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- understand why your horse behaves as he does

Discover why your horse behaves the way it does, solve behavioral issues with owner involvement, overcome confidence problems, balance behavior science with art and feel, and design tailored training programs. Services include individual and group lessons, workshops, and clicker training. Quote: "Where knowledge ends, violence begins." - Xenophon

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- understand why your horse behaves as he does

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  1. Catherine Bell info@equinemindandbody.co.uk http://www.equinemindandbody.co.uk 01483 426142 (based in Surrey) • - understand why your horse behaves as he does • - understand the reasons for, and hence solve, "behavioural problems", including the role of the owner in this solution • - overcome confidence problems in horse or handler/rider, • using basic principles of behaviour and learning • learn to balance the science of behaviour with the art and "feel" needed to maintain a happy horse-human relationship • develop individual training programmes to suit you and your horse, based predominantly on positive reinforcement • learn to use clicker training (if appropriate) • lessons for individuals or groups, workshops, evening talks…… Equine Behaviourist Where knowledge ends, violence begins - Xenophon

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