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Infinite Positi ve E xperie n ce s for Everyo n e. What would you like to learn from this presentation?. Fc. Focus of Tutor training. Be f ore the session sta r ts. Seating arr a ngem e nt Ide a l: c orn e r of a table A v o id sitting a c ross from t utee
InfinitePositive Experiencesfor Everyone What would you like to learn from this presentation?
Fc Focus of Tutor training
Beforethe session starts • Seatingarrangement • Ideal: cornerof atable • Avoidsitting acrossfrom tutee • Backgroundof knowledge/student • Calculus2 orTruthTables?
Rapport • Buildingrapportwitha studentincreases comfortabilityandultimatelypositively effects progress • Canbedonethrougha quick introductory conversationprior to getting to work
ZoneofProximalDevelopment • The firstis the levelof difficultyin which the studentcanlearnandperformtasks proficientlyontheir own • The secondis the levelof difficultyin whichthe studentwillneedsome assistanceto learnandperformtasks proficiently
Number One Goal: Promoting Indepence • I DO, WE DO, YOU DO • Ido,Youwatch • Modeling,thinkingaloud • Wedo,Youhelp • Guidedpractice • Youdo,Ihelp • Back-upsupport • Youdo,Iwatch • Monitoring
Scaffolding • Theultimategoalofusing • scaffoldingistodecreasesupport • Students shouldstriveto be completingthe problemson their ownbythe end of the session Promote INDEPENDENCE!
Mat 210 Requirements 2 Exams @ 100 Points/Exam 1 Student Journal 4@10 points/entry Student Final Project 1 Demonstration Lesson @ 50 Points 7 Observations 7@5-10 points/observation 1 Article Summary (15 points)/review (5 points each) MMT algebra assignment MMT critical thinking assignment MMT applied calculus assignment How-To Manual assignment
2 Exams Math multiple choice (on-line with My Math Test), completion with algorithms, and error analysis. Essays regarding pedagogy and applications to real situations.
Student Journal 1. Overcoming Math anxiety in a tutoring situation How will you identify students or tutees with math anxiety? What will you do for them? Do you think math anxiety can be overcome? Have you ever had math anxiety? If so, what has changed for you? 2. Tutors Role What do you think the tutor’s role is? What does the text say about the tutor’s role? Do you agree or disagree? How will this affect your tutoring techniques?
Student Journal continued • How will different levels of questioning help students in a tutoring session • and/or in the classroom? 4. What have you learned? Describe the most valuable thing you learned in this course? What did you like or dislike about the course structure, pace, requirements? About how much time outside of class did you spend preparing or studying for this class? How will you apply what you have learned as a tutor, teacher, and or future business employee?
Final Project 1.Portfolio: • Organize materials/notes from class in a creative and meaningful portfolio • Develop an “Others” section of the portfolio describing at least 4 effective teaching/tutoring activities/strategies, not covered in class, that you found through research, observation, … - include a sources cited page - meet with one of the instructors before proceeding with the project - write a 2-3 page paper outlining your portfolio and describing ways to - apply the contents for future use as a teacher, tutor, mentor, or employee • Design a flyer inspiring or persuading students to utilize free tutoring services • Complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form • Power point presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your portfolio 2.Observation/ Evaluation: • design an observation/evaluation tool using the ideas of effective • tutoring/teaching techniques from class • meet with one of the instructors before proceeding with this project • observe a high school or middle school math class and a college class and complete your observation form for each • write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the strategies used during your observations • design a flyer inspiring or persuading students to utilize free tutoring services • complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form • power point presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your project
3. Research: Using at least 2-3 sources, write a 2-3 page paper describing the effectiveness of tutoring -Use APA formatting • Meet with one of the instructors before proceeding with this project • Design a flyer inspiring or persuading students to utilize free tutoring services • Complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form • Powerpoint presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your project 4. Lesson Demonstration Choose a topic from a list given by the instructor -write a 20 minute student-centered lesson -create an evaluation tool for the students to give you feedback with at least 5 focal points and a comments section -meet with the instructor before proceeding with this project -create any hand outs or material needed to teach the lesson -teach the 20 minute lesson to the class -write a 1-2 page paper describing the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson based on effective teaching strategies discussed in class -complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form -Power presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your project 5.A Music Video: -Create a music video about the math tutoring programs in the LRC or about a specific mathematics concept. -meet with one of the instructors before proceeding with the project -write a 1-2 page paper describing your experience and what you have learned • Design a flyer inspiring or persuading students to utilize free tutoring services
6. Math Mentor Program: a. Interview a Mat 120 instructor, student, and mentor to determine the rationale for the Math Mentor Program. b. Use statistics to validate the Math Mentor program c. Design a flier for all Mat 120 students advertising the Math Mentor program. d. Meet with one of the Mat 210 instructors before proceeding with this project e. Write a 2-3 page paper describing the Math Mentor Program with an argument to continue or discontinue the program. f. complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form g. Powerpoint presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your project Memory Process: -Research the memory process -Write a 2-3 page paper describing the memory process with examples of ways to transfer mathematics concepts from short term to long term memory. -Design a poster for the LRC showing how information is transferred from sensory input to memory output. -Meet with one of the Mat 210 instructors before proceeding with this project e. Complete a log sheet and self-evaluation form f. Power point presentation to the class a 5-10 minute description of your project
7. The Learning Resource Center Philosophy: (This project may be done in a pair) -Obtain a copy of the LRC philosophy statement. -Identify stated goals and learning principles -Interview the LRC Director or Assistant Director to see how the LRC is designing its services around these goals -Explore ways to improve assistance based on these goals -Write a 2-3 page research paper comparing YCP’s LRC philosophy to that of 3 other LRCs and make suggestions for revisions to our LRC's philosophy statement. -Meet with one of the instructors before proceeding -Create a way to publicize this philosophy to students, faculty, administrators and staff. Develop a training activity that could be used to reinforce one aspect of the philosophy.
Demonstration Lesson • 1. Lesson Plan: • Objectives, warm-up, I do , you do model, Incorporate all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy questions, guided practice and independent practice. • 2. All presenters speak. • Presenters evaluate students independent • practice.
How to Manual • Algorithms for topics selected by course instructors where students are tutored most often, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, College Algebra, Applied Calculus, and Calculus. • Examples of each topic. • Definitions of math terminology used in algorithm.
Observations 1 You as a student being tutored. 2 observations of a math tutor, beginning and end of semester, one can be a classmate. 1 observation of a math instructor1 observation of a math mentor 2 self observations of you as the tutor.
In-class tutoring sessions • Students pair up, at least one very confident tutor. • Tutor 3 times during the semester, • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • College Algebra • Applied Calculus
Works 1-on-1withthe professor Visitsthe classes Holdsgroup homework sessions Holds test reviews
Personal Experience Emilyattended: 10homework sessions &all4test reviews. Test scores for the semester 76,81,86,93
As AModelStudent… • Howtoutilizeresources • Howto studyformath • Howtomanagetime • Howtoapproach • instructors • Howtodeal withanxiety
Tutoringhelps in theProfessionalWorld! • LearnedtoDevelopRapport • •Waittime/patience • •Organization, timemanagement, responsibility • •Builds Confidence • •LearntoWorkasaTeam • •Listening skills • •LearntoReflect onthepast
ElevatorSpeech • Purpose: Whenyouwalkintoaninterview andgivean elevatorspeechtheinterviewer willwanttogetto know moreaboutyou. • What is it?:30secondspeechtelling • someonewhoyou are andyour career goals. • Whenshouldyou use it?:Careerfair, networkingevents,cover letter and interview
ElevatorSpeech Tipsto creatinga memorableelevatorspeech Whoare you? Includeyourschoolandmajor Any experience thatwillhelp inyourcareer •Whatisyour role? •Don’tuseabbreviations. Whatskilldoyoupossessthatwillhelpyouinyour field?
Elevator speech • Who are you? Include name, school, area of study • Alexandra Rockwell • Senior at YCP • Early Childhood Education • Middle-Level Mathematics Education • My name is Alexandra Rockwell. I am a Senior at York College of Pennsylvania studying Early Childhood Education and Middle-Level Mathematics Education • What are your major accomplishments related to your area of study? • Math Tutor • Math Mentor • PAPA Reviews • 150 Hours of field experience • Through my experiences tutoring math, mentoring for three different courses, researching and creating my own review sessions for the PAPA exam, and my 150 hours of field experience, I am prepared to work in a classroom situation with students from kindergarten to the college level. • What do you want? Where are you going? What are your goals? • Classroom teacher • Professor at collegiate level • Show students math is fun! • My experiences have showed me that I have a variety of options for my future. I want to show students that math isn’t something to be afraid of, or shy away from. I want to instill confidence in mathematics in my future students whether it be at the elementary, middle, or collegiate level.
Finalized Elevator speech • My name is Alexandra Rockwell. I am a senior at York College of Pennsylvania. I am double majoring in Early Childhood Education and Middle-Level Mathematics Education. Through my experiences tutoring math, mentoring for three different courses, researching and creating my own review sessions for the PAPA exam, and my 150 hours of field experience, I am prepared to work in a classroom situation with students from kindergarten to the college level. I want to show students that math isn’t something to be afraid of, or shy away from. I want to instill confidence in mathematics in my future students whether it be at the elementary, middle, or collegiate level.