjoy security of tenure at subsidized rents. They not only have every incentive to stay where they are: they mutually reinforce each other’s passivity and undermine each other’s initiative. Thus a culture grows up in which the unemployed are content to remain living mainly on the state with little will to move and find work’.

  19. Thatcher on Privatisation ‘Privatisation was fundamental to improving Britain’s economic performance. But for me, it was far more than that: it was about reversing the corrupting and corrosive effects of socialism. Privatisation is at the heart of any programme of reclaiming territory for freedom’.

  20. The Miners’ Strike, 1984-85 ‘The Battle of Orgreave’, June 1984

  21. Poll Tax Riots1989-1990

  22. John Major (‘The Grey Man’)

  23. ‘We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them reimposed at a European level’ (‘The Bruges Speech ‘, 1988)

  24. Leadership Election, 1990 Michael Heseltine Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle

  25. 22 November 1990: Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation

  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhdHO5_HSQQ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFvgiCyChA

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