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When Using DOPPS Slides. DOPPS Slide Use Guidelines. Anemia Management and Outcomes from 12 Countries in the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS). Introduction (1). Introduction (2). DOPPS Background. Methods: Study Sample. Methods: Descriptive Statistics.
Anemia Management and Outcomes from 12 Countriesin the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)
Patient-Level Characteristics1 Associated with Hgb 11g/dl, 2002-03
Facility-Level Characteristics1 Associated with Hgb 11g/dl, 2002-03
Patient Characteristics Associated with Receiving Higher Weekly Epo Dose, 2002-03 (1)
Patient Characteristics Associated with Receiving Higher Weekly Epo Dose, 2002-03 (2)
Unadjusted Weekly Epo Dose and Mean Hgb by Country, 2002-2003
Percentage of Epo-treated Patients Receiving Epo by Intravenous Route in 2002 vs. 2003
Indicators of Iron Deficiency and Intravenous Iron Therapy, by Country, 2002-03