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From Process to Product

From Process to Product. The ACGME Outcomes Project and the Changing Role of the Faculty Physician. ACGME Outcomes Project Accreditation in Transition. Previous focus of Accreditation Does the program have the potential to produce competent physicians

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From Process to Product

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  1. From Process to Product The ACGME Outcomes Project and the Changing Role of the Faculty Physician

  2. ACGME Outcomes ProjectAccreditation in Transition • Previous focus of Accreditation • Does the program have the potential to produce competent physicians • Faculty physicians taught their areas with little oversight • New focus of accreditation • Does the program produce competent physicians • Faculty physicians must teach and evaluate in accordance with ACGME General Competencies requirements

  3. Previous Focus of Accreditation • Accreditation Question • Does the program have adequate resources to produce competent physicians? • Accreditation Focus: Educational Process • Does program comply with standards? • Does program have curriculum/objectives? • Does program evaluate residents/program? • Is there an adequate lecture schedule?

  4. New/Current Focus of Accreditation • Accreditation Question • Does the program produce competent physicians? • Focus of Accreditation: Educational Outcomes • Do resident achieve learning objectives? • What is the evidence? • How does program demonstrate continuous improvement in the educational process? • Are the alum of the program successful in practice?

  5. ACGME Outcomes Project To address this transition in Accreditation Process, ACGME developed the Outcomes Project which: • Developed a set of competencies • Provided support for development of assessment instruments • Provided support for development of model resident evaluation systems • Supported a resource support system

  6. ACGME General Competencies • Endorsed by ACGME in February of 1999 • Patient Care • Medical Knowledge • Professionalism • Systems-based Practice • Practice-based Learning and Improvement • Interpersonal and Communication Skills

  7. Resultant Changes to Education • Curriculum development based on Competencies • Assessment systems aligned to Competencies • Faculty development • Transition to Competency focus • Increased focus on rotation objectives • Transition to new evaluation methodology

  8. Curriculum Development • Revised to General Competencies Base • Rotation Learning objectives • Competency based • PGY level and rotation explicit • Evidence of review with resident/faculty • Faculty development • Teach in General Competency based fashion

  9. Align Assessment to Competencies • Forms must be directly related to • Competencies • PGY level • Rotation • Multiple evaluators • Faculty, peers, allied health professionals, patients, etc. • Benchmarks for passing • Faculty Development • Use of new system • Emphasis on truthful and honest evaluation • Benchmarks

  10. ACGME Support: Assessment Tools • Tool Box of currently used measures • Includes descriptions/examples • www.acgme.org • Click on Competencies and Outcome Assessment

  11. Teaching in the Age of Outcomes • Teach in the General Competencies format • Review objectives/expectations with residents • Understand the program evaluation forms • Know the definitions of successful attainment of objectives • Evaluate honestly and fairly • Grade inflation does not help • Know benchmarks for passing • Complete evaluation forms in a timely manner

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